
The key to strengthening Farmers and Rich Peasants the rural land system must break the bottleneck

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In 1978, 18 farmers in Xiaogang village in Anhui province took great risks by pressing bright red handprints on the contract of guaranteed production to every household. It can be said that it is this move that makes Xiaogang Village the birthplace of Dabao dry work, and also makes the reform of rural land system the beginning of China's reform.

In 1978, 18 farmers in Xiaogang village in Anhui province took great risks by pressing bright red handprints on the contract of guaranteed production to every household. It can be said that it is this move that makes Xiaogang Village the birthplace of "Da Bao Gan" and the reform of rural land system as the beginning of China's reform, thus promoting the magnificent reform process. In 2013, more than 30 years later, one of the highlights of the decision of the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee is that it has made a new breakthrough in deepening the reform of the rural land system, which defines the direction, focus and requirements of the rural land system reform in the future. The promotion of a new round of rural land system reform is not only directly related to the vital interests of hundreds of millions of farmers, agriculture and rural development, but also will have a far-reaching impact on the economic and social development of our country as a whole.

First, the rural land system must break the bottleneck.

"Land is the origin of all things", land is the basis of economic and social development. China's reform started from the reform of the rural land system. The establishment and implementation of the household contract responsibility system has greatly liberated and developed China's agricultural productive forces, profoundly changed the face of rural development, and injected a strong driving force into the whole reform and opening up.

Over the past 30 years, with the continuous development and improvement of the rural land system, China's comprehensive agricultural production capacity has increased steadily, and agricultural production has achieved a fundamental transformation from long-term shortage to total balance and surplus in bumper years. Since 2004, China's grain output has achieved "ten consecutive increases", exceeding 600 million tons in 2013, and the per capita share has exceeded the world average for many years in a row. At the same time, it should also be noted that with the modernization of agriculture and the development of rural economy, and with the rapid progress of urbanization and industrialization, there are still many imperfections in the current rural land system, which must be changed.

◎ land is the most important asset of farmers. No matter how the land system is changed, we must not play the "crooked idea" of the peasants, touch the "cheese" of the peasants, and cannot become the "flesh of the Tang monk" that everyone wants to bite.

◎ as the saying goes, a clenched fist is strong. The free circulation of rural land is to realize large-scale operation and make it a "fist" rather than a "finger".

How to distribute the income of ◎ "farmland entering the market" is the key, and we must ensure that farmers are the biggest beneficiaries.

Affect agricultural production. In recent years, the rural labor force has been transferred to non-agricultural industries and cities and towns, but many people still retain rural contracted land. According to the current system, these lands cannot be listed and circulated, nor can they be used for other purposes, which hinders the large-scale operation of the land, leads to the abandonment of cultivated land, and leads to the phenomenon of "having land without people", which is not conducive to increasing grain production and to the development of agricultural modernization.

Causing a waste of land. In some places, the expansion mode of "seeking development with land" has been formed, which relies heavily on land income, illegal land occupation and blind construction, resulting in a rapid reduction of cultivated land and serious waste of land. During the Eleventh five-year Plan period, in cities and towns, the population density of industrial and mining land decreased by 10%, and the utilization rate of land decreased instead of rising; from 2001 to 2010, although farmers went to work in cities on a large scale, the land for rural construction increased by 2.03 million hectares. The extensive and wasteful land use model has led to a lot of places living beyond their means, and even broke through the land use target of 2020.

Damage the rights and interests of farmers. In China, the problem of different prices in the same place between urban and rural areas is prominent. Rural collective land can not be listed and traded directly, but is expropriated by the state and compensated according to the income of the original use of the land, and the compensation received by the collective land owner is too low. According to the survey, the compensation for land expropriation received by farmers accounts for only 5% and 10% of the land value-added income. The social contradictions caused by the low standard of compensation for land expropriation, inadequate procedures, single mode of resettlement and lack of social security are acute, and a large number of disputes are caused by the problem of land expropriation every year.

In order to solve these problems, the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee put forward a series of major measures to promote the reform of rural land system. However, this reform is a major and special issue, and it must be carried out cautiously and in an orderly manner, and what should be launched as early as possible should not be carried out without delay, the pilot should not be pushed forward hastily, and those that should be pushed forward after in-depth study should not be rushed for success. The central government has made arrangements to carry out the pilot reform of rural collective construction land, rural homestead land, and land expropriation system in an orderly manner within the scope of authorization.

