
Three kinds of flowers that will go dormant in summer remember not to water frequently or they will die for you.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, It is about to enter summer. The temperature is high and the sun is big. Normally, plants should be watered frequently. Only in this way can we provide it with enough water so that it will not wither. But there are three kinds of flowers that will dormant as soon as they enter summer.

It is about to enter summer. The temperature is high and the sun is big. Normally, plants should be watered frequently, so as to provide it with enough water so that it will not wither, but there are three kinds of flowers that will be dormant as soon as they enter summer. do not water frequently, otherwise it is easy to die.

1. Crab claw orchid

Crab claw orchid is a drought-tolerant plant, usually maintenance does not have to water too frequently, almost twice a month, but in summer, when the temperature exceeds 25 ℃, it will dormancy, metabolism becomes very slow, but also less watering, can occasionally spray water around, mention air humidity.

In addition to less watering, it can also be trimmed to cut off some ugly and old branches so that it can spend the summer safely.

2. Calla lilies

Calla lilies like moist environment, usually give it more water, can make it grow better, but in summer, it will go into dormancy, flowers will begin to wither, the outer leaves will also turn yellow and fall off, these are normal phenomena, at this time should be less watering it, see the soil is dry and then watered, otherwise it will not be watered.

In addition to less watering, you can also cut off all the withered and yellow leaves at the top, and then move it to a shady place to avoid exposure to the sun and rain.

3. Longevity flower

The longevity flower is resistant to drought and cannot be watered at ordinary times, otherwise it is easy to rot its roots. It likes light. Many flower friends directly move outside in spring to make it grow better, but it is about to enter summer. With the temperature getting higher and higher, the sun is getting bigger and bigger, it will enter a semi-dormant state. At this time, we should pay attention to shading it, water the soil once it is dry, and water it once every 10 days or so.

Summer three dormant flowers to share these, flower friends have other compensation, you can share with you in the comments section below, if you want to know more about flower cultivation, you can pay attention to flowers!