
"Seven maintenance" and "four Prevention and Control" of Bluegrass in Spring

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The "seven maintenance" and "four prevention" of bluegrass maintenance in spring.

The main maintenance measures of bluegrass in spring can be summarized as "seven maintenance" and "four control". (7) maintenance, that is, watering, fertilization, lighting, heat preservation, turning basin, protecting sprouts, coming out of the room and so on. Fourth, prevention and control, that is, fertilizer damage, wet damage, diseases and insect pests, late spring cold and other aspects of protection. Conscientiously do a good job in the maintenance of the seven conservation and four prevention and control to ensure the vigorous growth of bluegrass

First, watering orchids in spring. Watering orchids in spring is very important, according to climate change, different orchid habits and growth process. The temperature in early spring is still very low, some varieties are still in the dormant period, water evaporation is slow, water demand is very small, only when the plant material is dry, pour the right amount of water. For the soon-to-bloom cymbidium, the cymbidium that has already nurtured buds should be watered more frequently, watered less during flowering to prolong the flowering period, and stopped watering for several days after the flowers fade. But in terms of the wetness of the matrix. After that, when the spring breeze rises and the weather gets warmer, it is just when the new buds swell and unearth. At this time, because the water in the basin soil volatilizes quickly, the water should be supplied in time. The frequency of watering and the amount of water should be increased accordingly, but the basin soil should not be too wet, and the air humidity should be kept between 40% and 50%, so as not to cause rotten roots and buds. Planting orchids with granular plant materials can be a little wet. When the temperature rises above 20 degrees or the weather is dry, the orchid plant can be sprinkled or sprayed to moisturize. Flowering orchids, it is best not to spray water, pot soil should also be dry, to prevent orchid petals elongation. This is also the way taught by the elders to "fear dripping in spring" and "moisten the spirit in spring".

The weather turns warm, after the orchid comes out of the house, the orchid should be watered once to remove the waste gas and waste in the plant and the basin, keep it moist, and make the orchid recover quickly. Similarly, spring rain is as expensive as oil, properly giving orchid rain can make orchids sprout like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. There should be more watering in the germination period, less watering after germination, more watering when the flower bud appears, less watering during the flowering period to prolong the flowering period, stop watering for several days after the flower fade, let it dormancy and then water again.

In short, spring is the golden time for orchids to sprout and grow. The watering management of orchids should grasp a transparent word and highlight a moistening word, so that orchids can quickly recover their vitality, new buds thrive and flowers bloom.

Second, fertilizing orchids in spring. Spring is the season for orchid germination and growth, which needs fertilizer supplement in order to better emerge and grow seedlings. Fertilization of orchids in spring should be grasped in three aspects:

First, we should pay attention to the comprehensiveness, the primary and secondary nitrogen fertilizer can be applied sparsely in the early stage, and the "phosphorus and potassium" fertilizer can be applied many times in the later stage. Nitrogen fertilizer can promote the budding of orchids, and the "phosphorus and potassium" fertilizer can promote the root of orchids after budding! it is not only a kind of nutritional supply to orchid after flowering, but also can promote flower bud differentiation as early as possible.

Second, we should pay attention to the word "sparse". Adhere to the principle of "applying thin fertilizer frequently". Because during the period of sprouting and spreading leaves, it is also a time for new roots to sprout and stretch. If thick fertilizer is applied, it is easy to damage the buds and hurt the roots. The light ones will affect the normal growth of the plants, and the serious ones will cause the plants to die.

Third, we should pay attention to the temperature. The temperature in early spring is below 15 degrees Celsius, so it is generally not suitable to apply fertilizer. when the temperature rises to 15 degrees Celsius, it can be fertilized in an all-round way. Nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer, and phosphorus and potassium are used together, usually once a month. 0.1% Mel 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can also be used for foliar spraying to promote root sprouting and cultivate strong plants.

Third, orchid lighting in spring. In spring, orchid seedlings have entered the budding and growing period. good light can make orchid seedlings effectively accumulate energy, moisturize Reed heads and strengthen new buds. It's very necessary. No matter the orchid plant is raised indoors or outdoors, the orchid pot should be moved to the sunny place as far as possible. The orchid basin can also be moved to the outdoor leeward and sunny place in sunny weather to receive sunlight, which can not only carry out photosynthesis, but also increase the temperature of the orchid plant. But the time must be after 10:00 in the morning and before 4 p.m. Special attention should be paid to not leaving orchid pots outdoors for the night and being attacked by frost and cold wind. Ye Yilan can only accept light for a short time to prevent the deterioration of Ye Yilan. Orchids are generally not shaded in spring (the temperature is below 28 ℃), unless the temperature in late spring is too high, when the temperature reaches about 30 ℃, it is necessary to properly shade at noon to prevent high temperature from burning seedlings.

