
Autumn tea is listed to welcome the "examination": who dominates the ups and downs of Tieguanyin or white tea?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The ancients said that spring tea is bitter, summer tea is astringent, it should be good, autumn White Dew, the autumn white dew here refers to autumn tea. Nowadays, it is the peak picking season, and autumn tea picking in major producing areas is being carried out vigorously, preparing the taste buds of consumers for the taste of autumn. It is understood that

The ancients said, "Spring tea is bitter, summer tea is astringent, it should be good, autumn White Dew". The "autumn White Dew" here refers to autumn tea. Nowadays, it is the peak picking season, and autumn tea picking in major producing areas is being carried out vigorously, preparing the taste buds of consumers for the taste of autumn.

It is understood that due to the taste of summer tea is not very good, not recognized by the market, so many tea companies are not optimistic about its sales prospects. As for the gap in summer tea sales, tea enterprises mostly choose to rely on autumn tea to fill, coupled with the better growth of tea this year, tea enterprises have to focus on the production and sales of autumn tea.

"the market of autumn tea is approaching the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, and the demand for tea is bound to increase greatly." Industry insiders said that whether it is the veteran Tieguanyin, or the new power of white tea, in this year's autumn tea picking stage sales have been optimistic by the outside world. Among them, Fujian white tea is a relatively "minority" variety of autumn tea in previous years, but it is hot this year. Before the autumn tea picking season, 40% of the white tea has been ordered.

However, experts pointed out that the impact of tea sales this year will continue. In order to break through the current market predicament, tea enterprises should appropriately increase the proportion of medium and low-grade tea in order to take the people-friendly route to meet the market "examination".

Autumn tea is valued by tea enterprises

It is understood that in the tea industry, spring tea sales are the most valued by tea enterprises, while summer and autumn tea is regarded as a tasteless and discarded "chicken rib". The reason is that the picking cost of summer and autumn tea is high and the profit is low. According to industry estimates, in Guiyang City, for example, at least 80% of the summer and autumn tea in the city is wasted every year.

Relevant data show that the planting area of the tea industry in a county is 170000 mu, and the production area is 42000 mu. There are 65 tea enterprises, and only three or five of them pick and use summer and autumn tea. In recent years, due to the influence of the environment, the tea sales market is not as good as before, which makes many tea enterprises focus on the production and sales of summer and autumn tea, especially autumn tea.

"now, while doing a good job in selling famous and excellent spring tea, more and more tea enterprises are optimistic about the potential market of autumn tea." Industry insiders said that, in particular, some tea companies that produce less summer tea have begun to prepare for the production of autumn tea. According to reports, due to the taste of summer tea is not very good, not recognized by the market, so many tea enterprises are not optimistic about its sales prospects. As for the gap in summer tea sales, tea enterprises mostly choose to rely on autumn tea to fill, coupled with the better growth of tea this year, tea enterprises have to focus on the production and sales of autumn tea.

However, although autumn tea has a bumper harvest, it is faced with the problem of picking and production. Even if the labor cost of picking tea has risen by more than 10%, it is still difficult to hire tea pickers this year, according to information from several major autumn tea-producing provinces. With regard to this situation, relevant experts from the Ministry of Agriculture pointed out that agricultural departments at all levels in tea areas should further strengthen the guidance of tea production, speed up the organization of mechanized research and development of tea picking, reduce the labor of tea picking, and reduce production costs so as to improve economic benefits.

Tieguanyin is no longer favored

When it comes to autumn tea, Tieguanyin is the first thing that comes to mind. For Tieguanyin, autumn tea is of the best quality, because the aroma of autumn tea is much higher than that of spring tea, which is what people call Tieguanyin's "autumn fragrance".

Anxi is the tea capital of China, the hometown of Chinese oolong tea and the birthplace of Tieguanyin tea. Tieguanyin is the most famous kind of oolong tea, the representative of autumn tea and the most famous tea in Anxi County. At the third National Tea Industry Economic Symposium held in 2013, the National Tea Industry system Economic Research Office released an investigation report on tea consumption behavior of residents in 12 cities. The report data show that among the major tea categories in the country, Anxi Tieguanyin Tea ranks first with a market share of 17.29%. The report also points out that Anxi Tieguanyin Tea has such a high market share, thanks to "unique aroma characteristics and successful marketing strategies."

At this time, it is the season when autumn tea is picked in Anxi County, and the quality of autumn tea is worthy of full expectation. However, in the tea consumption market, the previous market pattern of Tieguanyin autumn tea is gradually changing, with hot sales of black tea, Dahongpao, black tea and other tea diverting the Tieguanyin market.

Wang Qing, executive vice president of the China Tea Circulation Association, pointed out in an interview with the media that the hot spot of tea consumption is shifting. In the field of tea consumption, we have experienced the fever of oolong tea represented by Tieguanyin, Pu'er tea represented by Pu'er tea, and the popularity of black tea and Anhua black tea, which have eroded a lot of Tieguanyin market. At the same time, the "three public consumption" restrictions have a great impact on the entire gift tea market, especially some tea enterprises that focus on high-end gift tea.

