
Peach Blossom-- the captive of Love

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Peach blossoms, that is, the blooming flowers of peach trees, belong to the rose family. The leaves are elliptic-lanceolate and the drupe is nearly globular. It is mainly divided into two categories: peach and peach. Peach blossoms are native to central and northern China and have been widely planted in temperate countries and regions in the world.

Peach blossoms, that is, the blooming flowers of peach trees, belong to the rose family. The leaves are elliptic-lanceolate and the drupe is nearly globular. It is mainly divided into two categories: peach and peach. Peach blossoms originated in central and northern China, have been widely planted in temperate countries and regions in the world, and their reproduction is mainly grafting. Peach blossoms can be made into peach blossom pills, peach blossom tea and other foods. It has a high ornamental value and is a commonly used material for literary creation. In addition, the elements in peach blossoms have the medicinal value of dredging meridians and moisturizing the skin. Its fancy language and its representative meaning are: the captive of love. From March to June every year, different peach blossom festivals are held with peach blossoms as the medium.

Peach blossom

Peach blossom is a deciduous tree with oval-lanceolate leaves, coarsely serrated leaf margin, glabrous, petiole 1-2cm long. It can be up to 3 to 10 meters high. There are usually 1 to several glands; leaf blade elliptic-lanceolate to Obovate-lanceolate, margin serrulate, both surfaces glabrous. Flowers usually solitary, born in open leaves, ca. 2. 5-3.5cm in diam., shortly pedicellate; sepals 5, basally connate into a short calyx tube, glabrous. Petiole 7-12mm long, with glandular spots. The trunk is grayish brown, rough and perforated. Branchlets reddish brown or brownish green, smooth. Flowers solitary, white, pink, red, double or semidouble, florescence 3-4 months. Drupe is nearly round, yellowish green, the surface is densely tomentose, due to different varieties, the fruit is ripe from June to September. It is mainly divided into two categories: fruit peach and flower peach. The varieties include deep red, scarlet, pure white and red-white mixed colors, as well as double and double species.

Peach tree

The more important varieties are nectarine, flat peach, Shouxing peach and green peach. Among them, nectarine and flat peach are cultivated as fruit trees, Shouxing peach and Bitao are mainly for viewing, and Shouxing peach can also be used as dwarf rootstock of peach. The tree is 4'5 meters high. Annual branches reddish brown. Most of the leaves are lanceolate, the leaf margin is serrated, and the petiole base is often nectaries. There are two types of flowers: rose type and bell type. Drupe except flat peach, mostly round or oblong, fruit surface except nectarine, are distributed with velvet hair. The flesh is white, yellow or red, a few are red, the flesh is soft, crisp or tough, and the nuclear surface mask with different groove lines is an important basis for the classification of species and variety groups.

Peach blossom is a traditional Chinese garden flower and tree with beautiful shape, sparse branches, plump flowers and bright colors, so it is one of the important ornamental tree species in early spring. The fruit of peach is a famous fruit; peach stone can extract oil; its branches, leaves, fruit and roots can be used as medicine; peach wood is fine and hard and can be used for carving.

Peach blossom

Ornamental price planting:

Going to Wenzeng Road to enjoy the peach blossoms in the warm spring season is a romantic and simple micro-trip. Li Ying embellished, swarm bees flying, intoxicating flowers, the garden can not be locked up in spring, just waiting for the praise of tourists. Attract many newlyweds to come here to take wedding photos, the bride looks particularly beautiful against the red flowers and green leaves.

Medicinal value:

The classics of nature and taste: bitter, flat. Functional indications: purgation, laxation, diuresis and detumescence. For edema, ascites, constipation and dryness.


Peach blossom pig's hoof porridge, peach blossom wine, peach blossom tea, etc.