
Orchids: fragrance of flowers, history and culture

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Orchids: fragrance of flowers, history and culture

No matter what you say, in the whole growing flower clan, including its lineage, lineage, cousins, distant relatives, consanguineous relatives, three relatives, six relatives, nine relatives, the orchid is just a weak woman in this extremely large group. Just as Lin Daiyu is only a weak woman with low status among the aristocratic group of more than 400 characters in the whole novel A Dream of Red Mansions. Is the orchid as magnificent and warm as the fiery kapok (hero tree, Panzhihua)? Are orchids as fragrant as sweet-scented osmanthus trees and orchids (families)? Are orchids as colorful as scarves, cuckoos and roses? None of them. No matter what you say, the orchid is just a weak woman in the whole huge flower clan. Just as Lin Daiyu is just a weak woman in the huge aristocratic lineage of Rongguo House and Ningguo House. But it is this weak woman who has achieved a well-known artistic model through the ages. The charm of a song "Flower lyrics" has attracted many lovers' tears. However, orchids stand out among many flowers because of their rich fragrance of flowers, history, culture and outstanding temperament.

With regard to the fragrance of orchids, it is not only the fragrance of people's general sense of smell, it is a kind of sentiment, a kind of character, a kind of realm. Boss Zhu de, who has loved Lan for most of his life, has a poem that sings Lanxiang simply and accurately. His poem said:

Flower and Tree Forest in Yuexiu Park

Let a hundred flowers blossom and fight for spring.

Only the fragrance of orchids is just right

It was famous in Wuyang City for a time.

The "fragrance" here is not only the purest good of orchid incense, but also the pure good of its fragrance and orchid character.

About orchid history, orchid history is also fragrant. This has something to do with the historical addiction of the Chinese people. The four ancient inventions of human society have rich historical records, and only China is getting richer and richer. In the past, it was said that China had a history of 5,000 years, but now according to field excavation, some say that it is 8,000 years old, and some say that it is tens of thousands of years old. In short, China has a long history. Chinese orchid history also has a long history. There is a lot of debate about when the cultivation of Chinese orchids began. Four of them are hotly debated. One is the 7000-year-old potted plant unearthed in Hemudu, Yuyao, Zhejiang. One said that the plant is shrimp ridge orchid, one said that the plant is reticulate veins, not orchids. The second is "Gou Jian planting Lanzhu Field" in Yuan Kang's Book of Jieyue in the Eastern Han Dynasty. The explanation of this sentence should be "Gou Jian Zi Lan" and "Gou Jian Zi Lanzhu" (Lanzhu is interpreted as a place name). Third, Sichuan field archaeological stone carvings, according to the contents of the stone inscriptions guess, there has been a fashion of planting orchids in Shu in the Han Dynasty. Fourth, Song Xi, a great scholar in the Song Dynasty, Li Shizhen, a great pharmacologist in the Ming Dynasty, and some botanists in modern times believed that the "orchid" in the era of Confucius and qu Yuan was not the orchid mentioned later, but vanilla such as Zelan and patchouli. In recent years, some researchers think that it is possible to grow orchid in the era of Confucius and qu Yuan. The reason why the above arguments are hotly debated and can not reach a consensus is that most of them are isolated evidence or indirect proof, inference proof, lack of sufficient irrefutable evidence and a large number of circumstantial evidence, and lack of sufficient basis for physical relics of orchids. There is also the saying that Yunnan's "Nanzhong Youfang Lu" was collected by the people of the Ming Dynasty, which shows that there has been a petal theory in the Ming Dynasty, and there are also doubts. Recently, after repeated reading, the author suspects that the historical material is a manuscript, and the writing is not like the expression of the people in the Ming Dynasty. It is suspected that it was sorted out by people in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China according to the legends of their predecessors. During the Southern and Northern dynasties, Sui and Tang dynasties, there were more poems about orchids, while there were orchids in the Song Dynasty. Planting orchids and appreciating orchids has gradually become a fashion in southeastern China. In the continuous excavation of orchid history and the collation of a large number of interesting stories about orchid folklore, people have a deeper understanding of the quintessence of orchid flowers, so the elegance of orchid is becoming more and more intense. The whole orchid history is an elegant history of orchids, which is set off by Shixiang.

With regard to the fragrance of orchid culture, it is also incomparable to any other flower culture. The orchid culture can be divided into the orchid Noumenon culture about the orchid and the derivative culture of the orchid in the historical development. The Noumenon culture of orchids is mainly formed in the cultivation and appreciation of orchids, which is characterized by the dexterity, refinement and elegance of cultivation and appreciation. Because the orchid belongs to the small plant type herbaceous flower, the macroscopic appreciation is not as good as the tree type, the big vine type, the giant leaf type flower, so people promote its long, avoid its short in the cultivation and appreciation, and historically form its fine, elegant, dexterous cultural characteristics. Plant appreciation, leaf appreciation, flower appreciation, cultivation and appreciation are all dexterous and elegant. Take the appreciation of flowers as an example, in addition to the fragrance of orchids, they also appreciate the shape and color of flowers. There are vegetarian heart, color heart, all kinds of color flowers. Flower patterns are petal flowers, tongue petal flowers, strange flowers. Shape and color are extraordinary butterfly, butterfly also has outer butterfly, skirt butterfly, inner butterfly, three-heart butterfly, four-heart butterfly, stamen butterfly, cat ear holding butterfly, tiger ear rabbit ear * * cow ear dog holding butterfly and so on. In short, the appreciation of orchid flowers is becoming more and more elegant and refined, which is not available to other flowers. The Noumenon culture of orchids has become more and more abundant. As for the derivative culture of orchids, such as personifying orchids to symbolize virtues and gentlemen, to express people's ideal realm and ethos, and to sublimate orchids into a cultural symbol, which is not found in other flowers, the derivative culture of orchids includes the construction of orchid gardens, the holding of orchid exhibitions, the establishment and activities of orchid organizations, and the culture of orchid industry. There are orchids and other art categories, handicraft design, architectural decoration related culture and so on. The cultural fragrance of orchids has historically been integrated into some material and spiritual life of the Chinese descendants of the Chinese nation.

The fragrance of orchid, orchid history and orchid culture has shrouded the orchid with a sacred halo, mysterious halo and magical halo, which make people cultivate and appreciate orchids and have a richer connotation of spiritual life to participate in orchid activities. Today, with more and more abundant material life, people pay more attention to the enjoyment of spiritual life, and have stronger selectivity when planting flowers and grass. As a result, more and more people like orchids. In the past, Lansheng valley is not unmanned but not fragrant; today, Lansheng walks into thousands of families, and it must be more fragrant with someone. Let the most Chinese national characteristics of flowers-orchids, fragrance floating all over the world, famous five continents.

The Summer of Guiwei in the East of Yujing in Luoxi, Guangzhou-- Lanshi Book House