
Modern agriculture meets the bottleneck of the development of grain growers "grow grain to supplement 20% but not grow 160"

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Under the comprehensive effect of many factors, the main summer grain producing areas in China have had another bumper harvest this year, ushering in 11 consecutive increases. Among them, the main body of the new agricultural economy represented by family farms, large grain growers and grain production cooperatives has become an important driving force for a bumper grain harvest.

Under the comprehensive effect of many factors, the main summer grain producing areas in China have had another bumper harvest this year, ushering in the "11th consecutive increase". Among them, the main body of the new agricultural economy represented by family farms, large grain growers and grain production cooperatives has become an important driving force for a bumper grain harvest. However, while welcoming the joy of a bumper harvest, many major grain producing areas reflect that the current agricultural development is still faced with a series of restrictive factors. Especially with the acceleration of the process of land transfer, the problem of weak infrastructure has become increasingly obvious, which brings great difficulties to the intensive production of food. At the same time, poor implementation of policies is also common in grain subsidies, rural financing, agricultural insurance and so on.

Recently, the reporter went to Hubei, Anhui, Shaanxi, Henan, Shandong and other major grain producing areas to listen to the voice of the new business main body. They hope that the relevant departments will further improve the subsidy methods, clarify the mortgage policy for the right to contract, and establish and improve agricultural insurance, so as to encourage the broad masses of food and farmers to grow good grain.

"there are no wells in more than 1000 mu of land."

A number of new business entities reflect that the current development of modern agriculture is still faced with a series of factors. Among them, weak infrastructure has a great impact on the stable increase of grain production. However, the huge investment in the construction of roads, water conservancy and other infrastructure makes it difficult for them to bear it alone.

He Yong, a farmer of planting families in Hanqiao District, Suzhou City, Anhui Province, said that governments at all levels have increased investment in infrastructure in recent years, which has improved the demand for agricultural production. With the acceleration of the process of land transfer, new operators need to buy large-scale machinery and equipment, such as seeders and harvesters, but now the village-to-village road is about 4 meters wide, while some agricultural machines are more than 4 meters wide. it's hard to "walk" on the road. At the same time, due to the lack of necessary soil leveling facilities, the land at the roadside of the ditch is uneven, which is not suitable for large-scale mechanical operation, which brings great difficulties to the intensive production of grain.

The lack of water conservancy facilities also poses a test for food production. Xie Shiying, 53, a major grain grower in Huaibin County, Henan Province, currently contracts 2500 mu of arable land from two army farms. Lao Xie told reporters that farmers often say that "the harvest is confiscated in water." for large grain growers, a good infrastructure, especially water conservancy facilities, is equivalent to having a "voltage regulator" for grain production, but from the actual situation, in some places, this "voltage regulator" is not very stable.

"of the plots I contracted, there are more than 1000 mu of land that currently does not have a single well, and the other half of the land has an average of 100 mu of a well." Xie Shiying said, "Huaibin is located in the Huaihe River Basin, which was originally a place rich in water resources. However, the weather has been abnormal in the past two years, and some dog days have not rained for more than two months, so how to ensure the water supply for farming in the future is a problem. "

Wang Fujun, a major grain grower in Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, said that the rice planting area has been decreasing in the past two years because of poor water conservancy conditions. The reporter saw near the cooperative where Wang Fujun is located that due to the lack of water, some farmers have changed the land that was supposed to grow rice to soybeans.

A number of responsible persons of new business entities said that it is proposed to integrate high-standard farmland construction projects such as comprehensive agricultural development and land renovation, and encourage new operators to increase supporting capital investment in the form of financial "substituting awards for compensation." to transform and upgrade the infrastructure in the land transfer area.

"if there is no drying ground, the profit from selling grain is nearly 30,000 less."

In addition to the weak infrastructure, problems such as the scarcity of land for drying and the backwardness of drying facilities are also common in the main grain producing areas, and the difficulty of grain grain returning to the warehouse has become a "bottleneck" restricting the development of grain production by many food and agriculture.

