
The relief of drought in the whole country is lower than the average value of the same period of many years. Autumn grain production is promising.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Although the current drought in Northeast China is still serious, it is obviously lighter than the same period last year and lower than the multi-year average of 120 million mu. The Ministry of Agriculture and the National Meteorological Administration jointly discussed that although the current drought has an impact on local autumn grain production, but the northeast region, the Yangtze River

Although the current drought in Northeast China is still serious, it is obviously lighter than the same period last year and lower than the multi-year average of 120 million mu. The Ministry of Agriculture and the National Meteorological Bureau held a joint meeting that although the current drought has an impact on local autumn grain production, the growth process in most of the major autumn grain producing areas in Northeast China and the Yangtze River Basin is normal and the growth is generally good. The autumn grain crops such as corn in the unaffected areas of the drought-stricken provinces are growing well and can offset some of the disaster losses.

A few days ago, there was an obvious rainfall process in the arid areas of Northeast China and Huang-Huai. The rainfall process is very beneficial to alleviate the current drought, and the drought-affected area of crops across the country has been reduced by nearly 20 million mu. According to statistics by the end of August, the drought-affected area of crops in China is 65.79 million mu, mainly distributed in Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Hebei and other places.

According to a report by the Office of the State Flood Control and drought Relief headquarters, during this round of rainfall, the average rainfall in Liaoning, Jilin, Henan and Hubei reached 35 mm, 32 mm, 23 mm and 43 mm respectively, and the area affected by drought across the country decreased by 18.16 million mu compared with that before rainfall, including 6.95 million mu in Liaoning Province, 6.16 million mu in Henan Province, 2.7 million mu in Jilin Province and 1.55 million mu in Hubei Province.

However, Liaoning Province is still the province with heavy drought at present. The Liaoning Provincial Flood Control and drought Relief headquarters said that at present, the drought in Liaoning Province is still very serious, with 358000 people and 82000 head of large livestock in the province having difficulty in drinking water due to drought. According to the forecast of the meteorological department, the recent precipitation in Liaoning Province is still on the low side, and the drought is likely to change from summer drought to continuous drought in summer and autumn.

In view of the drought, Liaoning Province gave full play to the role of grass-roots water conservancy service system, organized and mobilized 905 water-related townships and 45 county-level drought relief technical service teams in the province to actively carry out drought relief and disaster reduction in the fields. Up to now, the province has completed a total of 9.1968 million mu of drought-resistant irrigation area, temporarily solving the drinking water difficulties of 408800 people and 91000 head of large livestock.

"these areas in Northeast China are traditional arid areas with poor land conditions and weak water conservation capacity in hills and sloping lands." Pan Wenbo, deputy director of the planting Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, said that corn is the main crop affected by the drought, of which 86% of the drought area in Liaoning is corn, 90% of the drought area in Jilin is corn, and 50% of the drought area in Inner Mongolia is corn.

Although the current drought in Northeast China is still serious, the current drought is obviously lighter than the same period last year, and also lower than the multi-year average of 120 million mu. Data show that the current drought area of crops in the country is more than 65 million mu. In August last year, the drought-affected area of 10 provinces and regions in the Yangtze River basin exceeded 100 million mu. In August 2009, when the drought was severe, the drought-affected area reached 148 million mu.

The Ministry of Agriculture and the National Meteorological Bureau held a joint meeting that the current drought is regional, and although it has an impact on local autumn grain production, the growth process of most of the major autumn grain producing areas in Northeast China and the Yangtze River Basin is normal and the growth is generally good. At present, the unaffected areas of the drought-stricken provinces have high temperature and sufficient light, and autumn grain crops such as corn are growing well, and can also offset some of the disaster losses.

Pan Wenbo said that the current national autumn grain production situation is relatively good, mainly based on three factors: first, the planting area has increased steadily this year. This year, the planting area of cotton, oil crops and other cash crops will be reduced, the planting area of autumn grain is expected to increase by more than 6 million mu, and high-yielding crops such as corn and rice will increase by more than 9 million mu. Second, the growth of autumn grain in most areas is better than that of the previous year. During the spring sowing period this year, the meteorological conditions are good, coupled with the implementation of key technologies, most of the main autumn grain producing areas have a normal growth process and generally good growth. Third, the drought in some areas since July is regional, which has an impact on autumn grain production in heavily arid areas, but it will not have an overall impact.