
The worry of "being urbanized": what about my land?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, I am planning to transfer my son's hukou from the county to the village. Chen Xingan, the same age as the people's Republic of China, was a famous production team leader in the county during the Daguohan period. After the reform and opening up, he became the first batch of Wanyuan households. Although he now lives in the city, he still has important decisions in the village.

"I am planning to transfer my son's hukou from the county to the village." Chen Xingan, the same age as the people's Republic of China, was a famous production team leader in the county during the "big pot meal" period. after reform and opening up, he became the first batch of "ten thousand yuan households." although he now lives in the city, he is still invited to come forward because he has made important decisions in the countryside.

Chen Xingan seems to be going against the trend. The State Council recently issued the "opinions on further promoting the Reform of the Household Registration system" (hereinafter referred to as the "opinions"), pointing out that the distinction between the nature of agricultural and non-agricultural hukou and the resulting types of hukou, such as the blue print hukou, should be abolished, and a unified hukou registration system for urban and rural areas should be established.

Chen Xingan said that the "opinions" of "abolishing agricultural and non-agricultural hukou" and "transferring 100 million rural people to cities and towns" were expected for a long time.

As a matter of fact, the reform of the household registration system has been the focus of public concern in recent years. The publication of "opinions" has triggered an explosive spread of public opinion. From the point of view of the distribution of public opinion, there are mainly two aspects of concern: first, whether a series of supporting systems such as education, health, employment, social security, housing, land and so on can keep up with the unified urban and rural household registration system; second, when household registration reform crosses with land issues, how to ensure farmers' land contractual management rights, homestead use rights and collective income distribution rights.

What's the advantage of going to the city?

To practice the unified household registration system in urban and rural areas, we should not only grasp the fair bottom line dedicated to the same name, the same life and the same price, but also establish a series of supporting systems such as education, health, employment, social security, housing, land and so on.

In the 1990s, the government transferred a group of rural people. In 1993, you could buy a county hukou for 6000 yuan. At that time, 6000 yuan was equivalent to 60, 000 yuan now, but after buying it, you didn't get any benefits. " Hu Meizhen, who has lived in Shanghai for more than a decade, from Shandong, told the International Finance News, "now, some relatives in my hometown have asked me if I want to settle in the city. I hope they will first consider the benefits of settling in the city."

Why should you move your hukou from the countryside to the city? In other words, what are the benefits of settling in cities and towns? Compulsory education resources and pension benefits are two rights generally valued by residents. With the current household registration reform, can these two resources be fully enjoyed in settled cities and towns? The reporter of the International Finance News tried to find the answer from the actual operation of the national pilot project.

According to Zhejiang current Politics, Wu Qingjie, deputy chief of the household administration basic management brigade of the Pingyang County Public Security Bureau, who participated in the household registration reform in Pingyang County, said that the level of economic and social development in Pingyang County belongs to the middle level in Zhejiang Province, so its empirical model is easy to copy.

"in the household reform, what the villagers look forward to most is the educational opportunity." Lin Xuejiang, head of the general education department of the Pingyang County Education Bureau, explained, "compulsory education resources first meet the registered students in the school district, and only when there are spare resources will they recruit unified students." After the household reform, the threshold for registered permanent residence is lower, and students are more likely to enter high-quality schools. "

As for pension and other social security benefits, as the change of the social insurance system requires policy support at the national level, individual pilot cities do not have the right to change, so the progress of social security-related reform, Pingyang County pilot work is not aimed at migrant workers. According to the person in charge of the Endowment Insurance Management Center of the Pingyang County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, "in the past, after the death of staff members of government organs and institutions and employees of state-owned collective enterprises, the living allowance of their survivors was higher than that of an agricultural hukou. After the household reform, the surviving families with Pingyang household registration will be carried out in accordance with the non-agricultural population standard."

In addition to Pingyang County, before the promulgation of the State Council documents, 13 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, including Hebei, Liaoning, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Chongqing, Sichuan, Shaanxi and Yunnan, have successively abolished the dual household registration division of agricultural and non-agricultural hukou, collectively referred to as resident hukou. What rights and interests do these pioneering areas provide for farmers?

