
Culture methods of blue snowflakes

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The temperature it needs is about 25 degrees, so it's best to put it in a position with light. What it needs is loose and fertile soil, and the acidity and alkalinity is slightly sour, and its flowerpot had better be 20 cm in radius and 20 cm in height. Give it a lot of water when it grows vigorously, give it less water in winter, and fertilize it regularly.

I. temperature

Temperature is very important to it, it needs a temperature of about 25 degrees, and if the temperature does not meet this requirement in winter, we should also give it a temperature of more than seven degrees.

Second, lighting

Because it likes light, although it can withstand cool weather, we'd better put it in a position with light, and it would be best if we can give it direct light for several hours a day. But we need to be careful that it can not stay in the sun for a long time, even in winter we should try our best to let it receive light.

3. Soil

The soil we give it has requirements, generally what it needs is loose and fertile soil, and the acidity and alkalinity is slightly acidic, in addition, the soil it needs can be made of rotten leaf soil or coarse sand.

Fourth, flower rack

1. The flowerpot we give it had better be 20 cm in radius and 20 cm in height. In addition, we can also make a new flower rack, which should be meticulous in the process of making it.

2. When it first grows flowers, it will grow more slowly. When winter is over, its seedlings will no longer grow, and then it will wake up and continue to grow around March. At this time, the flower rack is more important.

Generally speaking, the flower rack requires three sticks and three iron rings with a length of one meter. The first wire ring is about 40 centimeters from the ground, the second is about 65 centimeters, and the third is about 95 centimeters. Because the function of the flower rack is to make the flower grow on it, we should pay attention to the fact that if the flower grows out of the iron ring, we need to remove its top, like this every time.

Fifth, watering

When it is growing vigorously, we need to give it a lot of water. In addition to maintaining the moisture of the soil, we have to spray water around it, but we should give it less water in winter, as long as its soil is not dry.

VI. Fertilization

We should fertilize regularly, especially when it grows faster, usually once a week in spring and summer. Generally speaking, the fertilizer we use is Cuiyun's three treasures. This thing is very useful. You can follow the instructions.