
Compatibility of Chinese Orchid appreciation

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Compatibility of Chinese Orchid appreciation

Orchid, an excellent flower in the Chinese flower family, has been loved and valued by people for thousands of years. The theory of orchid petal type is the ultimate pursuit of the materialized transformation of traditional Confucian life values in orchid appreciation, which accords with the meaning of "Doctrine of the mean" in Chinese Confucianism. Its pursuit points to the ultimate pursuit of Confucianism-the materialization of the noble personality and sentiment of "saints within the outer king". People understand the orchid petal flower's "fullness, perfection, encirclement and circle" as the theory of "golden mean". Its purpose is to use "object image" to represent "desire" and to pursue the orchid flower shape of "fullness, perfection, encirclement and circle". That is, the materialized expression of the ultimate pursuit of "outer king and inner saint" in life.

So, what is the meaning of "golden mean", that is, "neutralization"?

According to the excerpt from the Doctrine of the mean. The original text reads as follows: ". The unborn joys and sorrows are called the middle, while the hair and the middle section are called the sum. In the middle of the world, the great foundation of the world; and also, the world reaches the Tao. To neutralization, the position of heaven and earth, and the education of all things. " Translated into modern language means: "when the joys and sorrows are not expressed, it is called 'middle'; when it is shown, it is in line with the section, it is called 'and'." 'middle' is the nature of everyone; 'and' are the principles that everyone should abide by. When they reach the state of 'neutralization', heaven and earth will be in their place, and all things will grow and breed. " As one of the important categories of Confucianism, there has always been a variety of understanding of the Doctrine of the mean. From the perspective of emotion, this paper gives a positive explanation of "Zhong", "he". According to the meaning of the original text, when a person has not yet shown feelings of joy, anger and sorrow, the heart is calm and indifferent, so it is called "middle", but joys and sorrows are inevitable for everyone, and they are bound to show. It shows that it is in line with common sense and moderation, which is called "harmony". The two are coordinated and harmonious, which is called "neutralization". Everyone has reached the state of "neutralization", everyone is calm, the society is in order, and the world is at peace. Man and nature can live in harmony and multiply. In fact, "neutralization" here already contains the meaning of "harmonious symbiosis" between man and nature. Every Chinese who follows the Confucian moral code, whether he is an emperor, an official or a mountain village man, is a practitioner of "neutralization" moral standards whether he is conscious or not. Orchid petal typology as an extreme in orchid plaid flower appreciation, it is undoubtedly reasonable to regard the morphological beauty of orchid petal as a kind of personification transformation. We should inherit and carry forward in the appreciation of Chinese orchid petal flowers, which is the noble embodiment of Chinese traditional culture in playthings. But it is only a traditional view of appreciation, which belongs to the category of traditional aesthetics.

As for the appreciation of other flower patterns, leaf types and leaf art of Chinese orchids, it is necessary to use other appreciation views to appreciate. If we say this: "the stagnation of people's appreciation of Chinese orchids is a manifestation of the stagnation of civilization in the appreciation of Chinese orchids." The subjective factor is caused by the conservatism of people's adherence to the orchid petal theory, while the objective factor is caused by the fact that people adhere to tradition but fail to fully interpret the connotation contained in the direction of Confucianism. However, everything has its development, and people have gone through a long stage from the initial pursuit of Lanxiang to the standardization of its color and form. Confucianism affects the Chinese people's outlook on life and values. Through the microscopic appreciation of orchids, it gradually forms an "orchid petal theory" which accords with Confucian aesthetics. To a certain extent, this is a definition and norm of orchid appreciation, leading to a value orientation. This orientation is not compatible.

