
The mechanized promotion of mechanized planting early rice with high yield and bumper harvest is full of stamina.

Published: 2024-07-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/20, Despite the influence of continuous low temperature and little rain for a long time, early rice reaped a bumper harvest in Datong Lake Farm of Hunan Agricultural Reclamation. Expert acceptance data show that the average yield of mechanically transplanted early rice in this area is 532.8 kg per mu. At the same time, more than 110000 mu of mechanically planted rice seedlings in the area

Despite the influence of continuous low temperature and little rain for a long time, early rice reaped a bumper harvest in Datong Lake Farm of Hunan Agricultural Reclamation. Expert acceptance data show that the average yield of mechanically transplanted early rice in this area is 532.8 kg per mu. At the same time, after the early rice with mechanical transplanting of more than 110000 mu in this area was attacked by torrential rain and strong wind in early July, none of the hills lodged, which once again fully demonstrated the great advantage of mechanized transplanting in stress resistance and high yield.

Dai Dihua, a villager of Wangxing Village, Heba Town, regretted that his field had not been selected for yield measurement. "the output is more than 100 jin higher than the one you measured." Dai Dihua said.

Since the beginning of this year, Datonghu Farm has taken the whole process mechanization of rice production as the goal, firmly grasping the focus of machine transplanting production, through the demonstration and guidance of the Ministry of Agriculture's "demonstration County of whole process Mechanization of Rice production" and the provincial project "tackling key problems of whole process Mechanization of Rice production", under the guidance of the government and market, a little bit of financial subsidy, a little bit of project support, a little bit of support for farmers, a little bit of profit for merchants, and a little bit of demonstration. The production of mechanical transplanting in the whole region has been transformed from demonstration and promotion to voluntary. According to statistics, since the end of May alone, 11 new high-speed transplanters for late rice production have been declared, and the late rice transplanting machine in the region has increased by 11000 mu compared with early rice.