
National modern agricultural industrial technology system prescribes a prescription for drought resistance and disaster reduction

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In the face of the current large-scale drought in China, the national modern agricultural industrial technology system, the key laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture and the national grass-roots agricultural technology extension system are actively engaged, coordinated and coordinated in accordance with the deployment of the Department of Science, Technology and Education of the Ministry of Agriculture. Go deep into the production front line

In the face of the current large-scale drought in our country, the national modern agricultural industrial technology system, the key laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture and the national grass-roots agricultural technology extension system act actively, coordinate and cooperate in accordance with the deployment of the Department of Science, Technology and Education of the Ministry of Agriculture. Go deep into the production front line, check the soil moisture, seedlings and drought, and cooperate with the local agricultural departments to guide farmers to fight drought and disaster relief on the spot to minimize disaster losses. In order to strive for less yield reduction in heavy drought areas, no yield reduction in light drought areas and more production in non-drought areas, and to strive for a bumper harvest of autumn grain, experts put forward the following suggestions for drought resistance and disaster reduction.

At present, corn is in the peak period of water demand for vigorous growth. in order to cope with the current drought and the possible continuous drought in summer and autumn, it is suggested that all kinds of drought-resistant water sources and water-saving drip irrigation projects should be made full use of according to the actual soil moisture in the field. the priority needle is to irrigate the field during the critical period of water shortage, shallow ploughing and loosening the soil after each watering to improve soil permeability, increase soil microbial activity, reduce surface water evaporation and reduce surface runoff. Promote Root growth and improve drought Resistance of Maize After jointing stage, corn should remove weeds, cultivate soil in middle tillage, remove tillers, reduce nutrient consumption, improve permeability, reduce water competition and ensure grain filling. Artificial pollination should be carried out at heading stage to increase seed setting rate and yield. Carry out the appropriate time for late harvest, do a good job in the training and publicity of late harvest techniques of corn, improve the maturity of corn as far as possible, and ensure yield by increasing grain weight; ploughing or harvesting silage for corn fields that have seriously reduced or lost harvest, if there is sufficient rainfall from late August to October, replant open-field vegetables or forage crops in time. In addition, corn without ears should not be abandoned easily. If possible, it can be sold to local cattle farms and forage processing plants, or homemade hay can be used to feed cattle and sheep to make up for the economic losses caused by drought.

At present, soybean is in the peak flowering stage, and some varieties have entered the podding stage, which is the most critical period for soybean water demand. at the same time, the plant height is 20ml and 40cm lower than the normal year, and the vegetative body is underdeveloped. It is suggested to make full use of all water sources, speed up the watering progress and expand the irrigation area; timely hoe to preserve soil moisture, loosen soil and weed, reduce soil water evaporation, promote root growth, achieve the purpose of managing and ploughing and storing water; appropriate amount of fertilizer can be applied to protect flowers and pods; fields seriously affected or no harvest can rush to plant early-maturing crops or autumn vegetables such as radish and Chinese cabbage to increase economic income and reduce disaster losses.

The first season potato in North China and Northwest China is in the period of vigorous growth of aboveground parts and expansion of potato blocks. it is suggested that in the areas with irrigation conditions, combined with the comprehensive treatment of groundwater overexploitation, we should do a good job in the maintenance and equipment of irrigation facilities. scientific and rational extraction of groundwater for irrigation to ensure the normal growth of potatoes In areas where there are no irrigation conditions, farmers should be guided to strengthen field management, ploughing and weeding, and spraying foliar fertilizer to improve crop drought resistance.

There is more precipitation in the rice region of southern China this summer, and the temperature in most areas is close to perennial or on the high side, which is beneficial to the migration of migratory pests and the prevalence of diseases. In view of the fact that migratory pests such as armyworm, meadow borer, rice planthopper and rice leaf roller have sudden damage characteristics, and there is some uncertainty in the occurrence area and time, it is suggested that the monitoring, early warning, prevention and control of autumn grain crop diseases and insect pests should be strengthened. At present, rice in the north of the Yangtze River in China is in the booting-heading-flowering stage, so attention should be paid to the monitoring of rice planthopper, rice leaf roller, rice blast, rice stem borer, rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis and Chilo suppressalis. Pay attention to the monitoring of armyworm, corn borer, Spodoptera litura, meadow borer, etc.; potato is in the growing period, and the surveillance of potato beetle and potato late blight should be strengthened in Xinjiang and northeast China.

The next season of rape production in China will begin autumn sowing in September. In view of the continuous high temperature and little rain in most areas north of the Yangtze River and the continuous development of drought in some areas, experts suggest that if there is a high temperature and severe drought in the sowing period, the sowing date can be postponed appropriately. The sowing time of the direct seeding field should be postponed to late September to early October at the end of high temperature, and the ground should be ready before sowing and sowing before cooling and rain. The density of the field with delayed sowing can be increased to 20000-40000 plants according to the sowing time. The sowing date of the transplanting field can be postponed to the middle and late September, the seedbed and fertilizer should be prepared before sowing, the seeds should be sown before it rains, and the seedling age should be transplanted between 30 and 40 days according to the weather. For fields with watering conditions, water should be watered to resist drought after sowing, and watering should be soaked through the box surface. According to soil moisture in extremely dry weather, continuous watering should be maintained before and after seedling emergence when evaporation is small in the morning. At the same time, shading net or thatch fan should be used to cover the box surface to prevent high temperature burns of seedlings and reduce evaporation of moisture on the box surface. If the seedlings of Lianqing high temperature are uneven or the transplanting seedlings are dead and lack of seedlings seriously, it is necessary to timely replant and replant according to the lack of seedlings. 3-5 days after cooling and rain, it is necessary to evenly spread seedlings, weed and control insects in time.

Experts suggest that due to the serious water shortage in arid areas, once diseases and insect pests occur, it will bring difficulties to prevention and control. The relevant departments should make efforts to strengthen the monitoring, prevention and control of autumn grain crop diseases and insect pests, and strive to achieve early detection and early control. Avoid losses caused by high incidence of diseases and insect pests It is necessary to prepare a small amount of high-efficiency spraying equipment or powder spraying equipment in time, carry out micro-spray, or use powders or aerosol pesticides that do not need water, so as to facilitate the use of farmers.