
You must know how many leaves it takes for the orchid to blossom.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, It usually takes three to four years for the orchid to grow into an adult. When the total number of leaves is about 15 or 16, flowers and arrows are usually drawn. Of course, the growth conditions must be in place when all the management is in place. No.

It usually takes three to four years for the orchid to grow into an adult. When the total number of leaves is about 15 or 16, flowers and arrows are usually drawn. Of course, the growth conditions must be in place when all the management is in place.

Whether it is root tillering seedlings or sowing seedlings, as long as there is sufficient and reasonable supply of fertilizer and water, suitable light conditions, and temperature, humidity and ventilation suitable for the growth of Cymbidium every year. What is more important is to use soil that is loose and permeable, well drained and rich in organic matter.

After the above aspects are more reasonable in the management of cultivation, when the plant grows to about 15 pages, about three years later, when the leaf base diameter of the plant grows to more than 3cm, there will basically be arrows to be drawn from December to the Spring Festival. There are a lot of flowers, too. It's a simple way to judge. Do you know this little secret?

After blooming continuously for three to four years, under the condition of proper management, some tillering seedlings will usually grow, but the premise is to cut off three or two old leaves at the bottom every year, because the bud point of the tillering seedlings is between the leaves. If the old leaves are not removed, plant

The transport tissue in the plant will continue to supply nutrients and water to the old leaves, but in fact, the old leaves only consume nutrients and will not produce nutrients.

Therefore, when the old leaves are cut off, the transport tissue in the plant will supply nutrients to the buds below. After two to three months of differentiation, the buds will slowly grow into leaves and become new seedlings. After the old leaves are cut off from the base, there is no need to take care of the rest. After ten or twenty days, they will yellowing and drying up, and then gently take them off. It will take at least two years for young seedlings with long roots to be cut and replanted. The picture below is a pot of ordinary orchids (18 years old) compiled by Xiaobian, with roots and seedlings growing every year.

The sowing seedlings of Cymbidium are usually picked and stripped of the surface fleshy cortex and sown as soon as possible after the seeds are mature. about a month after sowing, the seeds can sprout and grow a stout white root, and the first true leaf can grow in about two months. The emergence speed of Cymbidium seeds is related to the seed maturity, and the seeds with good maturity emerge faster. When the seedlings grow to two leaves, they can be transplanted into separate pots for maintenance, and then the culture soil should be changed once a year or the pots should be changed every two years according to the growth situation.