
Actively cultivate mutual aid and cooperation organizations in rural areas

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The difficulty of rural loan and financing has been a prominent problem restricting the development of agriculture and rural areas for many years. Since 2008, Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province has taken the lead in carrying out the reform of rural land use right system in the country, which has better solved the financial difficulties of cooperative development and large-scale operation.

The difficulty of rural loan and financing has been a prominent problem restricting the development of agriculture and rural areas for many years. Since 2008, Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province has taken the lead in carrying out the reform of rural land use right system in the country, which has better solved the financial problem of cooperative development and large-scale operation. However, with the development of agricultural and rural economy, the capital needs of all kinds of operators in rural areas are becoming more and more diversified, especially the problem of "small loan difficulty" of thousands of individual farmers is becoming more and more prominent. At the beginning of this year, in connection with the party's practice of mass line education, relevant comrades and I spent more than a month on concentrated research on this issue, successively visited 5 townships and 11 administrative villages, and conducted a sample survey of 450 farmers. On this basis, a comprehensive analysis and in-depth discussion have been carried out, and some consensus has been formed.

Current situation of Capital demand of individual Farmers in Zaozhuang

At present, the capital needs of farmers are mainly divided into two categories, one is the production capital demand, the other is the consumption capital demand. We focus on the capital needs of the production category. The survey shows that the demand for funds in the production process of most farmers is generally characterized by small amount, strong emergency, strong seasonality, less collateral and so on.

1. In terms of the proportion of demand, farmers have a strong demand for funds. 42% of the farmers showed a strong demand for funds. According to this ratio, there are about 336000 households and 1.2 million people in the city with varying degrees of shortage of funds.

2. From the point of view of the types of management, there is less demand for funds for grain cultivation, and more demand for breeding, vegetables, forest and fruit, and processing. Most of the grain planting is 5000 yuan per household, vegetable planting is mostly 15000 yuan per household, economic forest and fruit cultivation is mostly 30, 000 yuan per household, livestock and poultry aquaculture is mostly 25000 yuan per household, and agricultural products processing is mostly 50, 000 yuan per household. The amount is generally small, about 1-50, 000.

3. From the point of view of the use of funds, there is less demand for maintaining production and more demand for upgrading or expanding production. Among the farmers with capital needs, only about 18% maintain production, most of which are for the development of facility agriculture or the expansion of reproduction.

4. In terms of use time, it has strong emergency, strong seasonality and short cycle.

At present, large commercial banks only pay attention to high-quality customers who operate on a larger scale in rural areas. even in rural credit cooperatives, loans of less than 30,000 yuan are no longer accepted, and the loan needs of most farmers are still not met. From the perspective of rural reality, the most effective way to solve the problem of small funds for farmers is to develop mutual aid and cooperation organizations of rural funds.

Zaozhuang explores four modes of developing Rural Mutual Fund organizations

First, a credit department is set up within the cooperative to achieve mutual financial assistance. Attract members to deposit the settlement funds for the sale of products, idle funds, etc., while members who need funds can obtain the funds needed for production and operation after mutual examination of funds. This approach not only meets the needs of members for development funds, but also improves the utilization rate and rate of return of idle funds in the hands of members. Up to now, credit departments have been set up within 39 cooperatives in the city, with the amount of mutual assistance reaching 38 million yuan.

The second is to set up rural mutual aid cooperatives to realize mutual financial assistance. Relying on land cooperatives and through the model of "one to one", rural mutual aid cooperatives are established. Through the self-raising of members' shares and the use of rural land use property rights mortgage loans and other funds to carry out mutual financial assistance and credit cooperation to meet the members' demand for funds for production and development. Twelve rural mutual aid cooperatives have been established in the city, with mutual funds of 8.6 million yuan.

Third, the supply and marketing cooperative system realizes the mutual financial assistance between cooperatives. The supply and marketing cooperative system has set up two county-level rural credit guarantee companies, jointly with 17 grass-roots cooperatives to carry out financing services within the professional cooperatives they lead. Through the docking between the professional cooperatives and the guarantee companies, the professional cooperatives deposit the surplus funds to the guarantee companies, and the guarantee companies transfer the funds to other professional cooperatives that need funds, effectively regulating the surplus and shortage of funds among the professional cooperatives. The balance of mutual financial assistance reached 40.35 million yuan.

The fourth is the mutual financial assistance realized through the poverty alleviation fund mutual aid association. Take the financial poverty alleviation funds as the guidance, rely on the mutual funds paid voluntarily by the villagers according to a certain proportion, and strive for social donation funds without any additional conditions as a supplement, to establish production and development funds owned by the villagers, used by the villagers, managed independently by the villagers, benefited by the villagers, and borrowed in the village. At present, the number of mutual fund associations for poverty alleviation in the city has grown to 74, with a total of 12.75 million yuan in special funds for poverty alleviation and 3.8183 million yuan raised by members, with a self-financing rate of 30 percent.

By the end of last year, the total scale of stock funds, deposits and financing of the city's rural mutual fund mutual aid organizations reached 252 million yuan, effectively alleviating the shortage of funds for farmers' development and production and the difficulty of loans. However, judging from the current situation, the overall scale of rural financial mutual aid organizations in Zaozhuang is not large, and its coverage is too narrow to fully meet the financial needs of farmers. Many farmers do not have a clear understanding of the nature and role of mutual financial assistance, and their enthusiasm for participation is not high. The establishment of management institutions, staffing and risk prevention mechanism of rural mutual fund organizations need to be standardized and improved.