
Rural land circulation should give full play to the role of market and government

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The decision of the CPC Central Committee on several major issues of comprehensively deepening reform points out that the reform of the economic system is the focus of comprehensively deepening reform, and the core issue is to properly handle the relationship between the government and the market, so that the market can play a decisive role in the allocation of resources and give better play to the government.

The decision of the CPC Central Committee on several major issues of comprehensively deepening reform points out that the reform of the economic system is the focus of comprehensively deepening reform, and the core issue is to properly handle the relationship between the government and the market, so that the market can play a decisive role in the allocation of resources and give better play to the role of the government. As a new thing in the process of deepening the reform of rural economic system, land circulation is an effective way to realize the optimal allocation of rural land resources. we should respect the leading role of the market and the dominant position of farmers. give full play to the decisive role of market mechanism in land circulation. At the same time, we should also give full play to the role of the visible hand of the government, overcome the phenomenon of offside, absence and dislocation of the government, strengthen the guidance, standardization, supervision and service of land circulation, and realize the organic combination of the decisive role of the market and the normative guidance of the government. to make the rural land circulation develop healthily and orderly.

On the basis of confirming the rights, registering and issuing certificates of rural land, the transaction market system of agricultural land property rights should be established as soon as possible.

Clarifying the right of contracted management of land is the premise of land transfer and the basic work of perfecting the land transfer market. By confirming the right and issuing the rural land use property right certificate to each piece of land contracted by the farmers, the farmers can transfer the land contractual management right in the form of subcontract, lease, exchange, transfer, share cooperation and so on through the standardized land property right transaction market. so that the land really begins to become capital. Rural property rights transaction is a property rights transaction based on collective property rights transactions and non-state-owned and non-collective property rights transactions. At present, the number of rural property rights transaction service institutions in the country is small, and it is still in its infancy. The rural property rights trading market plays an important role in land circulation, which is conducive to the transformation of government functions, helps the government to extricate itself from directly responsible for dealing with transactions, effectively solves the problem of no distinction between government and political affairs, and is conducive to giving full play to the decisive role of the market. better reflect the functions of market gathering information, resource allocation and price formation It is conducive to the establishment of an open, fair and fair trading platform to ensure the sunshine and transparency of the transaction process.

Speed up the establishment and improvement of the market service system of land circulation and give full play to the decisive role of the market in land circulation.

On the whole, the service system of rural land transfer in China is not perfect. 2/3 of the counties and townships across the country have not established a land transfer service platform, and most counties and townships have no land transfer service institutions. Speeding up the establishment and improvement of the rural land transfer market service system is the basis to play a decisive role in the market. The focus here is to improve the land transfer service platform. It is necessary to gradually establish and improve the three-level service network of county service centers, township service stations, and village-level service points, establish a circulation information database, and carry out services such as information consultation, evaluation, and assistance in handling procedures. The second is to establish a land transfer information network, so that both supply and demand can obtain reliable information timely and accurately. The third is to cultivate intermediary institutions of land transfer. The fourth is to establish a scientific price formation and guidance mechanism for land transfer. The key point is to make classification and scientific evaluation of different land on the basis of specific analysis of land price factors, to determine the benchmark price of land transfer, and to determine the transfer price of specific land targets on the basis of the benchmark price. At the same time, as China's land transfer market is still in its infancy, in order to reduce speculation in land transfer and promote the fair, just and orderly operation of the land transfer market, it is necessary for land management departments to establish a corresponding circulation price publicity system.

Formulate policies to encourage and support land transfer and create a policy environment conducive to land transfer

There should be a process for farmers to carry out orderly and standardized land transfer in the land transfer market, especially in the initial stage of the development of the land transfer market, which needs the support of the government and some preferential policies and measures. All localities should earnestly give full play to the guiding role of policies, formulate policies that are in line with local conditions and have strong pertinence in line with local conditions, and adopt a variety of support measures to give tangible benefits to farmers entering the market and transferring land, so as to attract farmers in and promote the standardized circulation of land. At the same time, we should encourage the development of large-scale operators such as large professional households, family farms, and agricultural specialized cooperatives, and give them preferential policies in the construction of agricultural infrastructure, technological popularization, marketing of agricultural products, and financial services, so as to promote intensive and large-scale operation of rural land. For example, in terms of fiscal policy, a certain scale of special support funds for land transfer can be arranged in the annual budget to subsidize large-scale operators and land outflow households. In terms of credit policy, operators who are in line with the development direction of agricultural industrialization and agricultural industry support policies and whose land transfer area reaches a certain scale are taken as the focus of credit support, and a certain amount of agricultural credit funds are arranged every year to give support, tax relief or tax concessions can also be implemented. At the same time, in order to strengthen the government's technical support for land transfer, we can rely on the "Agricultural Technical School" and the "Sunshine Project", strengthen the training and guidance of agricultural technology applicable to large farmers, and send agricultural science and technology personnel to provide technical guidance services to large growers and professional cooperatives. Measures can also be taken to encourage agricultural technicians at all levels and units and individuals of colleges and universities and scientific research institutes. Participate in rural land circulation in the form of scientific and technological research and development, technology contracting, technology equity participation and the establishment of specialized organizations.

