
The relevant responsible person of the Ministry of Agriculture answered a reporter's question on the relevant policies of financial support for agriculture.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture issued the Circular on promoting Financial support and Service for the Development of Modern Agriculture, which made systematic arrangements for promoting financial support for agriculture at all levels of the agricultural sector. This is the first guidance document issued by the Ministry of Agriculture for financial support for agriculture. Promotion in the new era

Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture issued the Circular on promoting Financial support and Service for the Development of Modern Agriculture, which made systematic arrangements for promoting financial support for agriculture at all levels of the agricultural sector. This is the first guidance document issued by the Ministry of Agriculture for financial support for agriculture. What is the significance of promoting financial support for agriculture in the new era? What are the focal points of financial capital leveraged by financial funds? What role should the agricultural sector play? Around the above issues, Li Jianhua, Chief Financial Officer of the Ministry of Agriculture, accepted an exclusive interview with reporters.

Reporter: why should we vigorously promote the work of financial support for agriculture, what is its significance, and what are the major opportunities it faces this year?

A: since the 16th CPC National Congress, the central finance has continuously increased the intensity of agricultural subsidies, expanded the scope of subsidies, and raised the standard of subsidies in accordance with the principles of giving more and releasing less, industry feeding agriculture, and cities supporting rural areas. it has gradually formed an agricultural subsidy policy system with Chinese characteristics, which has played an important role in realizing the "ten consecutive increases" of grain production and the "ten consecutive increases" of farmers' income. However, with the acceleration of the process of agricultural modernization, the rapid development of large-scale and intensive new agricultural operators such as growers, family farms and cooperative societies, the characteristics of commercial production and industrial management have become increasingly prominent, whether it is fixed assets investment, or liquidity demand, the development of agricultural and rural economy is more dependent on financial financing, and the age-old problem of rural finance has to be solved. Premier Li Keqiang clearly pointed out that "strengthening financial support for agriculture, rural areas and farmers is of great significance for strengthening food security, building modern agriculture, increasing farmers' income, and narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas." I understand that financial policy can not only magnify the effect of financial funds and better meet the capital needs of modern agricultural development, but also, unlike simple financial direct subsidies, the use of financial capital to support agricultural production is conducive to the implementation of market-oriented operation and farmers' independent choice, promote farmers to establish market awareness, risk awareness and credit awareness, and stimulate the internal vitality of agricultural operators. Enhance market competitiveness At the same time, it can also reduce the direct intervention of the government, clarify the relationship between the government and the market, and better balance fairness and efficiency.

However, at present, the channel between supply and demand of rural finance is still not smooth, and the financial demand of agricultural and rural economic development has not been effectively met, which has become one of the most prominent contradictions in the field of rural finance. it is also one of the most important factors restricting the development of modern agriculture. After efforts, it should be said that at present, the micro-credit system for farmers is still relatively sound, and the financing channels of the larger leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization are also relatively smooth. The most prominent problem is the new type of agricultural operators who are developing rapidly. On the one hand, the loan demand is very common, and the single scale is relatively large, on the other hand, it is generally lack of mortgage collateral approved by banks. "loan difficulty" has become the development problem they reflect most. In our research in Hunan, Chongqing, Guizhou, and other places, farmers often reported that direct financial subsidy could not meet the huge capital demand for large-scale production. One cooperative director even said, "I would rather not have a free subsidy of 100000 yuan. I also hope to help solve the loan of 1 million yuan." According to statistics, at present, China has more than 2.7 million professional households with an operating scale of more than 100 mu, 877000 family farms of various types, more than 950000 farmers' cooperatives, and more than 300000 agricultural industrialization management organizations. Therefore, it has become an important task for us to smooth the supply and demand channel of agricultural finance, solve the "loan difficulty" and meet the capital demand of modern agricultural construction.

At present, we have a great opportunity to solve this problem. In the first half of the year, the State Council held a national teleconference on the exchange of experience in rural financial services, and the State Office issued some opinions on the development of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" in financial services, indicating that the central government attaches great importance to financial support for agriculture.

Relevant financial management departments and financial institutions have taken the initiative to promote financial support for agriculture. In my opinion, modern agriculture needs financial support. at the same time, the rapid development of modern agriculture has also cultivated the effective demand for rural finance and provided a huge potential market for the development of rural finance. Modern agriculture and financial services should achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

Reporter: what are the key problems to be solved in financial support for agriculture, and what objects and areas does it focus on?

A: financial support for agriculture involves all aspects of agricultural and rural economic work, and it should be carried out steadily in stages and with emphasis. At present and for some time to come, agricultural departments at all levels should closely focus on the central task of ensuring the effective supply of grain and other important agricultural products and the sustained and rapid growth of farmers' income, with the goal of speeding up the construction of modern agriculture and promoting the sustainable development of agriculture, with the focus on solving the difficult problem of financial services in agricultural production, especially the new type of agricultural operators "difficult and expensive loans". We will continue to improve the financial security level of modern agricultural construction.