"I have harvested 14 million jin of wheat this year, and I expect to harvest 15 million jin of corn in autumn. I need at least more than 140mu of land for drying and storage. Now there is no place for grain to dry. As long as the large households with a planting scale of more than 500 mu will face the same problem as I do, if this problem is not solved, it will be difficult for large households to develop grain production at ease. " Wang Chenggen, who transferred 13000 mu of land to grow grain, said.

The difficulty of drying is also a headache for he Yong. He told reporters that because there was no drying ground, it was impossible to concentrate on drying, and it was even more troublesome to fear rain. Sometimes, when harvesting, the grain was sold to the Jing Ji Man in the field, and the price was less than 10 cents per jin. If you don't sell it in time and pile it in your own warehouse, it may become moldy and the loss will be even greater. He said: last year, 300 mu of corn was planted, with a yield of 700 jin per mu, with a total of more than 200,000 jin. Due to the lack of drying space, the sale of grain made nearly 30,000 yuan less.

"We calculated that due to inadequate drying and drying, the average annual loss of wheat reached 5% of the total. In case of strong autumn rain, corn loses more than wheat. " Xiong Xiujie, a big grain grower in Junxian County, Henan Province, said.

In view of the problems existing in grain drying and drying, it is generally suggested at the grass-roots level that relevant departments should provide certain support for alleviating the difficulty of drying, such as building a number of grain drying and drying places in major grain producing areas, or timely bringing grain drying machinery into the scope of agricultural machinery subsidies, and supporting large grain growers to build drying and drying places to alleviate the urgent needs of large grain growers.

"Professional information service is basically blank"

The reporter found that with the accelerated transfer of agricultural land, large grain growers continue to emerge in various places, but the development of agricultural socialized services such as agricultural technology extension, agricultural machinery services, pest control, market information, and product marketing lags behind. Many big grain growers have to "operate on their own", and even suffer from "big-bag syndrome."

Liu Xueyou, a farmer in Pengdian Township, Xi County, Xinyang City, Henan Province, has transferred more than 3000 mu of land to grow sorghum. He said that sorghum cultivation has high requirements for sowing techniques and the application of pesticides, but there is a shortage of talents in plant protection cooperatives in the county, and most of the employees are idle labor over the age of 55. Many people do not know how to use agricultural machinery, drug proportions and mechanical sandblasting, and their mastery is not accurate, and pesticide residues often exceed the standard. In order to solve the problem of plant protection of sorghum, Liu Xueyou had to organize a plant protection labor team of more than 20 people, raising seedlings, sowing seeds, field management, harvesting, and returning to the warehouse.

"lack of successors" is the most worrying problem for Wang Xia, the person in charge of Qianhe agricultural machinery service farmers' professional cooperative in Congyang County, Anhui Province. He said: at present, agricultural machinery workers in cooperatives are generally over the age of 45, and restricted by factors such as reaction speed and agility, they will "retire" after another five to 10 years of work, but someone has to do this job, and this problem is very thorny.

At the same time, with the continuous development of agricultural marketization, the demand for professional services of large grain growers is expanding from simple production services to comprehensive services such as capital, information, processing, transportation and so on. Compared with agricultural machinery, plant protection and other social services in production, the construction of prenatal and post-natal service system is even weaker.

Wang Fujun, a farmer in Qiaomiao Township, Wuyi County, Henan Province, has transferred 1700 mu of land, with an annual grain output of more than 3 million jin. Wang Fujun said: "what big grain growers are most concerned about is professional market information such as grain collection and storage, supply and demand, and grain price forecast, but at present, this service is still basically blank."

As the agricultural socialization service system is not perfect, the grass-roots level's enthusiasm for the use of new agricultural technologies is not high. The reporter learned that although some new agricultural technologies have obvious potential to increase production, save costs, and increase efficiency, they are difficult to popularize effectively because of the lack of incentives from the central to local governments. Dong Jianjun, deputy director of the Scientific Research Department of Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said that taking the "efficient water-saving technology of wheat ridge cultivation" developed by Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences as an example, compared with traditional flat cropping, it increased the wheat yield, water and fertilizer use efficiency, reduced the production cost, and was suitable for popularization and application in the middle and high yield fields of irrigated land in Huang-Huai-Hai area. however, due to the lack of incentive measures, the maximum annual extension area is only more than 1 million mu. The technology coverage and popularization rate are limited, and the enthusiasm of the new agricultural operators is not high.

