
Farmers look forward to more agricultural science and technology films going to the countryside

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, In recent years, in order to enable the peasant brothers to shake off poverty and become rich as soon as possible, governments at all levels have increased their intellectual investment and regularly organized science and technology caravans, science and technology film festivals, agricultural think tanks and science popularization teams to tour the poverty alleviation through science and technology in the border and poor areas of old and young. has achieved remarkable results.

In recent years, in order to enable peasant brothers to shake off poverty and become rich at an early date, governments at all levels have increased their intellectual investment and regularly organized "science and technology caravans", "science and technology film festivals", "agricultural think tanks" and "science popularization teams" to tour the "old, young, border and poor" areas to help the poor through science and technology, and achieved remarkable results. The advanced models of "learning and using agricultural science" in the vast rural areas are like bamboo shoots springing up after a spring rain, creating opportunities for farmers to get rich one by one. However, after the "popular science caravan" left, bundles of science and technology books and materials were often left on the shelf, and the newly launched "science and technology craze" cooled down again.

According to the newspaper, the central government attaches great importance to poverty alleviation through science and technology, and the State Science and Technology Commission and the Ministry of Agriculture invest about 5 million yuan in shooting agricultural science and technology films every year, and one agricultural science and technology film is released every half month. In spite of this, at present, most of the feature films that scientific and educational film teams organize to go to the countryside to show, but the majority of farmers like to see very few agricultural science and technology films that combine education with pleasure, which simply cannot meet the needs of farmers' friends to learn technology and knowledge.

Recalling that in the 1960s and 1970s, whenever the film team showed films in rural areas, agricultural science and technology films were first shown, such as "how to eliminate the Land Tiger", "how to Control the smut of three Wheat" and "discussion on stable and High yield of Maize". There are also a series of reports on agricultural science and education, such as the Guide to sericulture, which systematically reported the whole process of silkworms from the beginning of silkworm eggs to silkworm spinning, filming in detail the whole process of "the spring silkworm spits out all its silk until its death," which link is easy to get sick, and how to prevent and cure it. Introduction incisively and vividly. These films mentioned above are really good films loved by the peasant brothers. The broadcast of these science and technology films also played a positive role in scientific farming and changing the face of poor rural areas at that time.

Science and technology must bear the brunt of the development of modern agriculture, which represents the fundamental interests of the broad masses of farmers. without the popularization of agricultural technology, there would be no rapid changes in rural areas today, and we would not be able to continue to move forward on the road to a well-off society. On the other hand, agricultural science and technology films have pictures and sounds, and the way of teaching knowledge is easier for people to understand and accept than in books. It is an easy-to-understand way of training, and its role cannot be replaced.

Agricultural science in China started relatively late, and there is still a gap compared with developed countries, so we peasant brothers sincerely hope that agricultural departments, science and technology departments, film distribution departments and other relevant departments will organize more agricultural science and technology films to the countryside and show them at the right time. It is suggested that our rural film team must show agricultural science and technology films when showing feature films, so as to satisfy farmers' desire for knowledge and let them master more agricultural science knowledge. Insert wings for the rapid development of agricultural modernization.