
National seed Industry: breaking ground in the New Round of Reform

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Editors settle the world according to grain, plant and cast cornerstones. Seed is an irreplaceable means of agricultural production and an important carrier of agricultural scientific and technological progress. At the end of last year, the General Office of the State Council issued the opinions on deepening the structural Reform of the seed Industry and improving the ability of Innovation.

Editor's note

Grain is safe all over the world, planting and casting foundation stone. Seed is an irreplaceable means of agricultural production and an important carrier of agricultural scientific and technological progress. At the end of last year, the General Office of the State Council issued the "opinions on deepening the structural Reform of the seed Industry and improving the ability of Innovation." the central leadership inspected the seed industry many times and gave important instructions on the reform and development of the seed industry, and the direction of the reform of the seed industry system has been clear. a new round of seed industry reform is under way.

Management function: from "seed management" to "seed management"

Five provinces and regions Sichuan, Gansu, Hunan, Anhui and Ningxia have issued implementation opinions to cooperate with the reform of the seed industry system.

150 million yuan Tianjin plans to invest 150 million yuan in special funds to support the reform and development of the seed industry.

Tens of millions of yuan of funds Jilin, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hunan, Sichuan, Guizhou and other provinces invest tens of millions of yuan every year for the reform and development of the seed industry.

After the release of the "opinion", the national seed system made concerted efforts to promote the reform of the seed industry step by step. The Ministry of Agriculture sorted out the task of seed industry reform into 21 items and 51 specific measures, which were divided into 19 member units of the seed industry inter-ministerial coordination group for concrete implementation, and each member unit took the initiative to promote it. The party committees and governments of various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities also quickly conveyed and studied the spirit of deepening the reform of the seed industry, and promptly held a special meeting to study and implement the opinions and measures, making the promotion of the reform and development of the seed industry an important task, and actively formulating local supporting policies and measures.

The Ministry of Agriculture has invested 500 million yuan in the construction of germplasm resources, improvement centers, variety regional tests and variety demonstration sites. The Ministry of Finance has studied and formulated incentive policies for major counties in grain crop seed production, and allocated 400 million yuan of funds for agricultural development to build good breeding bases. In addition, the NDRC has invested nearly 400 million yuan to support the building of biological breeding capacity of enterprises and the establishment of technology centers for seed enterprises. At the same time, the Ministry of Science and Technology organized the formulation of scientific research plans for improved varieties of major crops and launched commercial breeding research and demonstration projects. Moreover, more than 10 ministries and commissions, including the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Affairs, have also actively implemented policies and measures for the reform of the seed industry in their respective fields to support the reform and development of the seed industry. The Agricultural Committee of the National people's Congress is stepping up efforts to amend the seed Law, which will further strengthen the legal guarantee for promoting a fair competitive market environment.

Agricultural departments at all levels across the country have taken the initiative to change their functions, strengthen the streamlining of administration and delegation of powers, break regional restrictions, stimulate market vitality, and promote the reform of the seed industry. It is understood that the Ministry of Agriculture has cancelled or delegated six seed administrative examination and approval, and five more will be delegated in the near future; the "measures for examination and approval of Major crop varieties" has been revised, and the "guidelines for Green Channel Test of National Rice and Maize Variety approval" was also issued on May 26.

Yu Xinrong, vice minister of agriculture, pointed out at the national working conference on the development of modern seed industry that with the development of seed industry, management has changed from "seed management" to "seed management". It is necessary to expand the field of work from license, variety, quality and market to reform, science and technology, policy and mechanism.

System Reform: making Scientific and technological personnel Rich by Innovation

Property Rights Trading Center on August 13, the National seed Industry Science and Technology Achievement property Rights Trading Center was put into trial operation in the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

The Ministry of Agriculture has carried out a survey on the reform of the proportion of rights and interests in scientific research achievements, and a pilot plan for the reform has been formed.

Gansu allows talents of scientific research institutions to retain their identities and professional titles to work in enterprises, and those who have reached the legal retirement age of 30 years of service can go through the retirement procedures in the original unit.

Under the condition of market economy, the implementation of rights and interests incentives for scientific and technological personnel is the most effective means to stimulate the vitality of innovation. Clearly assigning the rights and interests of possession, use, disposal and income of scientific and technological achievements to scientific research institutions and scientific and technological personnel is one of the key points of the scientific and technological system reform of the seed industry of the Ministry of Agriculture. "We should have the mind to let scientific and technological personnel get rich through innovation!" Yu Xinrong sighed, "at present, the Ministry of Agriculture, together with the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Finance, is organizing some scientific research institutions to first carry out pilot projects on the proportion of scientific research institutions to personnel rights and interests. This will be a landmark institutional innovation in China's seed industry and even in the history of scientific and technological development. "

At present, the Ministry of Agriculture has set up a national seed industry scientific and technological achievements trading center relying on the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and established an achievement property rights trading platform, which was officially put into operation on August 13. Its purpose is to allow all innovative achievements to enter the market openly and trade fairly, and to achieve optimal allocation in the national and industrial chain. This form of "invigorating" is to encourage scientific research institutions to apply for intellectual property rights, buy shares at a price or be publicly listed for trading of scientific research achievements formed by state funding, activate the technological market for seed industry achievements, and promote the orderly flow of achievements to enterprises in accordance with the law. accelerate the efficient transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

