
How to make Finance better serve Modern Agriculture

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, The work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" is the top priority of the government. Strengthening financial support for agriculture, rural areas and farmers is of great significance for strengthening food security, building modern agriculture, increasing farmers' income and narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas. With the deepening of the division of labor and separation in rural areas

The work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" is the top priority of the government. Strengthening financial support for agriculture, rural areas and farmers is of great significance for strengthening food security, building modern agriculture, increasing farmers' income and narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas. With the in-depth development of rural division of labor, a large number of new agricultural operators characterized by specialization, marketization, scale and intensification have emerged in the field of agriculture, which have become the backbone of the development of modern agriculture. The operation scale of the new agricultural main body is large, the demand for funds is increasing, and it is generally faced with the problem of financing. This problem restricts the scale operation and the development of modern agriculture. On the other hand, although a multi-level and perfect rural financial service system has been initially formed in recent years, with continuous expansion of coverage and continuous improvement of service level, rural finance is still the weakest link in the whole financial system. The number of financial institutions in rural areas is relatively small, and there are problems of vacancy and dislocation in the allocation of financial functions. The strength and breadth of rural financial institutions to support agriculture need to be improved. The supply of financial services is relatively insufficient, and there is still a certain gap between the overall service level and the needs of modern agricultural development and the overall development of urban and rural areas, so it is urgent to continue to promote the development of rural financial services. At present and for some time to come, we should take serving modern agriculture as the starting point and foothold, broaden our thinking, strengthen our efforts, deeply promote the reform of rural financial system and mechanism, and innovate financial products and services. we will build a system of rural financial institutions with sound functions, reasonable structure, full competition, complementary advantages and deep coverage, and constantly increase financial support for agriculture, rural areas and farmers. To better meet the financial service needs of agriculture, rural areas and farmers.

First, deepen the reform of rural financial system and mechanism. Rural finance is not only a pure market product, but also has a quasi-public nature, with both market factors and government factors. how to combine the role of the government and the market is a major issue in front of rural finance. In this process, it is necessary to do a good job in two combinations: one is to give full play to the decisive role of the market mechanism in the allocation of rural financial resources and to give better play to the role of the government; the other is the combination of preventing financial risks and stabilizing economic growth. Specifically, first of all, it is necessary to promote the reform of financial institutions by classification. We should give full play to the advantages of rural credit cooperatives and agricultural development banks and the role of commercial banks, encourage and guide social capital to enter the field of rural finance, and form a joint force in support of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. Secondly, it is necessary to enrich the main body of rural financial services. We should not only give full play to the advantages of all kinds of rural financial institutions, but also vigorously cultivate and develop new types of rural financial services. In the future, it will encourage the establishment of agricultural industry investment funds, agricultural private equity investment funds and agricultural science and technology venture investment funds; support the establishment of financial leasing companies that mainly serve "agriculture, rural areas and farmers"; encourage the establishment of county financing guarantee institutions or guarantee funds that are mainly funded by the government and focus on agriculture-related guarantee business, and support other financing guarantee institutions to provide financing guarantee services for agricultural production and operation subjects. In addition, it is necessary to standardize the development of rural cooperative finance. Support farmers' cooperatives to carry out credit cooperation, actively and steadily organize pilot projects, pay close attention to the formulation of relevant management measures, and cultivate and develop rural cooperative financial organizations on the basis of qualified farmers' cooperatives and supply and marketing cooperatives, so as to better support the development of modern agriculture.

Second, innovate financial products and services. At present, the demand for funds in rural areas is becoming increasingly diversified, with the encouragement and support of the central bank and the CBRC, agriculture-related financial institutions have also launched a variety of financial products and service innovations, including forest rights mortgage loans, microcredit, "company + base + farmers" and other forms of financial product innovation, but in most rural areas, the problem of single rural financial products and insufficient supply is still prominent. Therefore, we should continue to strengthen the innovation of rural financial service products. In practice, we should actively promote the basic work such as the confirmation, certification, registration and circulation of land management rights and homestead use rights, explore and carry out the pilot project of "three rights" mortgage, make full use of the limited guarantee resources in rural areas, and allow all kinds of rural assets that are not prohibited by laws and regulations, clear ownership of property rights and reasonable value evaluation to set up mortgages. Encourage the implementation of the peasant household credit model of "one-time approval, on-demand loan, balance control, turnover and dynamic adjustment", reasonably determine the loan amount, loan progress and recovery period, and speed up the popularization and application of micro-loan technology in rural areas; promote the financial model of industrial chain, vigorously develop rural telephone banking and online banking, innovate and popularize service models such as franchised institutions and credit factories. We will further simplify financial services procedures, promote easy-to-understand contract texts, optimize the examination and approval process, standardize service charges, strictly prohibit the imposition of unreasonable conditions and extra fees in the provision of financial services, and effectively safeguard the interests of farmers.

Third, speed up the legislation of rural financial services. At present, the legal norms of rural finance in China are scattered in the relevant financial laws, and there is no law specifically aimed at supporting agricultural and rural financial institutions, which objectively weakens the legal protection of rural financial services. We should speed up the legislative pace of rural financial services, on the basis of summing up practical experience, upgrade mature policies and practices to legal norms, and form a long-term mechanism of financial support for agriculture. For example, by establishing and perfecting the legal guarantee system, we should make legal provisions on the basic connotation of the new cooperative financial system, the main characteristics of the new cooperative financial organization, the development environment, supporting policies and so on. to provide administrative basis for the establishment and follow-up development of the new cooperative financial organization. Make provisions on the guiding ideology, main objectives, basic principles, specific contents and supporting policies for speeding up the cultivation and development of new cooperative financial organizations.

At the same time, in order to make finance better serve modern agriculture, efforts should be made to further improve financial support policies and improve the quality of rural financial services. On the one hand, it is necessary to improve the preferential tax policies for rural finance, guide financial resources to "sink" in rural areas, and feed "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" back. We will speed up the establishment of a long-term and institutionalized rural financial policy support system with clear guidance, effective incentives, strict constraints, coordination and support, so as to provide stable policy expectations for financial institutions to carry out "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" business, and mobilize the enthusiasm of financial institutions to support agriculture. On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen the risk control of rural financial services, constantly strengthen the risk management of agriculture-related loans, conscientiously implement the "three checks" system of loans, further improve the accuracy of loan classification, and strengthen the foresight, initiative and continuity of risk management. In addition, the promotion of financial knowledge in rural areas is also an integral part of the topic. It is necessary to publicize and popularize financial knowledge in rural areas through various forms, such as walking through the streets, going to the countryside, entering factories and enterprises, and visiting communities, so as to enable the rural people to "learn, understand, and use finance," so as to serve the actual needs of farmers for finance. so as to really improve the quality of rural financial services for modern agriculture.