
The traditional Aesthetics of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Orchids

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The traditional Aesthetics of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Orchids

Times have changed and people's ideas are changing. The aesthetic concept of orchids has formed a generation gap between modern and traditional. Under the influence of western culture, modern people pursue novelty and fashion, taking strange flowers as the most expensive; traditional ones are influenced by orthodox ideas. still inherit the experience of Yilan's predecessors to examine and nurture traditional names. This article only talks about the traditional aesthetic concept that Jiangsu and Zhejiang orchids are dignified and elegant. Please correct the irregularities.

The leaves of orchids are evergreen all the year round and show alone, which can not be matched by general ornamental plants. The ancients Zhang Yu had a poem: "the light of weeping dew is disorderly, including the shadow of the wind." The layman explains this, watching Ye Sheng and looking at flowers. " The shape of orchid leaves is long, short, wide and narrow, the posture of the leaves is upright and curved, the texture of the leaves is soft and hard, and the color of the leaves is light and dark. It is traditionally believed that the leaves are thick, semi-drooping, waxy and glossy. When discussing the orchid, Wu Yingxiang said: "the leaves gradually bend from the base 1 to 3, and the hair ends are drooping or semicircular, which is considered to be a typical example of beauty." When commenting on the Chunlan ten thousand word leaf shape, it said: "the leaf is long and thick, the vein is deep, shiny, semi-drooping, and the curve is beautiful." When commenting on the Chunlan longan plum leaf type, it said: "the leaf is thick, semi-drooping, dark green, shiny and beautiful." The above is consistent with the traditional aesthetic standards, that is, leaf thickness, semi-drooping, waxy and glossy. The painters of Jiangsu and Zhejiang dynasties painted orchids, or fluttered in the wind, or draped on cliffs, or accompanied by bamboo and stone, or simple leaves, all with beautiful leaves as the theme, which can be seen as a sign of the ancient literati's standard of appreciating orchids.

Orchid flowers traditionally believe that they must conform to the morphological characteristics of orchids, that is, two rounds, six petals and one nose, with three in each round. The number of two valves is more or less abnormal variation, which is regarded as alien and not taken seriously. The shape of orchids is not only the characteristic that distinguishes other flowers, but also the beauty of orchids. It is one of the important conditions that can not stand the test of time. As the saying goes, 30 years Hedong, 30 years Hexi, and Jiangsu and Zhejiang traditional main idea has been for hundreds of years, in this long historical evolution has withstood numerous tests, has been handed down to this day, is still in an invincible position. Unlike some strange flowers, which plummeted in a moment of prominence, there is no hope of making a comeback. The reason is self-evident, beauty and strange are two different concepts, only aesthetic, no strange, only beauty pageant, no strange selection, the beauty of orchids is the eternal core.

The orchid has two wheels, namely the outer wheel and the inner wheel. The outer chakra is the outer three lobes, including one main lobe (middle sepal) and two accessory lobes (lateral sepals). The inner chakra is the inner three petals, including two holding petals (petals) and a tongue (lip petals). The layout of these two rounds of petals reflects the looseness on the outside and the tightness on the inside, with structural beauty. The so-called outer pine, the main lobe of the outer three lobes extends upward, and the side lobe opens left and right, unrestrained and generous. Although the outer three valves stretch, they bend inward slightly, and the main valve covers the nose and holding the flap, which plays the role of internal and external echo. Therefore, if the outer three valves do not roll or lean back, and go their own way, it will be inferior. The side lobe requires the shoulder to be flat in a zigzag shape, so that the main lobe and the side lobe are isosceles triangles. Isosceles triangle is a form of beauty, which is often used in painting and calligraphy. The side lobe sagging is called "falling shoulder", and it is even called "falling shoulder". It forms an arrowhead triangle with the main lobe, which lacks aesthetic feeling and is suspected of being unstable, so it is listed as an inferior product. The shape of the outer three valves is the first plum valve, the second daffodil valve (the first daffodil valve, the second plum valve), and the third lotus valve.

