
The right should be confirmed in rural areas before the difference in household registration should be cancelled.

Published: 2024-09-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/07, Li Yining, a famous Chinese economist, gave a speech entitled China's economic reform and development at St. Petersburg National University of Finance and Economics on the 8th, on the middle-income trap, the problem of income distribution in China, the determination of power in rural areas, the combination of the two hukou systems, and the prospects of China's rural areas.

Li Yining, a famous Chinese economist, gave a speech entitled "Reform and Development of China's economy" at St. Petersburg National University of Finance and Economics on the 8th. This paper analyzes the middle-income trap, the problem of income distribution in China, the determination of power in rural areas, the combination of the two household registration systems, the prospect of China's rural areas, and the reform of state-owned enterprises.

In response to a reporter's question on the relationship between the cancellation of farmers' household registration and farmers' previous ownership of land, Li Yining said: "according to my experience of investigation and inspection in Zhejiang and some other provinces, I think the right should be confirmed first, and the difference in household registration should be cancelled later. The cancellation of household registration differences should be promoted together with the progress of urbanization. "

Li Yining said, "the determination of farmers' power is the most important." First of all, make clear the right to use the homestead, the right to manage the contracted land and the right of ownership of the house on the homestead, and then with the promotion of urbanization, the hukou system is gradually merged into one. "

Li Yining believes that after the confirmation of power, farmers will have more sources of income. Farmers' land can be used for planting and aquaculture, or leasing out land, renting houses and going out to work all become sources of income. For example, before and after the confirmation of power in Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, the income ratio between urban and rural areas changed from 3.1: 1 to 1.9: 1.

Li Yining said that in the future, farmers will no longer be an identity, but a profession. In the future, China's agricultural practitioners will be farmers, farmers' cooperatives and agricultural enterprises who really understand agricultural technology, and agricultural planting and production will take the road of scale.