
What do Chinese animal husbandry enterprises do in the great pattern of innovation?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The eighth Summer Davos Forum was held in Tianjin from September 10 to September 12, attended by more than 1600 guests from 90 countries and regions around the world. At this forum, which is regarded as the most authoritative interpretation of China's economic mid-year summary and the next policy measures, the state

The eighth Summer Davos Forum was held in Tianjin from September 10 to September 12, attended by more than 1600 guests from 90 countries and regions around the world. At this forum, which is regarded as the most authoritative interpretation of China's economic mid-year summary and the next policy measures, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council attended the opening ceremony and delivered a special speech, expounding to the outside world innovative ideas and methods of China's macro-control, as well as policy measures such as promoting structural adjustment.

As a basic industry, China's animal husbandry industry is closely related to the country's macro policy. The signal released by Premier Li Keqiang at the Davos Forum also pointed out a certain direction for the development of the animal husbandry industry, that is, innovation. For Chinese animal husbandry, if we want to complete self-reform, we need to keep up with the pace of the times, break the closed-door farming state of the traditional agricultural and animal husbandry industry, and pay attention to the development of the overall social pattern with an open vision. In Premier Li Keqiang's speech, he interpreted the overall situation around the word "innovation". Premier Li Keqiang proposed to use innovation as the "engine" and "golden key" to encourage all industries to actively innovate. the premier pointed out that although China's economy is in the forefront of the world, many industries are still in the middle and low end of the world. With regard to the problem, we need not deny that among the "many industries" mentioned by Premier Li Keqiang, the animal husbandry industry is also among them. Facing the contradiction directly is the first step to solve the problem of development, and self-innovation is the key step to promote development. For Chinese animal husbandry enterprises, they not only need to face the contradiction directly, but also need to seize the opportunity and meet the challenge in the big pattern of innovation.

Reform in the period of economic downturn

Equal emphasis on eliminating excess capacity and cultivating new growth points

In his speech, Premier Li Keqiang mentioned that China's economy grew by 7.4 per cent in the first half of this year, with consumer prices rising 2.3 per cent. Overall, the downward pressure on the economy has increased. However, under the circumstances of great downward pressure on the economy, China's economy has also ushered in many positive changes, not only achieving an increase in employment and rising household income, but also completing structural optimization. Fiscal, tax and financial measures such as streamlining administration and delegating powers and "targeted tax reduction" and "targeted reserve reduction" have strongly supported the development of the service industry, agriculture, rural areas and farmers, small and micro enterprises, private enterprises and emerging formats. For the animal husbandry enterprises that are in the small and medium-sized plate or are preparing to enter the small and medium-sized plate, the two major means of "streamlining administration and delegating power" + "directional measures" are undoubtedly an effective "thruster".

In the part of improving the quality of economic growth, Premier Li Keqiang stressed that it is necessary to take reform and innovation as the driving force, on the one hand, to reduce excess capacity, especially to eliminate excess capacity, and on the other hand, to cultivate new growth points. These two strategies can also solve the major problems facing the animal husbandry industry. This year's turbulent pig cycle has caused heavy losses to downstream pig farmers, and the crisis caused by overcapacity has made the whole industry anxious. Unlike in the past, the government did not intervene deeply this year, but advocated leaving the problems that should be solved by the market to the market itself. Under such circumstances, the pig market has entered a new period of "self-repair". Many enterprises with backward production capacity have withdrawn under the regulation of the market, and the turbulent market will return to stability after a series of labor pains. At the same time, for the pig industry, this change is also both opportunities and challenges. While Premier Li Keqiang stressed the elimination of excess capacity, he also stressed the need to cultivate new growth points, which must be in the field of innovation and modernization.

In his speech, Premier Li Keqiang pointed out that we did not rely on "strong stimulus" to promote economic development, but on "strong reform" to stimulate market vitality. The Chinese government will continue to adhere to a prudent monetary policy. While stabilizing the total amount, on the one hand, we should carry out structural and targeted regulation and control, tilting the existing stock and incremental money towards agriculture, small and micro enterprises, emerging industries, and high-tech industries; on the other hand, we should promote structural adjustment through structural reform, carry out financial reform while using monetary policy, and strive to control and reduce the leverage ratio of enterprises. Such a monetary policy is undoubtedly a positive signal for developing animal husbandry enterprises, and the policy pour will make small and micro animal husbandry enterprises usher in new opportunities.

Encourage innovation during the period of structural adjustment

The "three items list" ensures a good and sustainable innovation environment.

