
What about the withered buds of gardenia

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, There are five main reasons, corresponding to different countermeasures. First, too much watering. The roots rotted, leading to withered flowers. The treatment is to wait until the soil is dry before watering, which is conducive to root growth. Second, when the soil cakes, the transport of water and nutrients will be blocked, causing the buds to wither. At this time, it is necessary to loosen the soil with a loosening tool. Third, it is caused by insufficient light. In that case, you need to increase the lighting time. Fourth, caused by diseases and insect pests, spraying chemicals. Fifth, the lack of nutrients, you can apply a certain amount of fertilizer.

1. Too much water

(1) specific reason: too much water leads to stagnant water, and the root will rot. If the plant is in full bloom, the buds are likely to wither and fall.

(2) solution: if adjusted in time, the plant can be restored. The best way is not to water the soil if it is not dry, which is best for the roots.

2. Soil consolidation

(1) specific reason: if the soil cakes, then the root will not be able to absorb enough water and nutrients, and naturally it will not be able to provide sufficient water and nutrients to the flower buds. In that case, the bud is likely to wither.

(2) solution: insert the soil from the edge of the flowerpot with the help of the tool of loosening the soil. Gently shake some basins to make the soil relatively loose.

3. The deficiency of light

(1) specific reason: provide sufficient light, bud can be more, and will not wither. Long-term exposure to a very dark environment, photosynthesis is very weak, buds are likely to wither.

(2) solution: put it in the sunny ground, but not directly. Exposure must be guaranteed for at least two hours a day to enhance photosynthesis.

4. Diseases and insect pests

(1) specific reason: if the plant encounters diseases or insect pests during flowering, the buds will be few and the ones that grow may wither.

(2) solution: if this is the reason, spray the corresponding medicine according to different types.

5. Lack of nutrients

(1) specific reasons: a lot of nutrients are consumed during flowering, and if the supply is insufficient, the buds are likely to wither.

(2) solution: compound fertilizer or some mineral agents can be buried in the soil. But don't measure too much.