The so-called inner tightness means that the inner three lobes are compact and not loose. Hold the petal inside the roll, from the pocket, tightly cover the nose so as not to be exposed. the shape of the flower is very handsome. If you hold the petal open, commonly known as "open skylight", lack of implication, and destroy the overall beauty of the flower. There are many names for holding petals, including silkworm moth holding, Guanyin holding, bean shell stick, clam shell holding, scissors holding, crab clamp holding, cat ear holding, short round holding, pu fan stick, innumerable holding and so on. Although these names are quite vivid, some of them are difficult to understand. For example, what is the posture of the silkworm moth when it comes out of the pupa, and what is the posture when the silkworm moth comes out of the pupa? How many people have seen the pupa of a silkworm moth? Even Wu Yingxian said it was not easy to understand. His understanding of the silkworm moth is as follows: "the base of the petal is round, the apex is obtusely round, the edge is curled into a pocket, and the nose is closer." such as Chunlan Song Mei. Green Ying's support. In addition, the image of Guanyin Bodhisattva holding the forehead of Guanyin Bodhisattva is another surprise, and even those who believe in Buddhism can hardly explain the forehead of Guanyin head clearly. Wu Yingxiang explained as follows: "the base of the Guanyin hand is relatively narrow, the apex is broad and round, it curls into a pocket, the core column is tight, and even connected together, and it becomes oblong from the front, such as Chun Lan long character and Chun Yi Pin."

Traditionally, silkworm moths are regarded as the top grade, Guanyin rhythm is inferior, and the rest are inferior. In fact, it is not difficult to master the ability to identify these petals. Since Song Mei and Lvying are silkworm moths, and Longzi and Chun Yipin are Quan Yin, take the method of taking the right seat, observe more and make more comparisons. Practice makes perfect. Laimei, Luying and Longzi, Chun Yipin are firmly imprinted in their minds, are afraid that they are not clear?

The one below the center of the flap is the tongue. it also has many names, including bangs, such as Italian tongue, large round tongue, large spread tongue, dragon swallowing tongue, large rolling tongue, large persimmon tongue, lack of tongue and so on. The bangs of bangs are fairy children in folk myths and legends, with short hair on his forehead. Later, the short hair of children and women with a neat forehead was also known as bangs. Bangs tongue in front of about 1 ram began to waterfall-like hanging, shaped like children, women bangs hairstyle, such as Chunlan Laimei, Xi Shenmei. The Ruyi tongue is a handicraft carved in the shape of Ganoderma lucidum or other materials. The front end of Ruyi tongue is like the shape of the edge of Ganoderma lucidum umbrella. Flat hanging, not rolling, such as spring orchid green English, square character.

The tongue is short, round and straight, while the pointed, narrow or crooked tongue is inferior. For the color of tongue, white is the most expensive in Chunlan and green is the most expensive in Cymbidium. The red spot on the tongue, the spring orchid has one or two spots or character shape, but also block shape or Yuanbao shape; most of the red spots of Cymbidium are irregular scattered spots with high density. The red dot must be bright and evenly distributed to be the top grade. No red spot on the tongue is called vegetarian heart, and all red is called erythrin, which is relatively rare. Spring orchid lycopene is particularly precious, but it is a pity that there are only rumors and no real objects.

The color and fragrance of orchids are also important conditions for traditional aesthetics. The color of orchids is relatively monotonous, but simple and elegant and simple wins. Jiangsu and Zhejiang orchids often have red tendons or variegated ones, even if they are regular petal flowers. In the vegetarian petal, green is the first, especially the tender green is the first, the old green is the second, the yellow green is the second, and the red green is the second. All red flowers always take the waxy petals as the top grade, while the dim color and purple color are mostly inferior. The fragrance of orchids is known as "national fragrance". Huang Tingjian said: "if a scholar's virtue covers a country, then Japan will be ten; if a woman's color covers a country, it will be called a national color; and the fragrance of an orchid will cover a country." it's called national incense. The painter Xu Wei also said: "Mo Jun Chunguang does not belong to you, one fragrance is enough to suppress thousands of red." The fragrance of orchids also has strong fragrance, light fragrance, muggy fragrance and delicate fragrance, and the traditional fragrance is the best. The delicate fragrance of orchids is sometimes, sometimes light and sometimes heavy, sometimes far away and sometimes near, which is really worthy of "the first fragrance in the world". The literati of all ages were fascinated by it. Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces without fragrant orchids will not be selected.