
Agricultural machinery cooperatives walk through the "triple door" and the whole process of "babysitting" service.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The socialized service of agricultural machinery is the mainstream of the development of agricultural mechanization, and the agricultural machinery cooperative is the leading force to promote the socialized service of agricultural machinery. At present, new types of agricultural operators, such as large grain growers, family farmers and farmers' professional cooperatives, continue to emerge.

The socialized service of agricultural machinery is the mainstream of the development of agricultural mechanization, and the agricultural machinery cooperative is the leading force to promote the socialized service of agricultural machinery. At present, new types of agricultural operators such as large grain growers, family farmers and farmers' professional cooperatives continue to emerge. Agricultural machinery cooperatives integrate and infiltrate with new agricultural operators in the process of developing agricultural mechanization services. showing three different development models, and showing the characteristics of progressive development: first, simply engaged in the whole process of "nanny" service, called "one door" The second is to lease land to develop planting, aquaculture and deep processing of agricultural products while engaging in agricultural mechanization services, which is called "double door". The third is to seek a breakthrough in the mode of management by buying shares in land, which is called "triple door".

The whole process of "nanny" service

When the reporter walked into Heping Village, a mill community in Hefei, Anhui Province, the 70-year-old Han Yonggang was leisurely watching the farm mechanic working in his field behind his back. He told reporters that this year, his family has planted 700 mu of land and signed a contract with a professional agricultural cooperative for farming and harvesting, and to provide agricultural materials such as seeds, pesticides and chemical fertilizers with high quality and low price. "I just need to do a good job of farming planning and day-to-day field management, and leave the rest to the co-operative, waiting for the harvest. This has not only solved the problem of labor shortage in rural areas, but also made it easier and easier to sow seeds and harvest in time. " Han Yonggang said.

The one who signed the whole agricultural mechanization service with Han Yonggang is the professional cooperative of Tianzihe farmers in Dali Village, Yangdian Township, Feidong County, Anhui Province. Wang Jinsong, chairman of the cooperative, told the reporter that the labor force is now going out in large numbers, and how to plant the fields and who will farm the fields is a realistic problem facing the rural areas. In particular, with the acceleration of land transfer, a large number of large grain growers emerge, they are generally faced with low planting technology, low level of field management, lack of funds and other problems, there is a huge demand for agricultural machinery social service. Wang Jinsong said that he used to be engaged in agricultural material distribution, but in 2013, he began to transform, set up a professional cooperative for Tianzihe farmers, set up a whole-process service team for agricultural mechanization, purchased more than 10 sets of agricultural machinery himself, and integrated a large number of idle agricultural machinery in Feidong County. to provide farmers with unified farming, unified planting, unified seedling raising, unified field management, unified harvesting of the whole process of "nanny" agricultural machinery services. It is very popular with the local grain growers.

Guo Zichao, vice president of the China Agricultural Mechanization Association, believes that this kind of "nanny" socialized service organization of agricultural machinery is mainly based on the socialized service of agricultural machinery, carrying out order operations such as ploughing, planting, and harvesting, and some even "trusteeship" of land. agricultural machinery services to promote seeds, seedlings, pesticides, fertilizers and other agricultural material management of comprehensive service organizations, a wide range of services. This kind of service organization adapts to the current rural reality, helps to promote the transfer of rural land, and fundamentally solves the problem of rural labor shortage and the shortage of agricultural machinery faced by large grain growers.

Double door:

Leased land extension industry

Yuan Dongsheng, a family farmer in Qianshang Village, Xiangshan Town, Chongren County, Jiangxi Province, while managing his own more than 400 mu of rice, he also organized and set up a Fengxiang agricultural machinery professional cooperative and organized more than 130 farmers around to join the cooperative. the cooperative has more than 100 sets of agricultural machinery and tools, providing the surrounding farmers with prenatal, mid-production and post-natal "one-stop" services such as ploughing, seed generation and harvest, to meet farmers' demand for agricultural machinery. It has promoted the improvement of local agricultural mechanization level.

