
A brief talk on fertilization of Cymbidium in early summer

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, A brief talk on fertilization of Cymbidium in early summer

A brief talk on fertilization of Cymbidium in early summer

Early summer is an important season for the growth of Cymbidium, when the temperature gradually increases, Rain Water increases, orchids grow vigorously and need more fertilizer. The correct use of fertilizer is related to the normal growth of new and old orchid baht, but also lays the foundation for autumn bud pregnancy.

In the original place of Lan Hui, the humidity in the air is generally high, and the nitrogen in the air is easily dissolved in water and then absorbed by roots and leaves. After going down the mountain, the advantaged living environment is lost, and the majority of Lanyou plant Lanhui pay attention to permeability. A large number of brick grains, orchid stone, fairy soil and so on, these substrates have poor fertilizer retention. The fertilizer contained in itself is limited. The proverb of growing flowers says: whether to live in water, whether to grow in fertilizer. We can see the importance of fertilization. Therefore, in the daily germination, fertilizer is very important, fertilization is to maximize to meet the nutrient needs of orchid plants.

First: summer fertilizer should adhere to the "three elements" equal emphasis.

The essential nutrient elements for orchids are mainly carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, molybdenum and chlorine, among which nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are the most needed. Other elements are also needed for the growth of the orchid plant, but the demand is very small, if the trace elements increase, it will also do great harm to the orchid plant. Nitrogen can promote the formation of chlorophyll and protein in plants, and it is the "life element" of metabolic process. Increasing nitrogen fertilizer during the growing period can make plants strong, increase the yield of carbohydrates and be beneficial to photosynthesis. Phosphorus promotes plant cell division and growth, especially root growth, increases nutrient absorption, directly participates in plant photosynthesis, accelerates the transport of light and products to roots, promotes root development, and is conducive to flower bud differentiation. Potash fertilizer plays a regulatory role and participates in part of the metabolic process. Potassium is usually distributed in the most exuberant parts, such as buds, tender leaves, root tips and so on. Potassium deficiency will lead to poor stress resistance and easy to be infected with diseases and insect pests. Therefore, attaching equal importance to the three elements plays an important role in the emergence of young buds and new root germination of Cymbidium. There must be enough nitrogen, scale and potassium to meet the growth needs of Cymbidium, accelerate the growth of new buds and roots, and promote cell division. Otherwise, in order to reproduce and replace the new and the old, Cymbidium will transfer the nutrients from the old plant to the offspring seedlings, resulting in the phenomenon of "inverted seedlings", and the old plants will gradually turn yellow and die. Cymbidium is short of fertilizer during the growing period, and the new seedlings are thin and weak, easy to get sick and difficult to grow strong.

Second, organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer should be used together.

Inorganic fertilizers include urea, compound fertilizer, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, Huabao and so on. These inorganic fertilizers are referred to as inorganic fertilizers. Organic fertilizer includes: cow dung, vegetable cake, bean cake and so on. Inorganic fertilizer must be dissolved in the ionic state of water before it can be absorbed. Organic fertilizer must be fully fermented, after the role of microorganisms, decomposed into inorganic matter, dissolved before it can be absorbed by the root, inorganic fertilizer has a quick effect, organic fertilizer has a slow but long effect, the ancients Yilan, special organic fertilizer, mellow flower fragrance. I plant Hui, the fully fermented cow dung and other organic fertilizer, wrapped in wet loess, ball into a ball, sun-dried, placed on the edge of the basin, let the orchid plant slowly absorb, inorganic fertilizer to do foliar spraying. And the same use, the effect is very good. Personally, the smell of the orchid plant that specializes in inorganic fertilizer is worse than that of the orchid plant that uses organic fertilizer.

Some organic and inorganic fertilizers can not be mixed, orchid friends need to pay attention to. 1. Farm manure such as human and animal manure should not be mixed with alkaline fertilizers such as plant ash, lime, calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer, etc. The main ingredient in human and animal feces and urine is nitrogen, which will fail due to neutralization if mixed with strong alkaline fertilizer. 2. Calcium superphosphate should not be mixed with strongly alkaline fertilizers such as plant ash and lime, otherwise the availability of phosphorus will be reduced. Insoluble phosphate fertilizers such as phosphate rock powder and bone powder should not be mixed with alkaline fertilizers such as plant ash and lime, otherwise the organic acids in the soil will be neutralized, making the insoluble phosphate fertilizer more difficult to dissolve and crops can not absorb and utilize. 3. Chemical fertilizer should not be mixed with bacterial fertilizer. Because chemical fertilizers have strong corrosiveness, volatility and water absorption, if mixed with rhizobium and other bacterial fertilizers, it will kill or inhibit living bacteria and make bacterial fertilizers invalid.

