
Tips for curing Orchid White Silk Disease _ Flower Clinic

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Tips for curing Orchid White Silk Disease _ Flower Clinic

There are data that: white silk disease conditions for the occurrence of acidic soil conducive to the disease, pH tolerance range of PH1.9-8.4, the most suitable for PH5.9. Because of this, there are Lan You said white silk disease can be cured with plant ash, estimated in the early stage of the disease is not too severe circumstances can be cured. But my three pots of grass just started with plant ash cover around the pseudoscale stem, a thick layer, but a few pots of grass have gone.

The green regret green moss element bought in spring, divided into several potted plants, got white silk disease, slowly went away, this is the last pot to go, holding the mentality of dead horse when live horse doctor, with washing powder water (about seven or eight grams of water, added a gram of washing powder appearance) to the base of the old grass, after a few days out of small buds, originally did not do anything, did not expect her to become more and more energetic!

In many forums to verify, found that many flower friends have similar experiences, washing powder for white silk disease really has a certain therapeutic effect!

The above is a personal summary, I hope you correct me!
