
Problems needing attention in single Plant Propagation of Cymbidium

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Problems needing attention in single Plant Propagation of Cymbidium

With the improvement of people's living standards, the ranks of orchid friends who nurture the famous product Lanhui are growing day by day. Most people who raise orchids hope that their orchid babies will grow more and faster, so some anxious Yilan people will plant Lan Hui to speed up reproduction and improve economic benefits, which is very normal and understandable. However, Lan Huizhi seems simple, but in fact she is very knowledgeable and cannot be generalized. She must analyze specific problems and not act rashly. Combined with my own practice of Yilan, I think Lan Hui must pay attention to the following problems in single plant propagation.

1. The basic premise of single plant propagation of Cymbidium is that the seedlings are strong and the roots are good.

The reproduction of orchids can be divided into asexual and sexual. Those who reproduce with part of the vegetative body are called asexual reproduction; those who reproduce with seeds are called sexual reproduction. Because of the complex technology and high requirements for equipment and other conditions, sexual reproduction is generally used only in scientific research institutions when cultivating new species. The method of dividing plants in asexual reproduction has always been used in the reproduction of orchids in China. The so-called split method refers to when the orchid pseudocorm thrives to a certain time, it is divided between them with knives, scissors and other instruments, and then they are respectively planted in the pot to become a new plant. This method is called "basin division" or "nest division" in the art and orchid circles of our country. According to the custom of Yilan in China, there must be at least two seedlings in each pot of orchids before they can grow normally. Because of the strong metabolism of plants and small pseudobulbs, Cymbidium generally needs more than 3 seedlings per pot to thrive, such as too few seedlings in the pot. plants are generally difficult to grow quickly and healthily. But this is not to say that Lan Hui cannot reproduce on a single plant. It's just that Lan Hui has high requirements for individual reproduction, so she must choose the best, and the standard of choice is that the seedlings have strong roots. As the saying goes, "deep roots and luxuriant leaves", orchids are no exception. The growth of orchids mainly depends on orchid root absorbing soil nutrients and photosynthesis to produce nutrients. Generally speaking, the more developed the orchid root, the more sufficient nutrients are absorbed; the stronger the orchid plant is, the more nutrients the orchid plant produces through photosynthesis: the orchid thrives only when the roots and leaves are combined. Therefore, Lanhui single plant propagation of seedlings with strong roots is the fundamental prerequisite for success. I have deep experience in this respect. Since 2002, I have successively used old Shanghai plum, no word, old dyed word, Jiangnan new best to do single plant breeding experiment. Among them, the old Shanghai plum and Yuan characters did not succeed twice because of poor roots and weak seedlings, while Cheng Mei, old dye characters and Jiangnan new best products all succeeded because of their good roots and strong seedlings.

Second, it is best to choose Pseudobulm with "road" for individual propagation of Cymbidium, and the probability of success will be significantly improved.

Orchid is a kind of plant with pseudobulbs. When pseudobulbs multiply to a certain extent, there will be a natural wide gap between them. This form is commonly known as "road" in the art world. After the formation of the "road", the pseudo-corms are easily separated naturally, and the roots are also easy to be separated, so that the wounds can not be caused or greatly reduced, which is conducive to the rapid recovery of the divided plants. Experienced orchids and cymbidium plants often choose grass with "road". This is the reason. The pseudobulm of orchid is not only an organ for storing nutrients and water, but also a tissue for breeding leaf buds and flower buds. Practice has proved that under the same conditions of orchid cultivation, the orchid plants with full pseudocorms are easier to germinate, and the stronger the grass is, the higher the germination rate is. It can be seen that the selection of pseudobulm with "road" for individual propagation of Lanhui is very necessary, which can greatly improve the success rate.

Third, the propagation of single plant of Cymbidium should be carried out in an appropriate period, which is better in autumn and spring, and the best in autumn.

Experience shows that the single plant propagation of Lanhui can be carried out except in the period of severe cold and heat, but the most suitable season is late autumn (mid-November) and mid-spring (mid-March to April). Every year, during the period from "Qingming Festival" to "Grain Rain", the temperature gradually rises, the flowers bloom in spring, the seed buds have not yet sprouted, and the new roots have not yet grown; during the period from "the Autumn Equinox" to "the Beginning of Winter," the young buds grow, the new roots grow, and the orchid plants grow stronger. During these two periods, it is relatively easier to restore the growth of orchid planted alone, which has little effect on the ramet of orchid. Purely from the point of view of the growth of Lanhui, the orchid plants planted in autumn can smoothly enter the growth period in the coming Spring Festival after a winter accumulation, which is better than that in spring. On the whole, the single plant propagation of Lanhui is the best in autumn.

Fourth, the preparation for individual propagation of Cymbidium should be adequate, and the daily management should be thoughtful.

On the surface, the propagation of Cymbidium is very simple, but due to the physiological habits and seasonal limitations of orchids, as well as the treatment of skills, it is still relatively complex and not easy to master. Therefore, the preparatory work must be adequate and the daily management must be thoughtful. Specifically, less watering should be done before the split, so that the soil in the basin is slightly drier, so as to prevent the wet mud from sticking to the root system and injuring the orchid root. After separation, regardless of the size of the wound, it is best to apply special orchid disinfectant to the wound to prevent infection. After splitting, the orchid root will inevitably be injured more or less, so it is necessary to put the single-planted potted orchid in a ventilated and shady place to reduce water evaporation on the leaf surface and in the body. In the first half of the month, the soil must not be too wet, otherwise it is very easy to cause rotten roots, with the soil moist and unclear as well. After taking the pot orchid, it will be brought into the daily management. Light should be appropriately increased in daily management, especially in winter and spring, so that orchids can be relieved to receive all-day sunshine to promote their germination. In the growing season should be thin fertilizer diligent application, must not be eager for quick success and quick profit, too much fertilizer and water, otherwise counterproductive, haste makes waste.

In short, because the orchid single plant has high requirements for the quality, split skills and daily management of the orchid plant, the new orchid grower must not do it, and experienced artists should be cautious about it: do not be careless.