Orchids become a kind of plaything, that is, a commodity, which must have its value. In particular, when the goods are insufficient to supply the market, and there are a large number of buyers, it will inevitably lead to high prices. People are committed to and reluctant to give up the value of orchids, always thinking that once they have some new, strange and strange orchid varieties (to satisfy the vanity of owning a variety on their own), they can also get huge economic benefits for themselves. Under the influence of these factors, people's appreciation of orchids has been completely misplaced. The pursuit of a vague view of appreciation to guide yourself into the field of orchid appreciation is much more difficult than other areas of art appreciation. And is "he", the core of "lotus (harmony) is precious", the core of orchid petal theory, the essence of Chinese Confucian culture "neutralizing" and "harmony"? If we explain it with the original meaning of "neutralization", we already know that, in a broad sense, except for multi-petal and small-petal odd flowers that do not conform to the accident of "neutralization" (mediocrity), all other orchids that conform to the normal flower pattern of orchids are in line with the meaning of "neutralization" (mediocrity), and they all show complete basic flower characteristics of orchids with six petals and one nose, which is unbiased and not strange, which is called "neutralization" (mediocrity). In a narrow sense, the so-called "neutralization" (mediocrity) in the traditional "orchid petal typology" refers to those flowers that are correct and the "plum, fairy and lotus" can meet this standard requirement. Or according to the original text (excerpt) in the Doctrine of the mean. The original text is written like this: "Confucius said: the Tao is not good, I know it, the wise pass it, the fool is inferior." If the Tao is not clear, I know it; if the sage has done it, the unworthy is inferior. People eat and drink, but they seldom know the taste. " Translated into modern language means: "Confucius said:'I know the reason why the Doctrine of the mean cannot be practiced; smart people are self-righteous and know too much; stupid people are not intelligent enough to understand it." I know why the Doctrine of the mean cannot be promoted; the wise have gone too far, and the unskilled cannot do it at all. It's like people eat and drink every day, but few people can taste it.'" Here we can see that petal flower is a kind of beauty in form, which is an embodiment of Confucian scholars' ultimate pursuit of life into orchid flower. In fact, this has gone against the original intention of the essence of Confucianism in essence, and it is far from the meaning of "Doctrine of the mean" in Confucianism. The doctrine of the Doctrine of the mean in Confucianism advocates that people should follow a natural rule in doing things (this is the problem of degree). If they do not follow this rule, it will be inferior; it is too much to follow it dogmatically and blindly. In terms of orchid appreciation, a small orchid is no different from weeds in the mountains. It is attractive because of its unique fragrance, not its flower shape. People's persistent pursuit of orchid petals is a "degree" behavior for people's original intention of raising orchids. Raising orchids in this way, not only can not achieve the purpose of self-cultivation and edifying temperament. Moreover, it also brings endless troubles to yourself. Like orchids, it is not easy to raise orchids to bloom, but do not dare to let flowers bloom normally, flowers are not full, quickly cut the flowers, inserted in a water bottle to smell fragrance, is not enough. It is not a "golden mean" approach. In orchid appreciation, in addition to truly understanding and grasping the appreciation view of the traditional "orchid petal theory", we should also take the modern appreciation view as the direction to expand the self-expression aesthetic orientation of human liberation. In addition to carrying forward the "introversion, modesty, magnanimity and grace" advocated by the traditional view of appreciation, we should also accept those open-minded patterns with "passionate and unrestrained, heroic and unique style".

The traditional view of orchid appreciation requires that the orchid should look like a human being, should not be obvious and domineering, and should be modest and introverted. This restricts the diversified development of aesthetics in appreciation and makes the aesthetic orientation tend to be single. Orchids also have their human-like diversity, including reserved, modest and magnanimous flowers, as well as passionate and energetic flowers. While accepting the graceful beauty of modest, introverted, dignified and magnanimous traditional aesthetics, we should also accept the unrestrained and heroic personality of the West. This kind of western aesthetic value pursues the liberation of personality, which brings warmth and sunshine to people, a kind of unrestrained pride, which is vividly reflected by a person or something. Reflected in the performance of the orchid flower pattern is: butterfly flowers represent beauty and romance, bringing people into a dreamy situation; multi-petal flowers, mimicry flowers, roll flowers represent the display of personality, emphasize self-difference, and do their best self-expression; color flowers represent nobility and unrestrained, (white flowers show a kind of cold arrogance; safflower shows enthusiasm and sunshine; yellow flowers show nobility, peace and pride Complex and mixed-color flowers show peace and harmony. People should not always indulge in narcissism about themselves, but should integrate into society to accept and tolerate more good things, including those that are extremely publicized and rebellious. It should be more so when it comes to the appreciation of orchids.

The values of modern people have great compatibility between Chinese traditional aesthetics and western modern aesthetics. In the pursuit of beauty, it will not be limited to a single aesthetic, people need to greatly expand their aesthetic vision and accept all beautiful things. Otherwise, people will lose a lot of feelings of beauty.

No. 30 Wenchang road, Hengtai new village, Shaowu city, Fujian province

Yang Yonghua