It is understood that under the influence of overcapacity, policy constraints, quality problems and the transfer of hot spots in the tea market, Tieguanyin autumn tea has been no longer sought after by the market in recent years, and the price has declined. In 2013, Anxi Tieguanyin Tea's output increased, while the purchase price of Mao tea dropped. In the retail market, tea of the same quality, which could sell for more than 300 yuan per jin in previous years, can only be sold for about 260 yuan per jin. 220 yuan per jin is now only 180 yuan per jin, and the price has dropped by about 15 percent overall.

"at present, the processing technology of Tieguanyin is too chaotic, which is an important reason for the decline of Tieguanyin market." Wang Qing believes that, coupled with the lack of unified processing standards, Tieguanyin aroma confusion, taste differences, so that consumers are also very confused. Experts pointed out that if Tieguanyin wants to break through the current market predicament, tea enterprises should appropriately increase the proportion of medium-and low-grade tea in order to take a pro-people route to meet the market "examination."

White tea emerges as a new force

Compared with the decline of Tieguanyin autumn tea, some of the more "minority" autumn tea varieties in previous years have become hot. Take Fujian white tea as an example, 40% of the white tea has been ordered before the autumn tea picking season.

White tea belongs to one of the six major tea categories, harvesting spring and autumn twice a year, is a slightly fermented tea, because most of its finished tea is bud head, covered with white hairs, such as silver like snow. White tea has the saying that "one year is tea, three years is medicine, and seven years are treasure." the longer it is preserved, the more valuable it will be.

At this time of year, autumn tea is still far from being picked, and there is no movement in the market, but 40% of autumn tea has been booked this year. Some tea wholesalers said that after Fujian white tea, which was "nameless" in previous years, suddenly became a hot commodity, the price also went up, about 50% higher than last year.

According to industry insiders, the rise in the price of white tea is mainly affected by the rise in the price of raw material tea green (unprocessed tea just picked). In addition, in recent years, consumers have paid more and more attention to the drinking of white tea, which is also one of the reasons why white tea is popular in autumn tea.

According to reports, in the past, white tea was mainly supplied to Europe, the United States, Southeast Asia and other places, but in the past two years, the export situation was not very good, so tea enterprises have tried to find ways to expand sales in the domestic market. Since 2013, many people in China have begun to know and drink white tea, and white tea is gradually in short supply.

◇ consumption Tips

Teach you how to choose autumn tea

Many people are confused about how to choose tea and don't know how to tell it apart. As a last resort, many consumers can only assume that the more expensive the better, the so-called rule. In fact, experts say, although the price can reflect the quality of the product to a certain extent, it has more to do with its scarcity. If you want to find a good cup of autumn tea, you should learn to distinguish it simply. Next, let's take a look at what identification techniques we have.

Autumn tea leaves vary in size

What is the difference between autumn tea and spring tea and summer tea, experts say, can be "dry and wet look" to tell.

Dry look, mainly from the color, aroma and shape of dry tea to be judged. Where green tea is green, black tea is dark, tea is fat and strong, or there are more white hairs, and black tea and green tea are tight, bead tea particles are round and fragrant, it is spring tea; where green tea is gray and dark, black tea is red, tea is light and wide, tender stalks are wide and long, and black tea and green tea are loose, Zhucha particles are loose, and the aroma is slightly thick and old. Where the green tea color is yellow and green, the black tea color is dark red, the tea is of different sizes, the leaf is light and thin, and the aroma is relatively peaceful, it is autumn tea.

Wet look, is the tea soup review, as a further judgment. Where the tea sinks quickly after brewing, the aroma is strong and lasting, the taste is mellow, the green color of green tea is yellow, the color of black tea is bright cash circle, the bottom of tea leaves are soft and thick, and there are many normal buds, it is spring tea. After brewing, the tea sinks slowly, the aroma is lower, the taste of green tea is not thick and slightly astringent, the soup color is green, the leaf bottom is mixed with copper green bud leaves, the black tea taste is strong and not cool, the soup color is red and dark, the leaf bottom is red and bright, the tea leaf bottom is thin and hard, and the tea leaves are more sandwiched with summer tea; where the tea leaves are brewed, the aroma is not high, the taste is insipid, the leaf bottom is sandwiched with copper-green bud leaves, the leaf is of different size, and the leaf is autumn tea.

Three tips to distinguish authentic Tieguanyin autumn tea

To skillfully distinguish Tieguanyin autumn tea, we mainly start from the following three aspects.

The first is color. The color of Tieguanyin autumn tea gradually changes from green and green to gray and yellow, and then from black to grayish brown.

The second is taste. The effective components of esters soluble in water in Tieguanyin autumn tea decreased after oxidation, so that the taste of tea changed from mellow to thin. at the same time, due to the oxidation of amino acids in tea, the fresh taste of tea weakened and became dull.

Once again, the aroma. Tieguanyin autumn tea is no longer fragrant due to the oxidation and volatilization of aroma substances.

In addition, there are other ways to skillfully identify Tieguanyin autumn tea: 1. Dry tea clenched and tossed cup sound crisp as autumn tea: when identifying Tieguanyin autumn tea, take out a little dry tea and throw it into the cover bowl, making a crisp sound is autumn tea. 2. The fresh green and glossy dry tea is autumn tea: how the color and glossiness of dry tea is, it is also one of the more intuitive identification methods. Authentic Anxi Tieguanyin Tea autumn tea, its dry tea color should be bright green, so it is not difficult to identify. 3. Those with fresh fruit aroma are autumn tea.