
The market return of cotton target price cotton planting is guaranteed and the benefit is high.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, At present, the Turpan region of Xinjiang has comprehensively begun to purchase cotton. The purchase of cotton this year is somewhat different from previous years, and the monitoring of cotton prices in many places in Xinjiang has been strengthened in order to ensure the steady progress of the pilot work of cotton target price reform. According to the Central Committee this year

At present, the Turpan region of Xinjiang has comprehensively begun to purchase cotton. The purchase of cotton this year is somewhat different from previous years, and the monitoring of cotton prices in many places in Xinjiang has been strengthened in order to ensure the steady progress of the pilot work of cotton target price reform. According to the requirements of the No. 1 document of the Central Committee this year, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Agriculture launched a pilot project to reform the target price of cotton in Xinjiang in 2014, with a target price of 19800 yuan per ton in 2014.

Cotton planting is guaranteed and has high benefit.

In Gilgret Township, Wusu City, Xinjiang, cotton farmer Liu Qi has planted more than 70 mu of cotton fields, and cotton farmers in the same village have also planted cotton fields ranging from 20 mu to 40 mu. Liu Qi told the Economic Daily that he had long heard that it had been changed to a target price subsidy this year. There is a national policy background, the cultivation of cotton is guaranteed and high efficiency, so we should also plant, cotton farmers' enthusiasm for planting management and protection is still very high.

After the end of the cotton temporary storage policy, the cotton planting area in many areas has shrunk. A few days ago, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Agriculture that due to the large decline in cotton area in the mainland, the cotton area in the Yangtze River basin and the Yellow River basin dropped by about 12.1% and 14.5%, respectively. This year, the cotton planting area across the country is expected to decline 8.7% compared with last year.

However, the cotton area in Xinjiang is driven by the target price policy, but the planting area has not declined significantly, and the enthusiasm of cotton farmers to plant cotton and carefully protect cotton is still high. According to the relevant person in charge of the planting Management Office of the Xinjiang Agriculture Department, Xinjiang has carried out the verification of cotton planting area, and according to the current verified planting area, excluding the production and Construction Corps, the local cotton planting area alone has increased by more than 4 million mu. On the one hand, this is due to the stimulus of subsidy policies, on the other hand, in order to obtain subsidies, some unreported areas have "surfaced", which has also increased the area.

A person from the National Development and Reform Commission said that after the implementation of the cotton target price policy, producers sell cotton at market prices. When the market price is lower than the target price, the state shall subsidize the producers in the pilot area according to the price difference between the target price and the market price and the factors such as acreage and output; when the market price is higher than the target price, the state shall not grant subsidies. The target price is determined according to the production cost plus the basic income. This year's target price of 19800 yuan per ton of cotton will compensate for the cost of cotton production in the pilot areas and ensure that farmers can obtain basic income.

The actual cotton planting area needs to be verified

As a result of the major change in the cotton price policy, which involves the major adjustment of the interests of various cotton industry subjects, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region and the Xinjiang production and Construction Corps are very cautious in implementing the subsidy policy. a leading group for the pilot work of cotton target price reform has been set up, and a number of research groups have been set up under the leadership of the Autonomous Regional Development and Reform Commission to conduct research in southern and northern Xinjiang.

Since June, the agricultural departments of Aksu Awati, Shaya, Keping, Wensu, Kuqa and other places in Xinjiang have begun to verify the actual planting area of cotton. Tang Yiwu, director of the planting Management Office of the Xinjiang Agriculture Department, told reporters that verifying the planting area is to lay the foundation for the smooth implementation of the target price subsidy. "No matter according to the area subsidy or the output subsidy, it is related to the area, and if it is to be made up to the cotton farmers, the area must be verified." Tang Yiwu said.

Wang Li, director of the Cotton Economic Research Center of Shihezi University in Xinjiang, said that there are generally two ways to distribute cotton subsidies, one is by area, and the other is by output. Area subsidy is universal benefit, as long as it is planted, output subsidy is compensated according to production effect, and more production and more compensation. The subsidy by area is slightly unfair, but it is relatively easy to operate. The subsidy by output looks fair, but it is difficult to operate.

It is understood that the specific plan of cotton target price subsidy in Xinjiang in 2014 has been submitted to the relevant state departments and is currently awaiting approval and implementation.

Conducive to the return of cotton prices to the market

The temporary collection and storage policy plays a positive role in protecting the interests of domestic cotton farmers and ensuring the development of the whole cotton industry. However, in the process of practice, later, when the domestic collection and storage price was much higher than the global and domestic cotton market price, more than 90% of the domestic new cotton went to the national treasury, resulting in no cotton on the market, dealers unprofitable, and textile enterprises living a difficult life.

Lan Haitao, a researcher at the Macroeconomic Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that on the basis of low cost and adopting the direct purchase and storage policy entrusted by the government to state-owned enterprises, which is represented by the current price support policy of important agricultural products with the lowest purchase price and temporary purchase and storage, its disadvantages are becoming more and more obvious, and it is difficult to adapt to the competitive environment of domestic and foreign agricultural products under the background of globalization, so we have to adopt the target price reform with price difference direct compensation as the core. To replace the current price support policy for important agricultural products.

Wang Sishe, president of Shandong Dezhou Hengfeng Textile Co., Ltd., said: "it is difficult to bear the price difference of more than 4000 yuan per ton in domestic and foreign cotton markets, which has affected the competitiveness of domestic cotton enterprises' export products. Now that the country adjusts its industrial policy in time, the price gap at home and abroad will be reduced, and the cotton industry will return to the market attribute, which is conducive to the long-term development of the industry. "

Wang Li said that the target price subsidy program for cotton in Xinjiang is from the point of view of benefiting the whole industry chain, and subsidies from the source will not only benefit farmers, but also let cotton prices return to the market, and the cotton textile and clothing industries will benefit from the decline in raw material prices. it will help the cotton textile industry chain out of its predicament. This is of great significance to ensure the income of 2.5 million cotton farmers in Xinjiang and increase the vitality of Xinjiang textile enterprises.