
Accelerate the pace of agricultural brand construction

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Eating wolfberry requires Ningxia, drinking Pu 'er tea requires the upgrading of Yunnan's national consumption structure, especially the strong demand for the quality and safety of agricultural products, which makes the brand bear unprecedented expectations and become the core part of enterprise competitiveness and industrial competitiveness. on the 4 th

Eat Chinese wolfberry from Ningxia and drink Pu'er tea from Yunnan. The upgrading of the national consumption structure, especially the strong demand for the quality and safety of agricultural products, makes the brand bear unprecedented expectations and become the core part of enterprise competitiveness and industrial competitiveness. At the 2014 International Symposium on Brand Agricultural Development held on the 4th, Chen Xiaohua, vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, said that the pace of agricultural brand building will be accelerated.

Chen Xiaohua pointed out: in recent years, agricultural departments at all levels have issued guiding opinions on strengthening the building of agricultural brands, actively carrying out the cultivation of agricultural brands, strengthening the certification of pollution-free agricultural products, green food, organic food, and the registration and protection of geographical indications of agricultural products, and increasing brand marketing and promotion, and positive progress has been made in agricultural brand building. In today's world, the major agricultural countries and agricultural powers are almost all agricultural brand powers and agricultural brand powers. China's agricultural brand construction is inseparable from the world, and the world agricultural brand construction also needs China's participation. The Ministry of Agriculture will learn from all the good experience and advanced technology in the world to speed up the construction of agricultural brands.

Zhu Baocheng, former member of the party group of the Ministry of Agriculture and president of the China Association of High-quality Agriculture, said that at present, no matter from the macro level of national modernization, or from the micro level of modern agricultural development practice, the implementation of agricultural brand strategy has relatively mature conditions, and we should seize this historic opportunity and spare no effort to promote the implementation of China's agricultural brand strategy and the process of agricultural modernization. The implementation of China's modern agricultural brand strategy can be considered from strengthening top-level design, doing a good job in system planning, ensuring quality and safety, laying the foundation for development, improving product quality, grasping the focus of development, strengthening the protection of property rights, and creating a good atmosphere. To promote agricultural trade, improve product awareness, give full play to the role of associations, improve the level of service and other aspects.

Prior to this, the Ministry of Agriculture has issued the "implementation Plan for the Promotion Action of the three products of the National Horticultural crops" and decided to focus on fruit and tea. By building a number of breeding bases for improved varieties of seedlings, creating a number of fine fruit (tea) gardens, and cultivating a number of well-known brands with strong competitiveness, we will promote the improvement of horticultural crop varieties, quality improvement and brand building, promote the quality and efficiency of horticultural products, and upgrade the horticultural industry.