
When does the peony blossom

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Its appearance is everyone's favorite. Generally speaking, it only blossoms once a year, but different species and different opening times are different. Some, such as cold peonies, can open twice, and except under normal circumstances, we can still take some measures to postpone it.

1. Time

1. In normal times, it will only open once a year, but the time is in April. Generally, the opening time is relatively short, about ten days, from the 10th to the 20th. Of course, we can also take some measures to postpone it and open in winter.

2. In fact, in a relatively normal time, peony leaves will fall in winter, and it will blossom again only in spring, but this is not always the case. Some varieties differentiate very early, and the dormancy of buds is relatively shallow. Under very natural conditions, its leaves will unfold, so the second flowering will take its course.

3. The flowering time of some unique varieties is not the same. Cold peony can bloom twice a year, and more than a dozen flowers bloom earlier in spring, and the number of blooming in winter is less than that in spring. The cold cherry lion blossoms around late October, Muchuan Han in early November, and Yuyun in mid-late November.

II. Flowering period

1. Although the florescence of peony is fixed, with the progress of science and technology, the florescence can be controlled manually. Generally, it can be controlled in some ways, such as National Day, Spring Festival, etc., so if someone wants to put it as a potted plant on a certain festival, they can prepare in advance and control its florescence.

2. generally controlled on the National Day, we need to control the temperature to about zero before July 15, and let it grow normally half a month later, and it will be able to blossom normally by the end of September.

3. If you want to choose the Spring Festival, you should choose the peony for several years, put it in the pot two months ahead of time, and then put it in the room to heat up. The temperature should be controlled at about 15 or 20 during the day and 10 to 15 at night, and the light and moisture should be guaranteed.

4. May Day flowering requires moving the refrigerated ones to the room at the end of March, then heating up and watering, etc., and the flowers will bloom in a month.