The grass-roots level suggested that a medium-and long-term plan for the cultivation of new professional farmers should be formulated, focusing on large professional households, family farmers, responsible persons of farmers' cooperatives, and agricultural machinery hands, and carry out training in production technology, operation and management in accordance with the requirements of modern agricultural development. We will implement policies such as free study in agricultural colleges, secondary schools, and other specialties and subsidies for college graduates to engage in modern agricultural entrepreneurship, launch an action plan to support college student village officials to set up and serve the development of cooperation, and encourage more young people to join modern agriculture.

"A subsidy of 20 yuan is like a drop in the bucket."

Zhang Zhijuan, director of the HSBC Agricultural planting Professional Cooperative in Fengxiang County, Shaanxi Province, said that at present, the guiding effect of various subsidy policies on grain planting encouraging farming has been weakened in some places, and it is difficult to mobilize the enthusiasm of grass-roots growers. in particular, it has dampened the enthusiasm of the new business main body to increase and stabilize production.

Tong Qiguo, a big grain grower in Xinchang Village, Leicheng Town, Yicheng City, Hubei Province, has had a bumper harvest this year. Nearly 200000 kilograms of wheat have been harvested on 400 mu of land, nearly 50, 000 kilograms more than last year. "the quality of wheat this year is good. It has sold an extra 12 cents per jin, an increase of 100000 yuan over last year." He said that the state has introduced many policies to benefit farmers, and growing grain has become more energetic.

The No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee this year proposes to improve the agricultural subsidy policy and tilt the new subsidies to grain and other important agricultural products, new agricultural operators, and major producing areas. "this policy is very targeted, and it really warms my heart to hear it." Tong Qiguo said: however, at present, he has not fully enjoyed the preferential policy, and sometimes there are and sometimes no subsidies for grain subsidies and agricultural machinery purchase subsidies; after the transfer of land, farmers who still go to work in cities after the transfer of land receive subsidies, and the new business entities do not get subsidies.

"the lack of access to state grain subsidies is a common phenomenon faced by the new type of operators, which certainly affects the enthusiasm of growing grain." Sun Xiancheng, a farmer of the Xiancheng family in Shouxian County, Anhui Province, told reporters that the county has introduced a subsidy policy to subsidize 20 yuan per mu of land for new operators planting more than 200 mu of land, but with circulation fees, the average annual production cost per mu of land is nearly 2000 yuan, and 20 yuan subsidy is tantamount to a drop in the bucket.

Sun Xiancheng said that within the scope of his transfer area, farmers can receive more than 160 yuan in grain subsidies per mu of land every year. "those who really grow grain only get a subsidy of 20 yuan, while those farmers who do not farm land can get a subsidy of 160 yuan. How can this be said to encourage grain cultivation? "

The new operators interviewed believe that on the basis of stabilizing the existing subsidy policies, various localities can increase grain subsidies, tilt towards modern operators with high grain commodity rates and great social contributions, and promote the development of land circulation and socialized service organizations by increasing subsidies for land circulation and the purchase of agricultural machinery and tools, so as to achieve large-scale operation. Sun Xiancheng and Zhang Zhijuan further suggested that a performance evaluation mechanism should be established to replace the new business entities with awards according to the indicators such as planting scale, business efficiency or service quality.

"borrow 700000 yuan, interest expense nearly 100000."

The reporter learned in many places that the new business entities have a large seasonal demand for funds, but due to the lack of effective collateral, they still face more serious financing problems.

"the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee proposed that farmers should be given the right to mortgage and security rights in the possession, use, income, circulation and contractual management of contracted land." He Yong told reporters that if the contracted management right can be mortgaged, his financing problem will hopefully be solved. However, when he Yong found the bank, the bank rejected him on the grounds of lack of effective collateral.

