
Rural cooperative finance needs service and re-service.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Because Haotang Village is too complex, we began to do finance and new rural construction, turning it into a famous tourist village. What I am talking about today is related to Hao Tangcun and everyone. I published a book called "tell the truth to the prime minister again". There are a lot of words in the book.

Because Haotang Village is too complex, we began to do finance and new rural construction, turning it into a famous tourist village. What I am talking about today is related to Hao Tangcun and everyone. I have published a book called "tell the Truth to the Prime Minister again". There are many words in the book. I would like to repeat my words related to finance and cooperatives here today.

The first is to build a new countryside and build a new finance first. The development of rural areas must start with finance, which is a new finance, which has nothing to do with the finance developed by the state. That finance is not good for our peasants. Our so-called new finance is the farmers' own finance, and financial cooperation is the basis of all cooperation. So you want to do cooperation first from financial cooperation, you start with other cooperation, and then do finance, you find this thing very difficult, so do financial cooperation first, I totally agree with teacher Xu Xianglin's point of view.

Then there is service and then service, and never engage in production, because service is not surplus, production is surplus. Support loss-making services with profitable services, and make money through loss-making services. the more people, the greater the total amount of our services, and the more profitable services we have. Therefore, it is necessary not only to make money, but also to lose money. Many services are at a loss, for example, we engage in technology promotion, for example, we provide for the aged, for example, after the Spring Festival, we may not make money by purchasing some consumer materials, and we hold a festival, all of which are at a loss. But why make a loss-making service? Because doing loss-making services can earn people, and the more people there are, the more powerful they are. what is the principle of our co-operatives? It's a monopoly. What are capitalists doing? he has a lot of money and there are many of us. If there are many of us, the demand will be great. You said that I have 100,000 people, I monopolize the demand for 100,000 personal loans, and I monopolize the demand for fertilizer as many as 100,000 people have. I am a big purchaser, 100,000 farmers purchase, and the price is whatever I say. The monopoly of my demand attacks the monopoly of supply. Finally, you must accept my socialist transformation. You have ten fertilizer plants and I have a big cooperative. I have the decision-making power and life-and-death power over the manufacturer. the more people we have, the greater our strength.

In the future, the stronger the ability of any cooperative or peasant organization to serve, the stronger your competitiveness will be. Competitiveness is determined by your service level. The less services you provide, the worse your ability will be, so you must find ways to do service articles. There will be no surplus of services, endless demand and endless services, so we have to seriously study services. Capitalists like to socialize services. We should internalize and organize services. We should not casually mention the word "socialization of services". They all want to socialize services. We need to organize and internalize our services, and if we do, we will succeed. So just now Mr. Xu said that the comprehensive cooperative in Japan is actually providing comprehensive services, that is, combining a lot of services, combining people, and internalizing services. My loan is internalized, my feed supply is internalized, my cooking oil supply to you is internalized, and my technical services are internalized. If our services are internalized, the more services they occupy, the more services they occupy. The smaller the space for us to live, that's the truth. So it's not just a matter of money, it's a question of methods, it's a matter of ideas, and we must emphasize the issue of our services.

Next, I would like to respond to the matter about Hao Tang Village. I work as a mutual union. I only do the built-in finance within the village. Teacher Jiang Berlin thinks that it is impossible to succeed at the village level. He wants to be at the township level. I also agree with him. And I combine my finance with my pension. Today I will talk about why I want to do this.

First, I would like to respond to the struggle between the people in the circle of Beijing, the rural areas, agriculture and farmers, the two roads and two lines for the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. If the Communist Party does not form an alliance with the new bourgeoisie to eliminate small farmers, then China will be very dangerous, it will follow the path of the Philippines, and the reform will not succeed. Because there are two achievements after the Communist Party revolution, one is collective ownership, the other is the village community, whether this can be consolidated depends on the level of built-in financial development. When we put built-in finance into the village community, small farmers will become organized modern small farmers. If there is no finance in the village community, it will become powerless and the village party committee will be socialized. At this time, the two major achievements left by the Communist Party revolution, the collective ownership and the village community, will perish and will return to China before 1949.

Second, I think that the finance that serves farmers must be matched with the land system. Any finance that does not match the land system may have problems or lack vitality. For example, the Agricultural Bank, it does not respond to the land system, the greatest property of farmers is land, who can provide farmers with the finance of land mortgage loans, who is to serve farmers. Only after the mutual finance is established within the village community, the land can be mortgaged, and all the finance outside the village community will not accept the land mortgage loan. Including Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, its early land mortgage loans are also in Nonghui mortgage loans, in addition, finance will not accept farmers' land mortgage loans. We have been issuing property rights certificates to farmers for many years now, and which bank is willing to provide mortgage loans? Is the village bank all right? Village banks will not, so only built-in finance can provide farmers with mortgage loans for land and housing finance.

There is also the free transfer of land, for example, after the establishment of built-in finance within the village community, it can be transferred freely, and even pricing. For example, in September last year, I gave full play to the experience of Haotang Village and set up a village-level economic support service society in Yangzi Lake District, Ezhou City. This has several major functions. Farmers can put their land at a price and deposit money in the service co-operative. Their land transfer and subcontract price is only 80 yuan per mu of land. Because it is a hilly area, there is only 80 yuan per mu of land. If you have ten mu of land at home, you stop operating, you save for ten years, I'll give you 8% profit, you save 15 years, I'll give you 9%, you save 20 years, I give you 10%. The longer you save, the longer I give you interest, so it has the function of land storage. You have no money to buy a house in the city. You can withdraw the land at any time. There is no problem. You said I was going to use a land mortgage loan. No problem. Six thousand yuan per mu of land. I will transform it for you, and I will help you with your external business, because Wuhan is not very far from Ezhou, so we can use the house and homestead for external business and cash, so you can put your house and homestead mortgage loan at any time.