In his speech, Premier Li Keqiang pointed out that if streamlining administration and delegating powers is a "upper-hand move", then system construction is a "chain shot." As a safeguard, three lists. On the one hand, the government should come up with a "list of powers" what the government should do and "cannot be done without authorization by law". Only in this way can we prevent the abuse of public power, reduce the phenomenon of rent-seeking, and make the government truly perform its duty of serving the people and the public. On the other hand, the government gives a "negative list", and enterprises can not do anything. Only in this way can we form an open, transparent, expected and stable institutional arrangement and promote the full burst of vitality of enterprises. On the other hand, it is necessary to come up with a "list of responsibilities", how should the government manage the market, and "legal responsibility must be", so as to establish and maintain a market environment of honest management and fair competition, stimulate the motivation of enterprises, and encourage innovation and creation. The above three lists are used as a guarantee to create a good environment for innovation. The innovation referred to by Premier Li Keqiang includes system and mechanism innovation, management innovation and model innovation. These three kinds of innovation work at the same time to change the development environment that lacks innovation in the past.

At the two sessions this year, Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu pointed out that China's animal husbandry industry is characterized by a small and scattered model of small farmers, which determines that China's animal husbandry industry has a lot of resistance in the process of modernization. In terms of breeding alone, the situation of local breeding in China has not been optimistic for a long time, and more than 90% of the enterprises are breeding pigs of foreign strains. There are many reasons why there are no more results, including institutional mechanisms, management and model factors. The "three items list" put forward by Premier Li Keqiang provides a good environment for independent innovation. For animal husbandry enterprises, especially those with certain influence in the industry, they should take advantage of this opportunity to increase the intensity of independent innovation and form a good innovation mechanism, so that the primary industry also coruscates new vitality.

At the same time, Premier Li Keqiang also pointed out: "although China's economy is in the forefront of the world, many industries are still in the middle and low end of the world, the traditional extensive growth path is no longer feasible, and we must rely more on scientific and technological progress to adjust the structure. This is a strategic, structural and innovative adjustment. We will adhere to support and control, maintain pressure, cultivate and strengthen new products, new business type, and accelerate the development of the service industry, high-tech industries, and emerging industries. " Such a statement undoubtedly provides a lot of new ideas for the animal husbandry industry which is in the process of development and transformation. With the development of the Internet economy, the boundaries between various industries have gradually blurred, and the animal husbandry industry is not only a traditional mode of production enterprises, but also can be combined with the Internet and tourism. New sparks can be crossed and collided with various fields that can be combined. Premier Li Keqiang mentioned in his speech that it is necessary to form a new situation of "mass innovation" and "everyone innovation". Under such circumstances, it also provides many development opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises in the animal husbandry industry, from solving employment to encouraging entrepreneurship. This is a change to adapt to the development of the times. As many high-tech talents or "new farmers" who return to the land join this traditional industry, the traditional enterprise of agriculture and animal husbandry is bound to set off a new wave of innovation.

Pay attention to the environment in the period of accelerated development

Fulfill one's responsibility and firmly resolve to declare war on pollution with scientific and technological innovation

In Premier Li Keqiang's speech, it revealed a signal that "China is studying the action targets for controlling greenhouse gas emissions around 2030, including peak carbon dioxide emissions, a decline in the proportion of carbon emission intensity, and an increase in the proportion of non-fossil fuels." As a global problem, "greenhouse gas" has always been concerned by the world. Although the urgent problem to be solved in the animal husbandry industry is the treatment of manure, in the long run, the country's monitoring of the environmental pollution caused by the original extensive breeding model is bound to be more stringent. Since the beginning of this year, pig farms have been closed all over the place. however, such compulsory measures can not fundamentally solve the double problems of environmental pollution and farmers' income. As for how to prevent and control pollution, Premier Li Keqiang also gave a clear direction, that is, to closely rely on scientific and technological innovation. Using innovation to control pollution is a long-term development direction for animal husbandry enterprises, which can only lag behind. The development of China's animal husbandry industry needs to go through a process from learning to innovation. First, we should absorb advanced ideas and advanced technology from abroad, and at the same time, we should strengthen the intensity of independent innovation in order to promote the development of the whole industry. In the process of the development of the animal husbandry industry, only by paying more attention to the environment and innovating the recyclable model, can we gain a foothold in the competitive environment.

At the end of his speech, Premier Li Keqiang said, "Great wisdom is nothing but collective thinking" to encourage various industries to carry out reform and innovation and share the fruits of reform and innovation. For the animal husbandry enterprises in the big pattern of innovation, first of all, we should change the concept and put the concept of independent innovation into the corporate culture; secondly, we should put the innovation into practice. The implementation of innovation also includes two aspects, one is model innovation, the other is scientific and technological innovation. In terms of mode innovation, it is necessary to break the inherent thinking, integrate resources across industries, establish its own sustainable "industrial chain", resist market risks, and form a characteristic development model at the same time; in terms of scientific and technological innovation, it is necessary to establish a good innovation environment within the enterprise and encourage everyone to innovate and everyone to innovate. 2014 is a very rapid year for the scale of China's animal husbandry industry, but if we ignore the "modernization" and "science and technology" that followed by the scale, then "fast" can only make the industry fall into a new crisis.