He Yong said that he invested a total of nearly 1 million yuan last year in land renovation and the purchase of agricultural machinery. Sometimes the money is borrowed from relatives and friends, and sometimes it can only be borrowed from the private sector, which requires high interest. "Last year, all kinds of loans reached more than 700,000 yuan, and the interest expense alone was nearly 100000 yuan. The profit of doing agriculture is already low, but financing is difficult, which makes the profit even thinner. "

Fuqinxing agricultural machinery professional cooperative in Fuping County, Shaanxi Province has also encountered similar financing troubles. Song Jingxi, chairman of the cooperative, said that in recent years, their cooperative has been providing comprehensive services, including unified agricultural supply and unified grain purchase, to new business owners, including family farms and large grain growers, but the shortage of liquidity has become the biggest difficulty facing cooperatives. He said that agricultural products, including chemical fertilizers, oilseeds, and so on, need to be advanced by cooperatives; at the same time, cooperatives are also required to reserve purchase funds for collecting grain from farmers. These funds need about 6 million yuan a year, which is tantamount to a large sum of money for cooperatives with limited strength.

Song Jingxi said: because of the strict loan conditions of banks and other financial institutions, he can only apply for loans from banks by providing guarantees from a third party in his own name every year, and all the risks in the operation of cooperatives are borne by individuals, but the funds borrowed are only about 3 million yuan. There is still a gap between the needs of the cooperatives. He suggested that the relevant departments should simplify the cooperative loan procedures and requirements as far as possible, issue detailed rules for the implementation of the mortgage of land management rights, clarify the scope of collateral, and provide financing channels in the form of laws and regulations to solve the capital bottleneck in the development of new business entities.

Many food and farmers also suggest that a loan guarantee support system should be established to bring new business entities' loans into the business scope of guarantee companies for small and medium-sized enterprises, or to set up agricultural guarantee companies separately to serve agricultural loans; at the same time, with reference to the state's discount loan policy for other types of enterprises, new operators can also enjoy discount loans.

"the maximum compensation for an mu of land is 360 yuan, and the land rent is not enough."

In order to solve the problem of high risk in agricultural production, in recent years, many provinces have experimented with policy-oriented agricultural insurance, which has played the role of "stabilizer" and "umbrella" in agricultural development, and has been welcomed by the broad masses of farmers, especially the new business entities.

Li Qingwu, head of the Huaihe Grain Industry Association in Anhui Province, said that in order to resist risks, he insured more than 2000 mu of corn last year, paying a total premium of more than 10,000 yuan. Due to natural disasters, corn production in some farmland has been reduced by about 30%. After the insurance company came to the field to investigate and determine the damage, it paid nearly 40,000 yuan, the highest in recent years.

Although some farmers rely on agricultural insurance to reduce the planting risk, but there are still many large grain growers said that due to the low amount of agricultural insurance, the role of risk resolution is relatively limited.

Wang Chenggen told reporters that the premium for an mu of land is 10 yuan, of which the financial payment is 8 yuan. after the disaster, the maximum compensation for one mu of land is 360 yuan, and even the land rent is not enough. "I intend to increase the premium to 30 yuan and triple the amount of insurance accordingly. But after looking for it for several years, the insurance company didn't want to do it, and they thought the risk was too high to be worthwhile. "

Zhang Mingqin, a major grain grower in Huaibin, Henan Province, has contracted land in his hometown since 2012, and the current circulation scale has reached more than 1300 mu. However, he said that the local agricultural insurance policy has not been implemented, which has become a worry for the big grain growers. "Last year, I experienced the worst drought in decades, and my rice crop failed in a large area. I lost more than 600,000 yuan all of a sudden. After a long time, I couldn't recover. If I had agricultural insurance, it would have been much better."

Wang Chongjie, a big grain grower in Puyang, Henan Province, told reporters that for the new business main body, agricultural production has become a "three high" industry: high input, high output, and high risk. "some big grain growers have become ruined because of natural disasters or seed accidents, and some even commit suicide in despair, which was unthinkable in the past."

Li Qingwu, Wang Chenggen and others said that due to the low amount of policy insurance coverage and the high risk of growing grain by the new type of operators, they are still worried about continuing to expand the planting scale. In order to reduce the investment risk of farmers, it is suggested to further expand the coverage of agricultural insurance and appropriately increase the compensation ratio of insurance, so as to reduce or resolve the risk of growing grain, so that the new business main body can rest assured to grow grain.