At present, agricultural machinery cooperatives have become the main force in the socialized service system of agricultural machinery. It is understood that most specialized agricultural machinery cooperatives are still engaged in simple farming and harvesting operations. however, it is very difficult to make money by relying solely on agricultural machinery services. in order to enhance the ability of self-development, some cooperatives continue to expand their service areas and business scope, extending from the ploughing, planting and harvesting of food crops to the processing of cash crops and agricultural products. From agricultural machinery operation services to land transfer management and agricultural materials, technology, information services, from the traditional planting industry to animal husbandry, fishery, forest and fruit industry and facility agriculture and other fields, constantly extend the industrial chain and improve market competitiveness.

Wanxin Modern Agricultural Machinery Cooperative in Shanqian Village, Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province is trying to expand its business scope and enhance its own hematopoietic function. Xue Yaohui, chairman of the board, told reporters that their cooperative has 60 sets of large agricultural machinery, which are engaged in socialized services for agricultural machinery, and the operating area of agricultural machinery has reached 1700 hectares this year. The profit of agricultural machinery service is meagre. In order to develop, they have leased land, developed planting and breeding industries, planted 617 hectares of corn this year, and planned to raise 500 beef cattle, using corn straw as feed and cow manure as fertilizer, initially forming an agricultural circular industry chain. Xue Yaohui believes that the agricultural industry has a long chain and great potential for development, and the cooperative plans to develop grain drying and storage business, develop organic fertilizer and corn processing industries, and lead farmers to become rich together.

Triple door:

Land shares to seek a breakthrough

However, leasing land to develop planting and aquaculture, it is difficult to stimulate the enthusiasm of farmers to transfer land, resulting in deep-seated contradictions and problems in the development process of agricultural machinery cooperatives, such as small scale operation area of land, low efficiency of substitute tillage and so on. Now, some agricultural machinery cooperatives are seeking changes in their business models. Modern agricultural machinery cooperatives in Safety Village, Kedong County, Heilongjiang Province rely on farmers to bring land into the community and the secondary distribution of income, which solves these problems and promotes the healthy and sustainable development of modern agricultural machinery cooperatives.

The predecessor of modern agricultural machinery cooperative in Changsheng Township Safety Village, Kedong County, Heilongjiang Province is Lao he Agricultural Machinery Cooperative, which is mainly engaged in agricultural machinery services, and the economic benefit is not very good. In 2012, they changed to corn planting cooperatives, leasing more than 5000 mu of land, and six or seven farmers in the village bought shares with the land, which achieved good economic benefits that year, and the farmers who joined the shares also received dividends. Chairman he Chengchun said that with the expansion of the scale of land management, the cooperative's own agricultural machinery can no longer meet the demand for agricultural machinery operation. In 2013, they took over a modern agricultural machinery cooperative in the neighboring village that had a large amount of agricultural machinery but was in trouble, and renamed it safe Village Modern Agricultural Machinery Cooperative. At present, the cooperative has a land planting area of 32000 mu, more than 60 sets of agricultural machinery, large and small, a grain drying tower with a daily drying capacity of 200 tons, and a grain depot with a capacity of 20, 000 tons. Under the existing economic mode, farmers buy shares with land, and cooperatives make use of the advantage of scale to develop order agriculture, which has achieved good economic benefits.

Guo Zichao believes that the new main body of agricultural management plus socialized service of agricultural machinery is the direction of the development of modern agriculture. In the process of the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, the socialized service of agricultural machinery has a broad prospect, and the emergence of a variety of service organizations engaged in agricultural machinery cooperatives has promoted the promotion of the level of agricultural mechanization in the region and the development of modern agriculture. Therefore, we should speed up the construction of a vertical compound modern agricultural management system based on household management, with cooperation and association as the link, and social service as the support.