Specifically, it mainly focuses on the growing demand for financial services of new agricultural operators, such as large professional households, family farms, farmers' cooperatives and leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization, and strive to increase financial support for working capital and infrastructure investment. Focus on the demand for financial services for the large-scale, intensive and industrial development of agricultural production, and actively strive to increase financial support for high-standard farmland construction, high production of grain, cotton, oil and sugar, standardized production of horticultural crops and livestock and poultry aquatic products, improved seed production, processing of agricultural products, as well as agricultural science and technology innovation, agricultural machinery and equipment manufacturing, facility agriculture, modern agricultural demonstration areas, etc. Focus on the demand for financial services for agricultural production and circulation services, and strive to increase financial support for agricultural producer services, market information, warehousing and logistics, and the purchase of agricultural products.

Reporter: why is it said that the effective realization of financial support for agriculture is inseparable from the guidance of financial funds, what are the modes of financial support for agriculture, and what are the main aspects of this year's innovation pilot project?

Answer: in the policy system of agricultural support and protection, finance and finance have a significant synergistic effect, and the policy of fiscal support for agriculture can amplify the effect through financial leverage in order to meet the financial needs of modern agricultural development. only when finance gets financial support in the field of agriculture can it achieve effective risk control and reasonable compensation for costs, and can it be transformed into a realistic financial force to support agricultural development. It can be said that rural finance is inseparable from financial support, which is determined by the reality of China's rural areas and the characteristics of agriculture. In the past decade, the central finance has launched and implemented a number of direct subsidies, direct investment subsidies and other projects, which have provided strong support for the development of agricultural and rural economy, but some policies have the problems of diminishing effects and low benefits. At this time, we must innovate the way of financial support for agriculture, use financial funds to pry financial capital, and improve the efficiency of the use of financial funds. In recent years, various localities have carried out active exploration and formed several modes of financial funds to pry financial support for agriculture: first, guarantee subsidies. By supporting or directly setting up guarantee institutions, weaving agricultural credit guarantee network to guarantee qualified agricultural credit needs, mainly helping to solve the problem of "difficult loans" for farmers. The second is to discount interest on loans. Through finance to subsidize the benefits of qualified agricultural loans, mainly to solve the problem of "expensive loans". Third, agricultural insurance. The premiums of agricultural insurance such as natural disasters and epidemics are subsidized by finance, which mainly solves the problem of "high risk" in agriculture. The fourth is the compensation of expenses. Through fiscal and taxation policies to make up for the business cost of agricultural credit issued by financial institutions under certain conditions and to give certain risk compensation, we mainly solve the problem of "unwillingness to lend". Fifth, investment funds. Financial participation should be used to set up a fund and adopt the way of equity investment to guide social capital to invest in enterprises in line with the direction of modern agricultural development, mainly to solve the problem of "weak" investment in agricultural enterprises.

This year, the central government continues to promote the implementation of policies such as subsidies for agricultural insurance premiums, targeted fee subsidies for rural financial institutions, and incremental incentives for agriculture-related loans of county financial institutions. At the same time, with the support of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture plans to carry out a pilot project of policy innovation and exploration of fiscal promotion of financial support for agriculture in some areas and areas, so as to promote the "two-wheel drive" of fiscal support for agriculture and financial support for agriculture. Mainly include: first, beef and mutton production loan discount trial site. In four major animal husbandry provinces of Hebei, Shandong, Henan and Sichuan, financial institutions are guided to support large-scale production of beef and mutton by means of risk compensation, credit guarantee and loan discount. Second, the pilot project of financial leasing of agricultural machinery. We chose Guangxi large-scale sugarcane harvester and Xinjiang large-scale cotton picker to carry out the pilot project of financial leasing in two major agricultural machinery operation bottlenecks, and the central government offered appropriate discount. Third, we will select a city and county in Jiangsu, Liaoning, Hebei, Jiangxi and other places to carry out pilot projects of credit cooperation among farmers' cooperatives and mortgage loans for land contractual management rights.

Reporter: what role should agricultural departments at all levels play in the work of financial support for agriculture?

Answer: in the work of financial support for agriculture, the agricultural sector should focus on giving full play to the advantages of organization, technology, and information, and should take the initiative to coordinate with the financial, financial, and insurance departments to refine the specific measures for financial support to agriculture. we will promote the introduction of fiscal, monetary and tax policies conducive to the supply of financial support for agriculture, and effectively implement various policies and measures for the development of financial services for agriculture, rural areas and farmers. The key point is to do a good job in two aspects: first, to put forward suggestions. It is necessary to take financial support for agriculture as an important measure to promote the development of agricultural production and a new growth point of the policy of strengthening farmers and benefiting rich farmers, conduct in-depth investigation and study, and put forward financial needs and policy suggestions for the construction of modern agriculture in a timely manner. we will promote the introduction of policies and measures to promote financial support for agriculture. The second is to build a platform. Establish a smooth coordination and communication mechanism with financial management departments, strengthen cooperation with all kinds of banks, insurance companies and other financial service institutions, sign a cooperation framework agreement with financial institutions if possible, and establish a high-quality agricultural industry project bank, recommend to financial institutions in time, and build a platform for communication and cooperation between agricultural operators and financial institutions. Of course, to promote financial support for agriculture, agricultural departments at all levels must profoundly understand the important significance of financial support for agricultural workers, change concepts, innovate ideas, and strengthen financial awareness in practical work, it is also necessary to actively cooperate with the relevant departments in accordance with the law to investigate and deal with illegal fund-raising activities in the name of credit cooperation of farmers' cooperatives and financing of agricultural projects, so as to guard against rural financial risks.