
How to control the early florescence of Cymbidium _ other flowers

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, How to control the early florescence of Cymbidium _ other flowers

Flowering is not in the main sales season, not only can not sell the price, the volume is also very limited. What factors promote the early flowering of Huilan? When it is found that the florescence is too early, how should the manufacturer deal with the remedy? In this regard, Mr. Yoshihiko Sakurama, who has worked in Cymbidium for 32 years at MERICLONE Kono Co., Ltd. in Japan, shared his experience.

boat orchids

Select good varieties and make good production records

In order to control the phenomenon of early flowering, it is necessary to understand the reasons for early flowering. According to the analysis of Sakura, there are many reasons for the early flowering period, including variety characteristics, weather conditions, bud retention time, temperature and light fertilizer conditions in the facility, and so on. As for varieties, it is related to the source of varieties. At present, Japanese seedlings are mainly planted in China, which are generally obtained by tissue culture. Most of these varieties were obtained by cross improvement between European large flower type and Japanese local varieties, and the goal of flowering breeding was to meet the application of New Year's Day in Japan. Therefore, for the Spring Festival production in China, there is often the phenomenon of early flowering. To this end, Sakurama suggested that manufacturers should first choose different varieties with early, middle and late flowering according to the climatic conditions of their bases and existing facilities.

Weather conditions and facility environment are also important factors affecting the flowering period of Huilan. In the second half of this year, Kunming, Yuxi and other places in Yunnan Province had sunny weather and accelerated flower bud growth, while the greenhouse temperature control equipment used by most manufacturers was simple, leading to early flowering. Sakurama told reporters that some manufacturers in Yunnan used the greenhouses that used to produce grass flowers or cut flowers for the production of Cymbidium. Although they have been modified, they still can not well meet the temperature and light requirements for the regulation and control of the flowering period of Cymbidium. Professional facilities are a guarantee for effective florescence regulation.

The bud retention time of flowering bud has a direct effect on the flowering period, and the manufacturer generally deduces the bud retention time from the optimal sales period. For example, it usually takes four or five months for a large variety to appear on the market, and it usually takes 40 to 50 days from the beginning of the bud to the opening of the first bud. If it is listed in January, the flower bud in August is appropriate. This is a routine. However, taking into account the weather, basin diameter and other factors, manufacturers are afraid that if they do not blossom in the sales season, they will usually leave buds earlier. In addition, 4-year-old plants of the same variety grow vigorously, and the same budding time tends to blossom earlier than 3-year-old plants, which is also the reason why some of the big flowers bloom earlier this year.

In this regard, Sakurama said that the data is the best basis for production operation. The manufacturer should arrange the operation according to his own actual situation, grasp the regional climate and greenhouse characteristics, and record all kinds of data about the flowering of different varieties observed every year, such as which day to wipe the bud, several times to wipe the bud, and so on, for next year's reference. Only by accumulating experience year by year can the florescence be controlled in an area.

Shading and cooling to control florescence in flowering season

Before the end of November this year, many big flowers in Yunnan opened their orchid buds. Yunnan Heye Jiaoda Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. has been controlling flowers from two aspects: one is to pull up the sunshade net, one layer of external shading with a shading rate of 50%, and two layers of internal shading of 30%. From October to November, the light intensity of Kunming is about 90,000 lux in early December. after three layers of shading, the light in some areas can be reduced to two to three thousand lux, which is more suitable for varieties that bloom very early. Second, ventilation and cooling, open both sides of the greenhouse, 24-hour ventilation, so that the cold air at night into the greenhouse. If the temperature in the greenhouse is kept below 20 ℃ during the day and 4 ℃ at night, the flowering period can be effectively controlled. "We have done experiments that in rooms with no light from 5 ℃ to 7 ℃, Cymbidium is basically dormant and does not grow, and the bud does not change color. According to this phenomenon, different degrees of early flowering symptoms can be shaded and temperature controlled to varying degrees. " Sakurama Shigehiko said.

Some manufacturers are worried that low temperature is not conducive to ensuring the quality of Cymbidium. Sakurama said that as long as the temperature is not too low, it generally will not affect, and can even improve the quality of some varieties, such as pink flower varieties, low temperature is conducive to coloring, to make the color better. Some varieties have been colored before shading, if a single shade, the temperature can not come down, the color may slowly become lighter, only a little lower temperature to ensure color, but also to achieve the purpose of flower control. During the period of shading and flower control, the pot is very dry before it can be watered. In this season, Heye Yunnan base is usually watered every three or four days. Too much water will cause the base of the pedicel to rot.

When it comes to the need for flowering season, to improve the visibility step by step, Kono teaches that the practice is: first remove the two layers of inner sunshade, let the light increase a part, and then pull out the outer shade after the temperature has increased; watering is also from the original three or four days, slowly transition to once every two days, and then once a day. If you open all the sunshade nets at once and expose the flowers directly to the sun, it is easy to cause dry buds.

In the shading and flowering period, the performance of some varieties will be different from the normal florescence, such as' pianist 'under shading conditions, the flower stem is relatively soft, if not supported in time, it is easy to bend. Sakurama suggests using flower stem traction hooks, which can be adjusted at any time to keep the finished flower stems upright and upright.