Strengthening the subject status of technological innovation of enterprises and the subject status of basic public welfare research of scientific research institutions has always been the core of the scientific and technological system reform of the seed industry. On the one hand, through policy guidance and project support, enterprises are encouraged to integrate scientific and technological resources and increase investment in breeding innovation, especially the introduction of special loose policies, which can more effectively promote the flow of talents to enterprises. On the other hand, improve the guarantee level of public welfare scientific research institutions, make them focus on basic theory, breeding materials, common technology and other research, and gradually establish a seed industry scientific and technological innovation system with orderly division of labor and close cooperation between basic public welfare research and commercial breeding.

Today, many provinces and cities across the country have issued local policies to promote the transfer of breeding talents to enterprises. Gansu allows talents in scientific research institutions to retain their identities and professional titles to work in enterprises, and those who have reached the legal retirement age of 30 years can go through retirement procedures in the original unit. Breeding scientists and technicians who are allowed to enter seed enterprises in Zhejiang and Hunan will retain their personnel relations in the original units for five years. Hubei allows researchers who leave their posts to transform scientific and technological achievements and set up scientific and technological enterprises in the province to retain personnel relations in the original units for five years.

Seed enterprises: enhance the ability of innovation, intellectual property protection and treatment of "heart disease"

Ten star enterprises in Beijing selected 10 star enterprises and awarded 10 million yuan to build a collaborative innovation and development mechanism with Tianjin, Hebei, Shanghai and Chongqing.

Zhejiang and Hunan give priority to enterprises with independent innovation ability to participate in the regional test. Jiangsu provides a certain number of regional test places for breeding, breeding and promotion integrated enterprises to participate in the test every year.

Special funds Zhejiang, Fujian, Hubei, Guangxi, Ningxia and other provinces and regions increased special funds to support enterprises to carry out commercial breeding.

The "opinion" has further strengthened the dominant position of enterprises in technological innovation, and many backbone seed enterprises cherish this rare opportunity and innovate constantly. Shennong Dafeng invested nearly 250 million yuan in building a scientific research system. The annual scientific research investment of China seed Group, Longping Hi-Tech, Golden Nonghua and Kenfeng seed industry is all more than 70 million yuan. Enterprises such as the sea seed industry have all invested more than 10 million yuan to build a green channel test system for variety approval. In this period of development opportunities, powerful and far-sighted seed enterprises are increasing their R & D investment in order to enhance their own variety innovation ability. From January to July this year, domestic seed enterprises applied for 412 new variety protection, an increase of 46 percent over the same period last year and 14 percentage points higher than that of scientific research institutes.

Seed enterprises not only improve their own scientific research and innovation ability, but also strive to enhance the production capacity of seed production. The sea-landing seed industry invested nearly 30 million yuan to transform the Xinjiang seed production base, Golden Nonghua invested 60 million yuan to build a new rice processing center in Hubei, and Fengle seed Industry invested 30 million yuan to set up a subsidiary in Xinjiang to enhance seed production and processing capacity.

In recent years, the merger and reorganization of domestic seed enterprises has been accelerating, and the number of seed enterprises has been reduced to more than 5200. In addition to the merger and reorganization among small and medium-sized species enterprises, Longping Hi-Tech and Tsuen Yin Hi-Tech plan to introduce strategic investors such as CITIC Group and Zhongxin Financial Chuang respectively to greatly enhance their capital strength; China seed Group increases capital to control Guangdong Golden Rice seed Industry, Nongfa seed Industry acquires Shanxi Luyu, Longping Hi-Tech and Oruijin plan strategic cooperation, and the merger and reorganization among the top 50 domestic enterprises kicked off.

"cracking down on counterfeiting is a necessary guarantee for enterprises to become bigger and stronger!" Talking about the development of domestic seed enterprises, Yu Xinrong stressed: "the development practice of foreign seed industry has proved that the higher the level of intellectual property protection, the greater the R & D investment of enterprises, and the faster the improvement of innovation ability." Comparative analysis shows that the gap between Chinese seed enterprises and foreign seed enterprises is mainly reflected in R & D investment and innovation ability. In order to expand and strengthen China's seed enterprises, we must stimulate the enthusiasm of R & D investment and protect the enthusiasm of innovation. At present, although the enthusiasm of enterprises to invest in R & D has increased, many enterprises respond that license infringement still makes them "lingering fear" in innovation investment. Therefore, to deal with this "heart disease", we must persist in prescribing the right medicine to the case, curing both the symptoms and the root causes, strictly cracking down on counterfeiting, and focusing on the treatment of counterfeiting.

With the deepening of the market-oriented reform of the seed industry and the gradual strengthening of seed management in recent years, the problems of "lack of seeds" and "bad seeds" have been basically solved, but now license infringement is rampant. Cracking down on "fake seeds" and infringement has become the main task of the current market supervision. Although it is not a complete picture of the seed market, it also reflects where the problem lies. The construction of a powerful country in the seed industry is driven by innovation, which requires a development environment that respects knowledge, talents and creation.