Strengthen the standardized management of land circulation to ensure the standardized and orderly operation of rural land circulation

At present, most of the rural land transfer is spontaneous transfer between farmers, nearly 40% of the land transfer has not signed a contract, even if there is a written contract, the contract text is not standard, the terms of the contract are not complete, without a visa examined by the contract management agency, it is easy to cause disputes and contradictions, so that the rights and interests of both sides of the transfer can not be protected. Governments at all levels should innovate the land transfer system in the light of local conditions and focus their work on the standardized management of land transfer. First, strengthen the management of land transfer procedures. Both parties to the land transfer shall sign a written contract and submit it to the township agricultural contract administration agency for examination, visa and registration. It is necessary to clarify the dominant position of farmers in land transfer and prohibit township and village-level organizations from signing contracts instead of or over farmers. The second is to strengthen the management of land transfer registration. Registration and filing according to the prescribed procedures can strengthen the sense of security of farmers' circulation and expand the scale of the transfer. at the same time, it can also enable the government to grasp the actual situation of land transfer and formulate correct policies and measures. The third is to strengthen the management of land transfer contract, improve the compliance of the contract, protect the rights and interests of both parties and the fulfillment of the contract.

Increase investment to improve the rural social security system and create favorable conditions for land transfer

At present, the social security system in rural areas of our country is still not perfect, which makes farmers put the heavy burden of their own security on the contracted land, thus causing the bottleneck of the circulation of land contractual management rights. therefore, we must speed up the establishment and improvement of the rural social security system. On the one hand, through the establishment of a sound rural social security system, gradually play down the social security function of land, reduce farmers' dependence on land and the cost of farmland system reform, eliminate farmers' worries, and create favorable conditions to accelerate rural land circulation. It is necessary to adhere to the principle of "taking measures in accordance with local conditions, acting according to capacity, various forms, and farmers' willingness," and establish insurance for the elderly, medical care, childbirth, and disability in multiple channels, levels, and ways. Through the establishment of social security system, return the land to the nature of normal factors of production, and give full play to the economic function of land as much as possible. For farmers who have already transferred land, guide them to set up personal basic medical care and old-age insurance to improve their self-security ability. On the other hand, in order to establish and improve the agricultural risk guarantee mechanism, consideration can be given to setting up risk funds for rural land transfer, disaster risk compensation funds, crop diseases and insect pests insurance funds and cultivated land protection funds, etc., as pension funds for landless farmers, guarantee funds for cultivated land transfer and agricultural insurance subsidies. We can explore and implement the mode of mutual insurance cooperation, set up a "mutual assistance and cooperation insurance organization", and implement the agricultural insurance operation mode of member payment, financial subsidy, self-management, cooperation and sharing, special account supervision and rolling development in accordance with the principle of voluntary. minimize the risk brought by land transfer.

Strengthen the supervision and management of land circulation and create a good environment for the healthy development of land circulation

Market economy is a legal economy. In order to achieve efficient and orderly circulation, the land transfer market also needs to be regulated and restricted by laws and regulations. At present, we should speed up the construction of laws and regulations of the rural land transfer market, timely amend the legal provisions that are not conducive to the formation of the land transfer market and conflict with each other, and make clear legal provisions on the market subjects participating in the rural land circulation in the form of law. the principles, conditions, scope, procedures, forms, liability for breach of contract, interest regulation and other important issues of land circulation make clear legal provisions to ensure the healthy and orderly operation of the rural land circulation market. Government departments should seriously take responsibility and earnestly strengthen supervision and management so as to create a good environment for land transfer. According to the situation, we can set up land transfer management and arbitration institutions, and give corresponding management powers, supervise the process of land transfer, and improve the mechanism of arbitration and mediation of land transfer disputes. By strengthening the construction of rural land dispute arbitration institutions, exploring the long-term mechanism for resolving rural land disputes, formulating and standardizing various systems and procedures for dispute arbitration, in order to effectively resolve rural contradictions, safeguard farmers' land rights and interests and rural social stability. All functional departments of the government should coordinate and manage together, guide the conclusion of land transfer contracts, establish files of land transfer contracts, regularly check the situation of land use after transfer, and do a good job in supervision and management before, during and after the transfer. to ensure that land transfer is carried out in an orderly manner in accordance with the law. In particular, the agricultural economy, land, and other functional departments should strengthen supervision, strictly prevent the occurrence of incidents of changing the agricultural use of land in the name of land circulation, and crack down on and sanction illegal acts that have occurred that illegally occupy land and change the agricultural nature of land.