Second, what is the threshold for "farmland entering the market"?

For more than half a year, the word "farmland entering the market" has frequently appeared in all kinds of media and networks. In fact, this word comes from some people's interpretation of the spirit of the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. But this formulation is not accurate, the concept of agricultural land is very broad, generally speaking, "agricultural land into the market" is easy to cause misunderstanding, thinking that all rural land can enter the market.

In fact, the original text of the "decision" of the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee is as follows: "on the premise of being in line with planning and use control, rural collective construction land is allowed to be sold, leased and bought into shares." the implementation is the same as the state-owned land in the market, the same right and the same price. " That is to say, there are limited requirements and a "threshold" for agricultural land to enter the market, and not all agricultural land can enter the market.

First, it must be collective construction land. Rural land includes collective agricultural land, construction land and unused land, among which collective construction land can be divided into three categories: homestead, public facilities land and operating land. Collective construction land, popularly speaking, is the land used for non-agricultural production and operation, that is, the land used by collective economic organizations to engage in the secondary and tertiary industries, such as the land used by village offices and township enterprises. In the rural land, only this part of the land is qualified to enter the market, while cultivated land, homestead and so on are not good.

Jiang Daming: land Reform should keep the bottom Line

Jiang Daming, minister of land and resources, believes that land reform should keep the bottom line. To keep the bottom line is that no matter how it is changed, the collective ownership of rural land must not be destroyed, the cultivated land should not be reduced, the grain output should not be changed, and the interests of the peasants should not be harmed.

Second, planning and use controls must be met. Construction land has a strong irreversibility, once destroyed, it is difficult to restore the original appearance. To this end, most countries in the world implement land use control, and so is our country. Therefore, when commercial construction land enters the market, it is necessary to "buy a ticket before getting on the bus", but not "get on the bus first and then make up the ticket". This ticket is to comply with the overall land use planning and use control, which is a prerequisite. In other words, among the commercial construction sites, only those that comply with planning and use control can be listed for sale.

Third, enjoy the same treatment as state-owned land. For the operational construction land that meets the requirements, it should enter the market on the same basis as the state-owned land, have the same right and the same price, and should not be biased in favour of one or the other. Equal access to the market means that the two enter the market on an equal footing, which means that commercial construction land can be traded among more market subjects, in a wider range and in a wider range of uses; the same right and the same price means that the two have the same power, can be transferred, leased, shareholding, mortgage, etc., and the market price should not be different because of the different nature of the land.

Guide and standardize the entry of rural collective construction land into the market

On the premise of being in line with planning and use control, the transfer, leasing and shareholding of rural collective construction land are allowed to enter the market with the same rights and prices as state-owned land, and speed up the establishment of a system for the transfer of property rights and value-added income distribution of rural collective construction land. The relevant departments should provide specific guidance as soon as possible and promote the revision of relevant laws and regulations. All localities should push forward this work in a standardized and orderly manner in accordance with the unified arrangements of the central authorities.

-- extracted from "some opinions on comprehensively deepening Rural Reform and accelerating Agricultural Modernization"

Thus it can be seen that the entry of rural collective construction land into the market not only has strict hard leverage, but also gives it new powers, which is good news for the broad masses of farmers. In recent years, Guangdong, Anhui, Hubei and other provinces have issued regulations to regulate the transfer of collective construction land, and actively carry out reform and exploration of collective construction land. Of course, in order to do this good thing well and truly benefit the broad masses of peasants, we also need to do some basic work well. First, implement the Central Central Committee document No. 1 in 2014, speed up the revision of relevant laws and regulations and system construction, step up the revision of the property Law and Land Management Law, and issue specific guidance as soon as possible, so that the reform is based on the law. The second is to improve the public trading market and incorporate the transaction of rural collective construction land into the existing trading platforms such as the market of state-owned construction land, so that its price is decided by the market and fully reflects its due value. The third is to establish a land value-added income distribution mechanism, taking into account the interests of good countries, collectives and individuals, and reasonably improve individual income, so that farmers can benefit from this reform.