
Various localities explore a new path of seed industry reform and competition.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Reform stimulates vitality and innovation drives development. In order to implement the work plan of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on deepening the reform of the scientific research system, since the beginning of this year, Beijing, Hubei, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Heilongjiang and other provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) have been encouraging the innovation of scientific and technological personnel.

Reform stimulates vitality and innovation drives development. In order to implement the work deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on deepening the reform of scientific research system, since the beginning of this year, Beijing, Hubei, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Heilongjiang and other provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) have carried out extensive exploration in encouraging scientific and technological personnel to innovate and start businesses and accelerate the transformation of scientific research achievements, and issued a series of policy documents, which provide beneficial reference for promoting the reform of seed industry scientific research system and improving innovation ability.

I. Agreed ownership of scientific research achievements

The Opinions of Wuhan City People's Government on Deepening the Reform of the Use and Disposal of Scientific and Technological Achievements and Income Management of Scientific Research Institutions in Universities in Wuhan (Wu Zheng [2014] No.27, referred to as "Wuhan Ten Articles") stipulates: "Explore the reform of ownership of scientific and technological achievements in universities and scientific research institutions. Colleges and universities, scientific research institutions and job inventors are allowed to share the ownership of job scientific and technological achievements through contractual agreements. Where a university or scientific research institution intends to renounce a patent or other relevant intellectual property right enjoyed by it, it shall notify the service inventor one month before the renunciation, and if the service inventor is willing to accept the assignment, he may obtain the intellectual property right, and the unit shall assist in handling the ownership change procedures."

II. Decentralization of results disposal and revenue rights

Beijing City "Several Opinions on Accelerating the Transformation and Industrialization of Scientific and Technological Achievements in Scientific Research Institutions (Trial)"(referred to as "Nine Articles of Beijing Science and Technology") stipulates: "The intellectual property rights of scientific and technological achievements shall be obtained by the undertaking units according to law, and scientific research institutions shall be granted the right to dispose independently."

The Special Reform Plan for Encouraging Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Scientific and Technological Personnel issued by the General Office of Sichuan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of Sichuan Provincial People's Government stipulates: "For the scientific and technological achievements of posts that have not been transformed within one year, the person or team who has completed the achievements shall have the right to transform and dispose of the achievements."

"Wuhan Ten" stipulates: "For the scientific and technological achievements of colleges and universities and scientific research institutions, in addition to involving national security, national interests and major social public interests, the unit may independently decide to transfer and transform scientific and technological achievements by means of transfer, licensing, pricing and shareholding, and the competent department and financial department shall no longer approve them." All proceeds from the conversion of scientific and technological achievements by posts in colleges and universities and scientific research institutions shall be retained by the unit, incorporated into the unit budget, and unified management shall be implemented. The proceeds from the use and disposal shall not be turned over to the financial department."

III. Greatly increase the income distribution ratio of scientific and technological personnel

The Implementation Opinions on Deepening the Reform of Seed Industry System and Improving Innovation Ability (hereinafter referred to as "Hubei Twelve Articles") issued by the General Office of the People's Government of Hubei Province stipulates: "The income from the transformation and transfer of scientific and technological achievements of seed industry implemented by research institutes and R & D teams of colleges and universities in Hubei shall not be less than 70%, among which the individual income shall not be less than 50%."

"Beijing Science and Technology Nine Articles" stipulates: "Establish a mechanism for the distribution of income from the transformation of scientific research achievements. With the consent of the staff congress, scientific research institutions can extract 70% or more of the income from the transformation, which shall be attributed to the completion of scientific and technological achievements and the personnel who have made important contributions to the transformation of scientific and technological achievements."

The General Office of the People's Government of Gansu Province stipulates in the Implementation Plan for Deepening the Reform of Seed Industry System and Improving Innovation Ability of Gansu Province (hereinafter referred to as "Article 13 of Gansu Province"):"60% of the income from scientific and technological achievements of seed industry posts in scientific research institutes, institutions of higher learning and state-owned enterprises and institutions shall be owned by scientific and technological personnel participating in seed industry research and development and their teams. Individual income tax shall not be levied temporarily on individual awards given to scientific and technological personnel for transforming scientific and technological achievements of seed industry posts."

The General Office of the People's Government of Ningxia Autonomous Region stipulates in the Implementation Opinions on Deepening the Reform of Seed Industry System and Improving Innovation Ability: "The inventor of scientific research achievements and his unit shall distribute the income right according to the ratio of 6:4."

IV. Further relaxing the policy on the mobility of scientific and technological personnel

"Wuhan Ten" stipulates: "Support high-end talent innovation and entrepreneurship." The personnel of universities and scientific research institutions who are "double-shouldered"(holding both administrative leadership positions and professional and technical positions) are allowed to establish enterprises and hold shares in the enterprises with the approval of their units."

The Special Reform Plan for Encouraging Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Scientific and Technological Personnel issued by the General Office of Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and the General Office of Sichuan Provincial People's Government proposes: "Select some scientific research institutes and institutions of higher learning to carry out pilot projects for scientific and technological personnel to take part-time remuneration and retain their identity to leave their posts to lead enterprises." It is required to clarify that scientific and technological personnel who leave their posts can retain their establishment, identity and personnel relations, and their length of service can be calculated continuously without affecting the normal promotion of file wages and the evaluation of professional titles."

Article 12 of Hubei stipulates: "Support scientific research institutes and institutions of higher learning to carry out talent cooperation with enterprises through part-time, temporary, and contract signing." Scientific research personnel from scientific research institutes and institutions of higher learning are encouraged to engage in commercial breeding work in enterprises. With the consent of the unit to which they belong, they will retain their establishment, identity and personnel relations, and their file salaries will be promoted normally. They can return to their original units within five years."

The Implementation Opinions on Deepening the Reform of Seed Industry System and Improving Innovation Ability issued by the General Office of the People's Government of Heilongjiang Province stipulates: "If scientific research personnel resign from public office to work in seed enterprises, they may be given economic compensation by reference to the dismissed personnel upon approval, and shall be paid no less than 100,000 yuan of self-employment expenses according to the length of their working years."

Article 13 of Gansu Province stipulates: "Encourage scientific research personnel of scientific research institutes, institutions of higher learning and institutions (including scientific research personnel holding administrative leadership positions) to carry out commercial breeding or leave their posts to start businesses in seed enterprises." Scientific research personnel who have worked for more than 30 years (inclusive) to engage in commercial breeding in enterprises shall retain their original identity and professional title, file salary shall be promoted normally, and retirement formalities shall be handled in their original units at the statutory retirement age. Scientific research personnel who have worked in enterprises for less than 30 years to engage in commercial breeding and entrepreneurship after leaving their posts shall retain their original identity and professional title within 2 years, and their file salary shall be promoted normally. After the expiration of the term, those who continue to engage in commercial breeding or continue to start businesses in the enterprise shall return to their original units to go through the procedures of resignation, medical insurance, endowment insurance, etc."