
Put the standardized construction of cooperatives in a more prominent position

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In recent years, farmers' cooperatives have developed rapidly and played an important role in building modern agriculture, increasing farmers' income and building a new socialist countryside. However, in some places, quantity is more important than quality, while some cooperatives are nominal, mere formality and restricted.

In recent years, farmers' cooperatives have developed rapidly and played an important role in building modern agriculture, increasing farmers' income and building a new socialist countryside. However, in some places, quantity is more important than quality, and some cooperatives are nominal and mere formalities, which restricts the full play of the function of cooperatives, and there is an urgent need to strengthen the standardized construction of cooperatives. A few days ago, nine departments, including the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Finance, issued the "opinions on guiding and promoting the standardized Development of Peasant Cooperatives," requiring relevant departments at all levels to put strengthening the standardized construction of peasant cooperatives in a more prominent position. Take the standardized operation of peasant cooperatives as the focus of policy support. This is not only an important measure to speed up the construction of a new agricultural management system and promote agricultural modernization, but also an objective requirement for safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of members and strengthening the endogenous driving force for the development of cooperatives. It is also an important basis for undertaking national agriculture-related projects and innovating ways of financial support for agriculture. At present and in the next period, standardized construction should be placed in a more prominent position and constantly improve the quality and level of the development of cooperatives.

To put standardized construction in a more prominent position, we must improve the rules and regulations of cooperatives. The articles of association is the fundamental system that determines the development direction of cooperatives, and it is necessary to guide cooperatives to formulate and improve articles of association in line with their own characteristics. Guide cooperatives to strengthen system construction, establish and improve financial accounting, social affairs management, surplus distribution and other systems, improve member accounts and files, and further clarify the relationship of property rights of assets, so as to enable cooperatives to run cooperatives in accordance with the rules and regulations and act in accordance with the articles of association.

To put standardized construction in a more prominent position, we must improve the operating mechanism of cooperatives. It is necessary to give full play to the role of the general assembly of members (deputies), the council, and the board of supervisors, respect the dominant position of members, and adhere to the democratic decision-making method of "one person, one vote." The "three meetings" should earnestly perform their respective duties of decision-making, implementation, and supervision, operate effectively, and cooperate closely.

To put standardized construction in a more prominent position, we must strengthen the training of cooperative leaders. The director is the "leading goose" of the cooperative, and the leader is very important to whether the development of the cooperative is good or not. It is necessary to strengthen the training of cooperative leaders and include the training objects of projects such as the modern agricultural talent support plan and the new professional farmer training project. We will formulate preferential policies to encourage agricultural technicians, rural talents and college graduates to take the lead in establishing cooperatives and improve their ability to run cooperatives in accordance with the law.

To put standardized construction in a more prominent position, we must give full play to the role of cooperative counselors. Counselor system is a unique institutional arrangement in the development of cooperatives in China. We should give full play to the advantages of this system, speed up the construction of counselors, and establish a multi-level guidance service system. Establish and improve the system for counselors to contact cooperatives, carry out in-depth investigation and research around the outstanding problems and weak links affecting the standardized development of cooperatives, and help cooperatives improve their rules and regulations and improve the level of standardized management by means of paired assistance, contracted services, and sending them to cooperatives, face-to-face and hand in hand.

To put standardized construction in a more prominent position, we must promote the construction of demonstration cooperatives. Guidance and demonstration is an effective means to promote the standardized development of cooperatives. It is necessary to further promote the establishment of demonstration cooperatives, evaluate a number of demonstration cooperatives at all levels, strengthen dynamic management, and implement the survival of the fittest. Take cooperatives with standardized operation as the focus of policy support, further improve financial, tax, financial and other support policies, guide cooperatives to strengthen system establishment, improve democratic management, enhance service awareness, and benefit the broad masses of farmers. improve the cohesion attractiveness of cooperatives. We should conscientiously sum up and promote the advanced models, experiences and practices of running cooperatives in various localities in accordance with the law, set up a number of comparable benchmarks and models, and create a good atmosphere for standardizing running cooperatives, catching up with learning, and striving to create advanced ones.