Fourth, keep warm bluegrass in spring. According to the elder's theory of "covering in spring and freezing in autumn" and the changing characteristics of climate in spring, orchids must also be properly insulated to ensure their survival and growth. Spring cover let bluegrass adapt to the coming high temperature in summer, and can make bluegrass enter the vegetative growth period ahead of time and sprout ahead of time, so as to increase the seedling rate of the year. The optimum temperature for vegetative growth of bluegrass is in the range of 15 ℃-25 ℃. In spring, we should also pay attention to enlarge the temperature difference between day and night of orchids, and the low temperature at night reduces the consumption of orchid nutrients, which is beneficial to the storage of the nutrient savings made by orchids during the day, so as to promote multiple seedlings and grow good seedlings.

Fifth, the bluegrass turns the pot in spring. In general, the traditional turning season should be the Spring Equinox or the Autumn Equinox, while the north should be after the Spring Equinox or before the Autumn Equinox. It is best for the Spring Equinox to Grain Rain in the first half of the year, when the flowering period is over, the leaf buds have not yet sprouted, and it is not easy to suffer frost injury, which is the best time for bluegrass to split the pot. Mastering the right time to turn the pot and plant bluegrass is an important part of turning the pot and raising the bluegrass.

Turning the basin must be purposeful and targeted according to the situation of the orchid. Turn what should be turned, and try not to turn what you should not. This can reduce the adverse factors caused by turning the basin, and benefit the rejuvenation and rapid growth of orchid grass.

To turn the basin, we should master the scientific nature. Turning the basin seems very simple, but it also has its scientific nature. According to the objective habits and requirements of the growth of bluegrass, you can turn the basin and raise the grass well. If you do not follow its habits and requirements, any operation will not turn the pot well, and bluegrass will suffer. Therefore, it is necessary to make great efforts in turning and planting, follow the guiding ideology of "seven-point planting and three-division", and conscientiously turn and plant. Pay attention to the following things when operating:

1. There are three suitable for turning the basin: ① should be moisten: moisten the basin and moisten the soil; ② should be sparse: the soil is transparent, the roots are ventilated, the leaves are withered, and the seedlings are divided, which is the key to cultivate bluegrass. ③ Yiyin: overcast days on the basin, Yin nourishing half a month on the shelves, slow its air does not pick up the suffering.

two。 Turn the basin to disinfect: strictly sterilize the tools, basin soil, orchid plants and the environment. This is the focus of the basin-turning work.

3. New grass, weak grass after turning the basin maintenance should pay attention to: clear, dry, shade, accompany planting, weak wind.

4. Other considerations:

① basin turning soil should keep moist breeding material on the basin is better. After turning the pot of ②, no root fertilizer was applied and the root of ③ was cut off. Broken roots continue to tendon (central column), rotten roots do not rot tendons, as long as peel off the rotten part. After stripping the decaying part, look at the tendons, the tendons are black and cut off, the tendons are still white and still have the function of absorbing and transporting water and nutrients, which can be retained. ④ do not let the matrix containing base fertilizer near the wound of the orchid plant to prevent festering. ⑤ position of yin and yang: the location of bluegrass should be disposed of according to its own habits.

In a word, turning the basin of orchid is an important and complex skill for the maintenance of orchids. It is not easy to turn the pot randomly. It is necessary to adhere to the scientific nature of turning the basin. Only by knowing its nature, understanding its reason, turning the basin skillfully, and good management, can it bring vitality to the orchid-"strong roots and luxuriant leaves, flowers blooming like scenery".