Ren Yuan, director of the National Policy Research Center of Fudan University, told the International Finance News, "pilot cities or regions must have experience for reference, but reform is a process of trial and error. For example, Zhengzhou failed and could not go on. Nanjing has no supporting measures. Although Chongqing pays attention to the compatibility of reform, it ignores the wishes of farmers."

Although the pilot cities did not give a clear answer to the "benefits of the process", the Ministry of Public Security has said that farmers do not have to worry about "being urbanized", because the target of "100 million" is not mandatory, but a goal. Huang Ming, vice minister of public security, stressed at a special press conference of the National New Office that "the reform of the household registration system should be both positive and steady, but also solid, not impatient, not rash forward, must act according to our ability, and prevent impracticality and mass action."people-oriented and respect for the wishes of the masses is that it is up to him to choose whether the peasant masses want to go to the city, when and which city they want to go to. We should not resort to coercive measures, nor should we 'bring in' or 'settle down' the peasants. "

What about employment housing?

The target of transferring the population from agriculture to the reform of the household registration system from 2014 to 2020 is 100 million. The government takes 174 million migrant workers as the main body of the transfer from rural areas to cities. Cities with a population of less than 1 million are the main focus of the cities that have landed.

According to the reform documents, the focus of the transferred population is on migrant workers who have gone out, cities with a population of less than 1 million, and enterprises on small and medium-sized enterprises.

With regard to the current basic situation of China's migrant workers, Yang Zhiming, vice minister of human resources and social security, said at a news conference of the State Information Office that by the end of 2013, the total number of migrant workers in China was 269 million, of which 166 million were migrant workers. By the end of June this year, the number of migrant workers has reached 174 million. "migrant workers are the main body of the agricultural transfer population, and it can also be said that migrant workers are a new type of labor force with the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization since China's reform and opening up."

The population target for the reform of the household registration system from 2014 to 2020 is 100 million. The government takes 174 million migrant workers as the main body of the transfer from rural areas to cities. On the other hand, cities with a population of less than 1 million people are the main focus of the landing cities.

"Employment-driven, retention of land rights, and gradual settlement" is a prominent feature of the road of agricultural labor transfer with Chinese characteristics emphasized by Yang Zhiming. "Peasants are the most pragmatic. What kind of status do you give him, rural hukou, urban hukou, or citizen hukou? farmers will not care too much about you. The key is land, house, and work. If there is no guarantee, there will be big trouble for farmers. "

Chen Xingan, who was born as a farmer, repeatedly stressed to the reporter that the peasants' pragmatism "must have practical benefits."if you want to settle in the city, employment is of course the top priority, and if the peasants are not satisfied with their work in the city, or do not rest assured, farmers certainly do not want to stay in the city, let alone settle down in the city."

Dang Guoying, a researcher at the Institute of Rural Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, also told reporters, "in fact, employment is not well solved, and cities do not allow or welcome such farmers to settle in cities." Li Pumin, secretary general of the National Development and Reform Commission, also said, "only with industry can we stabilize and expand employment in small and medium-sized cities and make them attractive."

So, what measures can farmers expect the government to take to promote their stable employment and settlement in cities? Yang Zhiming, vice minister of human resources and social security, said at the press conference of the State Information Office that the main measures are three aspects: industrial development, skills training, and national networking. Yang Zhiming regards skills training as the primary measure, training 20 million people a year, while for industries, "tertiary industry, small and medium-sized enterprises and labor-intensive industries" naturally become the focus.

Yang Zhiming stressed, "small and medium-sized enterprises are the main channel for migrant workers to obtain employment. If their development is small, they will live, their income will be small, they will be fast, and their employment will be more." It is no wonder that since the new Chinese government performed its duties, the central government has issued a number of documents and measures, and the support for small and medium-sized enterprises is obviously stronger than in previous years.