
The Reform of Household Registration system should safeguard the Rights and interests of Farmers

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The children of relatives in my hometown, who were admitted to college, were faced with the dilemma of whether or not to move out of their hukou. They called me and asked me. When asked why he was unwilling to move out of his hukou, his answer was simple: after the hukou moved out, the original contracted land was gone, and now the college students are not good.

The children of relatives in my hometown, who were admitted to college, were faced with the dilemma of whether or not to move out of their hukou. They called me and asked me. When asked why he was unwilling to move out of his hukou, his answer was simple: after the hukou moved out, the original contracted land would be gone, and now it would be difficult for college students to find a job. In case they could not find a job after graduation in the future, they would still have land to grow in the village.

This reason is very realistic but unrealistic. The reality is that if he really changes his agricultural hukou to a non-agricultural hukou in the city, he may lose his original contracted land, which is not a small loss. It is not realistic that even if college graduates cannot find a job, how many people are willing to go back to the countryside to farm land? Later, he chose not to transfer his hukou.

More than a decade ago, many peasant children still tried their best to live the so-called "commercial grain" urban life through examinations. at that time, having a non-agricultural hukou meant that they had an "iron rice bowl" and lived a stable and comfortable life. Whether it was the "conversion from agriculture to non-agriculture" at that time or the "non-conversion" at present, it was the careful consideration of the peasants based on reality and their own interests.

In fact, the starting point of farmers is very simple, as long as they can live and work in peace and contentment and enjoy the same rights as others in education, employment, health care, old-age care, housing security, etc., agricultural hukou and non-agricultural hukou are the same for them. Not long ago, the State Council announced the "opinions on further promoting the Reform of the Household Registration system" (hereinafter referred to as the "opinions"), which proposed the establishment of a unified household registration system in urban and rural areas. while abolishing the distinction between the nature of agricultural hukou and non-agricultural hukou, it also emphasizes the need to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the agricultural transfer population. At the present stage, farmers' rights and interests in rural areas are mainly "three rights", that is, land contractual management right, homestead use right and collective income distribution right, in which land contractual management right and homestead use right are usufruct rights conferred on farmers by law. the right of collective income distribution is the legitimate property right that farmers should enjoy as members of collective economic organizations. The "opinion" clearly points out that "at this stage, withdrawing the right to contracted management of land, the right to the use of homestead, and the right to distribute collective income shall not be taken as conditions for farmers to settle in cities." that is to say, farmers will change from agricultural hukou to non-agricultural hukou in the future. at least its original rights and interests will not be lost.

In the future, in the process of reasonably guiding the orderly transfer of agricultural population to cities and towns and promoting the citizenization of agricultural transfer population, we should give the initiative to farmers. After some farmers see that they have changed to non-agricultural hukou, they can enjoy more rights and interests than the original "three rights" in the village. Only in that way, they will be willing to go to the city, thus promoting urbanization and industrialization. At the same time, it is also necessary to let some farmers see that they choose to stay in rural areas so that they can enjoy not only the "three rights" brought about by the original agricultural hukou, but also other rights and interests behind the non-agricultural hukou. Only in this way can some people be willing to be a new type of professional farmers and engage in agricultural production activities, so as to ensure the country's food security.

The yearning for a better life is everyone's unremitting pursuit. Chinese farmers have always been thinking about their one-third mu of land, because this is the basis for them to settle down. In the process of urbanization, when moving farmers' land of one mu, we should consider the feeling and reality of farmers living on it, and earnestly provide them with new security and let them live a better life. Only in this way can farmers stop thinking about their one-third mu of land and be happy to go to the city.