
Moderately develop sustainable communities to support agriculture

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, In recent years, two completely different directions have emerged in the development of American agriculture: one is traditional industrial agriculture, which is now the mainstream of American agriculture, and the other is sustainable community support agriculture, emphasizing small-scale, organic methods and community support models.

In recent years, two completely different directions have emerged in the development of American agriculture: one is traditional industrial agriculture, which is currently the mainstream of American agriculture, and the other is sustainable community support agriculture, emphasizing small-scale, organic methods and community support models. at present, it has been fully developed in the United States and extended to many countries and regions in the world. Two different models and development directions have aroused controversy among people.

Criticism of sustainable community support for agriculture focuses on the following two areas: the first is the decline in production. Due to the use of organic methods, the output will be reduced by about 20%. The second is the inefficiency. Sustainable community support agriculture requires ecological methods to control pests and weeds, some of which require a lot of labor, the production efficiency will be reduced, and the final price of food will increase.

The criticism of industrialized agriculture mainly focuses on the following aspects: first, the mode of production of industrialized agriculture is not sustainable. Second, the food produced by industrial agriculture is safe but not healthy. Third, industrialized agriculture increases the risk of residents' access to food. Only the localized and short-chain food supply system has a stronger ability to resist risks. Fourth, industrialized agriculture has cut off people's ways to get close to nature.

The practice of agro-ecological transformation and development in developed countries, especially the agricultural direction and debate in the United States, the enlightenment to the development of agro-ecological transformation in China is as follows: (1) industrialized agriculture can only be one of the goals of Chinese agriculture. The status and role of small-scale ecological agriculture should be given due attention. (2) Sustainable community supporting agriculture will be an important part of agriculture in China. If all localities can actively cultivate senior agricultural talents and encourage them to create community-supported farms that can produce healthy, fresh, nutritious and delicious food, it is possible for China to achieve great-leap-forward development in some areas of agricultural production. (3) change the concept of urban design and realize the sustainable development of agriculture. If the concept of urban design can be changed, through the redesign of the garbage recovery system, the food waste of the city can be converted into fertilizer for agriculture, and through the redesign of the urban household sewer system, the feces of residents can be collected. and converted into organic fertilizer for agriculture, then not only the current problems such as garbage siege and water quality deterioration can be alleviated, but also contribute to the solution of food safety, resource shortage and other problems.

To this end, we propose to support the ecological transformation and development of agriculture through the following economic policies: (1) support researchers to study the production and management of ecological and organic agriculture, so as to lay a foundation for the promotion of sustainable community support agriculture. (2) change the policy bias of supporting large-scale agriculture and actively support small and medium-sized agriculture. It is suggested that the relevant departments should encourage appropriate scale in staple grain production, but encourage small and medium-sized, sustainable and organic production in vegetables, fruits and aquaculture. (3) actively publicize community support for agriculture and encourage college graduates to start their own businesses based on the CSA model. Community support for agriculture is a mature mode of agricultural management proved by practice all over the world, which helps to improve food safety and health. The government can provide policy support in the areas of entrepreneurial knowledge, production technology, financing, land lease, market development, and so on.