
The increase of total wheat yield and per unit yield in China is the highest in eight years.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, According to the "CCTV Network" report, at the high starting point of increasing grain production year after year, China has had another bumper wheat harvest this year, with total yield and per unit yield increasing at the highest level in eight years, becoming the only crop among the three staple grains that has increased production for 11 consecutive years. The latest statistics show

According to the "CCTV Network" report, at the high starting point of increasing grain production year after year, China has had another bumper wheat harvest this year, with total yield and per unit yield increasing at the highest level in eight years, becoming the only crop among the three staple grains that has increased production for 11 consecutive years.

The latest statistics show that the country's winter wheat output this year reached 119.899 million tons, an increase of 3.5 percent over last year. This increase of 4.045 million tons of wheat, calculated according to one steamed bread, is equivalent to adding 33 steamed buns to everyone's table in the country. On the basis of ten consecutive increases, why can China's wheat continue to maintain the momentum of increasing production?

In fact, in recent years, due to the rise in rural labor costs, the benefits of growing grain, especially wheat, are far less than they used to be. In order to ensure that grain farmers do not suffer losses, the state issued targeted support policies, steadily raised the minimum purchase price of wheat for seven consecutive years, and announced good news of an increase of 6 cents per jin in the autumn of 2013, ensuring the planting area of wheat.

The national policy guarantees the area, and the science and technology service guarantees the per unit yield. In recent years, straw returning has been widely carried out in Huang-Huai-Hai region, making the land more fertile. Winter wheat areas across the country have promoted the technology of "one spray and three prevention" to effectively control diseases and insect pests, dry and hot wind, lodging, and so on. Under the service of science and technology, the quality of wheat has generally improved, and the per unit yield has also increased by 3.6%, reaching 354.7 kg per mu.

With the support of science and technology, the advantages of the main wheat producing areas have been further brought into play. In order to fight the drought, Henan has added more than 10 million mu of irrigated land, which makes the whole province increase production greatly even under the unfavorable condition of less rainfall in spring. For the sake of farming, Funing, a major grain-producing county in Jiangsu Province, innovates harvesting and sowing one-stop service, shortening the original half-month autumn harvest and autumn planting time to three or five days. In order to tackle key problems with high yield, high-standard large square fields have been built in Dezhou City, Shandong Province, and the yield per mu is half higher than the national average. A series of scientific and technological measures have been put in place, resulting in a total increase of more than 3 million tons of wheat in the five provinces of Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Shandong and Hebei, accounting for more than 70 percent of the country's wheat growth.

The central government has proposed to implement the new strategy of national food security and secure the rice bowls of the Chinese people. Wheat, as one of the three staple grains, must be guaranteed. The Ministry of Agriculture said that in the future, it is necessary to continue to improve the minimum purchase price policy for wheat, strive to stabilize the wheat area at more than 340 million mu, vigorously promote scientific and technological progress to increase per unit yield, and speed up the implementation of the "National General Plan for the Construction of High-standard farmland." priority will be given to the transformation of low-yield areas at 33 degrees north latitude to further tap the potential for increasing wheat production.