
Speed up the development of animal husbandry insurance and promote the construction of modern animal husbandry

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, On August 28, the Ministry of Agriculture and the CIRC jointly held an experience exchange meeting on insurance support for animal husbandry development in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, to jointly study and deploy animal husbandry insurance work. Yu Kangzhen, vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, and Chen Wenhui, vice chairman of the CIRC, respectively made great efforts to develop animal husbandry insurance.

On August 28, the Ministry of Agriculture and the CIRC jointly held an experience exchange meeting on insurance support for animal husbandry development in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, to jointly study and deploy animal husbandry insurance work. Yu Kanzhen, vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, and Chen Wenhui, vice chairman of the CIRC, respectively made speeches on vigorously developing animal husbandry insurance and promoting the construction of modern animal husbandry.

Yu Kangzhen pointed out that animal husbandry is not only an important pillar industry of agricultural and rural economy, but also a weak industry with "high risk and low income". Speeding up the development of animal husbandry insurance is an important measure to reduce the disaster loss and market risk of animal husbandry, promote the harmless treatment of sick and dead animals, increase the income of farmers and herdsmen, and improve the means of government regulation and control, and it is also the inherent requirement of the development of modern animal husbandry. Since the national launch of policy-oriented animal husbandry insurance in 2007, animal husbandry insurance has been promoted steadily, and the role of risk protection has been gradually brought into play, which has played an important role in promoting the healthy and stable development of animal husbandry.

Yu Kangzhen stressed that animal husbandry and veterinary departments at all levels should firmly seize the important historical opportunity of the central authorities to speed up the development of modern insurance services, pay more attention to the development of agricultural insurance, and conscientiously sum up the successful experience in the development of animal husbandry insurance in accordance with the principles of "government guidance, market operation, autonomy, and coordinated promotion." we should conscientiously sum up the successful experience in the development of animal husbandry insurance, strengthen organizational leadership, enhance ideological understanding, and enhance the ability to support the development of animal husbandry insurance. We will actively promote finance at all levels to increase support for animal husbandry insurance, steadily expand the scope of policy-oriented animal husbandry insurance, and meet the growing demand for animal husbandry insurance. It is necessary to strengthen cooperation with insurance regulatory departments and operating institutions, establish and improve the operation and management mechanism of animal husbandry insurance that link up and promote each other, comprehensively raise the development level of animal husbandry insurance, and protect the construction of modern animal husbandry.

Chen Wenhui pointed out that in recent years, China's animal husbandry insurance has achieved great-leap-forward development and achieved positive results. At present, animal husbandry insurance has covered all provinces in the country, and China has become the largest animal husbandry insurance market in the world. The function of animal husbandry insurance is playing an increasingly important role, becoming a stabilizer and booster for the development of animal husbandry, as well as an important means to implement the national policy of strengthening agriculture and benefiting farmers and rich farmers. Insurance and animal identification and disease traceability system, epidemic prevention and harmless treatment linkage mechanism will be gradually established, and market means will be used to guide farmers to implement animal husbandry management standards and maintain public environmental hygiene and food safety. It is necessary to fully understand the mission requirements of the modern insurance industry, accurately grasp the historical opportunities faced by the development of animal husbandry insurance, and take the implementation of the "regulations on Agricultural Insurance" and "some opinions of the State Council on speeding up the Development of Modern Insurance Service Industry" as the core. Further unify thinking, enhance understanding, improve the working mechanism, give full play to the joint force of policies, enhance service capacity, and expand insurance coverage. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen supervision, ensure standardized operation, ensure that the state's policy of strengthening farmers and benefiting farmers and rich farmers is implemented, and do good things well and do practical things.

Provincial animal husbandry and veterinary departments, insurance regulatory departments, some insurance institutions and experts and scholars attended the meeting.