Sixth, protect sprouts in spring. The new buds germinated in early spring can best be nurtured into strong seedlings, which are very important for the growth of bluegrass and should be well nursed. The newly germinated blue buds are very tender, and the leaf trousers are wrapped tightly around the heart of the leaves. If there are fat water and steam dripping on the scaffolding, it is easy to lead to bacterial rot; at the same time, because the buds are tender, insects like to bite, and are easy to be infected with black spot, it is necessary to strengthen conservation and protect young buds. The maintenance measures include:

1. Open-air orchid field, to prevent rain; orchid shed, orchid room should pay attention to air convection, hastily let water vapor silt the roof, anti-dripping orchid plant.

two。 The basin soil should not be too wet, and the air humidity should be kept between 40% and 50%, so as not to cause rotten roots and buds.

3. When the new bud grows to 3 cm high, fill it with culture medium, bury the bud base for half a centimeter, or fill the bud base with bryophytes to grow roots.

4. Dry pots are full of buds.

5. It is necessary to sterilize and disinfect and keep the environment of Lanchang hygienic. Spray fungicide once a week; every ten days, choose agricultural streptomycin or nail cream copper to spray new buds and basin noodles to prevent rotten buds.

7. Bluegrass comes out in spring

1. Time: the appropriate time for orchids to come out of the room should be determined by the local climate. Due to the large temperature difference between the north and the south of our country, the time of leaving the room cannot be generalized, usually coming out first in the south and later in the north. The proverb "Spring does not come out" is aimed at the climatic characteristics of the north. Specifically, the temperature is stable above 20 degrees Celsius, or it is more appropriate to go out of the room between Qingming Festival and Grain Rain, which is easy to be frozen prematurely and affects growth too late.

two。 Adaptation: open the doors and windows of the orchid shed and orchid room one or two days before leaving the room, so that they can be ventilated and ventilated, so as to gradually adapt to the outdoor climate environment, do not act in such a hurry, wait for the orchid to leave the house for about half a month, before you can fatten and strengthen the seedlings.

3. Cold protection: orchids should still pay attention to cold protection and warmth after coming out of the room. Because the spring weather is sometimes sunny and sometimes rainy, the temperature is sometimes high and sometimes low, variable.

4. Disinfection: carry out a comprehensive sterilization when you go out of the room to reduce the diseases and insect pests to a minimum.

While watching bluegrass in full bloom, we should also pay attention to the other side, that is, the "four prevention and control":

A prevention of fat damage. When the orchid sprouts and comes out in spring, the correct use of fertilizer should not be too many times, and it should be light and bogey at the beginning of fertilization. at the same time, it depends on the growth of the orchid itself. Large seedlings, strong seedlings should be applied frequently, weak grass, diseased grass less (spraying foliar thin fertilizer) or no application. The alternate use of chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer is based on the principle of light and thin, should be applied on a cloudy day or in the evening, and should be far away from the orchid when fertilizing, so as not to harm the orchid.

Second, prevent dampness damage. First, we should not water too much, second, we should increase ventilation, and third, we should see more sunshine. In order to prevent wet damage, too wet is harmful to hairy roots and growing seedlings, especially to the growth of new roots.

Three prevention of diseases and insect pests. After the bluegrass hibernates, it consumes a lot of energy, and its resistance decreases greatly. when the spring breeze rises, the temperature is getting higher and higher, coupled with the poor ventilation in the orchid room, the stupid movement of Chlorococcus, and the most susceptible to disease. It is the high incidence period of orchid disease. The leaf fungus is easy to feel, the control is not difficult, the root fungus is difficult to detect, the treatment time is late! Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of giving priority to prevention and combining prevention with prevention. To do a good job in orchid room, orchid grass insecticidal and sterilization work, generally in early March, to orchid room to a full range of insecticidal, sterilization work. Especially in the rainy season, fungicides and viral drugs are often used. At the same time, when a single drug is used, one drug is used three times in a row, and then another drug is used three times, so as to avoid drug resistance of bacteria and viruses. It is best to mix two or more different drugs with a wide range of efficacy.

Four guard against the late spring cold. The climate in spring is rapidly changing, with wind and snow, overcast rain, cold snap and frost appearing, the weather is changeable, the temperature is changeable, and the cold attack in late spring is like a sharp blade. If it is not strictly guarded, it will do great harm to bluegrass, so we should pay close attention to the weather forecast and take timely measures to keep warm and prevent cold to protect bluegrass.

Spring is not only an exuberant season for the growth of orchids, but also an important moment for the conservation of orchids. It is related to the prosperity and decline of orchids throughout the year, which must be taken seriously and taken good care of, so as to lay a good foundation for the growth of orchids for a year.