Potash fertilizer should be properly increased for fertilizer use in March and July.

Potassium mainly exists in plant cell sap as ion, but does not participate in the composition of important organic matter in Cymbidium. Potassium has a great mobility in plants, and it is constantly transferred from aging tissue to new tissue, and the reutilization rate is high. Potassium promotes the activation of enzymes in the body. It can promote the absorption of nitrogen and is beneficial to the formation of protein and the metabolism of nucleic acid. It plays an important role in increasing the content of lignin and cellulose and enhancing the toughness of leaves and stems.

July is the extension period of the leaves of Cymbidium. Because the leaves of Huilan are banded, some of them are more than 50 centimeters long. In order to keep the leaves tough, straight and graceful, July is a basic period. Only by increasing the application rate of potash fertilizer in July, increasing the content of lignin and cellulose in Cymbidium during the leaf extension period, thickening the cell wall of the leaves and having a developed mechanical tissue, can it reflect the inherent characteristics of the scholar-bureaucratic spirit of Huilan leaves.

Fourth, apply thin fertilizer frequently.

The plant of Cymbidium is relatively tall, but the pseudobulb is the smallest among the terrestrial orchids, because the pseudobulb is a warehouse for storing nutrients and water, and the pseudobulb is small, that is, the storage is small. In wild conditions, Cymbidium has developed roots and strong underground absorption capacity to meet the growth needs of aboveground parts. Only in this way can we make up for the deficiency of small false bulb and small warehouse reserves, but under the condition of artificial cultivation, due to the limitation of pot capacity, the developed root group advantage of Cymbidium can not be brought into full play. the nutrients absorbed by the roots are often unable to meet the needs of the growth and development of the aboveground parts, and various elements must be replenished many times.

Because Cymbidium has no Reed head, but has more leaves and consumes more fertilizer than other ground orchids, it should be fertilized frequently, but it is necessary to apply thin fertilizer frequently, and it is best to apply thin liquid fertilizer. From early March to early October every year, dilute mature organic manure is watered, and the king of orchid is sprayed every 10 days during the growing period. Huabao No. 3 or potassium dihydrogen phosphate is sprayed every 15 days from August to November, and used alternately to promote flower buds.

Foliar fertilization and root fertilization

It is a fertilization method in which fertilizer is mixed into a certain concentration, sprayed on the leaves and entered into the inside of the leaves through the stomata and stratum corneum of the leaves. It is mainly used as a fertilization measure to strengthen the deficiency of some elements in crop nutrition and textile crops, and it is also an important way to improve fertilizer utilization efficiency. Plants absorb external nutrients, the main ways of absorption are: nutrients-cell wall water membrane-protoplasmic membrane-inside the cell, while the nutrients absorbed through the leaves are mainly transferred to the growth center, and in the period of reproductive growth, transfer to major organs. According to the experiment, the speed and effect of foliar fertilization is twice as fast as that of root topdressing, and it is generally not limited by the variety of fertilizer (refers to inorganic fertilizer). We should pay attention to the scientific collocation of various elements, strictly control the proportion of water, prefer sparse rather than thick, and eat less and eat more. The next day after each foliar fertilizer, water should be sprayed on the leaves, which can not only improve the fertilizer efficiency, but also keep the leaves clean and make the stomata open freely.

It should be noted that foliar fertilization can only be used as an assistant to root fertilization, and can not completely replace root fertilization. The effect of foliar fertilization varies greatly, especially some large amounts of elements, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and so on. According to the experiment, foliar fertilization takes more than 10 times to reach the total amount of one-time root fertilization. Therefore, foliar fertilization can only be carried out on the basis of root fertilization, and can only be used as a supplement to root nutrition.

From the botanical point of view, the uncorked root tip of Cymbidium root absorbs inorganic salt mainly by means of ion exchange, usually through soil solution. After ion exchange, the ions of inorganic salts are adsorbed on the protoplast surface of the root cell. The key of ion exchange is whether the concentration of root cell sap is consistent with that of fertilizer in soil. If the concentration of fertilizer is higher than the concentration of cell fluid in the root, the water in the root will flow to the fertilizer, causing root damage. Now people often use coarse-grained matrix cultivation, and the water content of the substrate in the basin is often insufficient. Therefore, diluting fertilizer with enough water is to ensure that Cymbidium can safely absorb fertilizer without causing damage to the root. Once the ion outside the root of Cymbidium enters the human root cell, it passes through a series of living cells in the root, and finally into the human catheter, along with the water flow in the catheter to the pseudobulb, and then to the chlorophyll in the leaves for photosynthesis. Finally, the organic matter produced by photosynthesis is transferred and distributed to the most needed growth center and other parts through the sieve tube.