
Beware | the rich tree burns a wave roll, or it won't be far from death.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Flower cultivation Daquan & nbsp; Subscription account Click to follow, Hua Hua teaches you to grow flowers! Recently, the temperature has risen, and all the flowers in the family are sprouting. Some flower friends say that their rich trees have new leaves, but why are they all curled? Just like.

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Recently, the temperature has risen, and all the flowers in the family are sprouting. Some flower friends say that their rich trees have new leaves, but why are they all curled? It's like scalding a wave roll! When the leaves are curled and yellowed, what should flower friends do?

What should I do if the leaves of the rich tree are curled?

Flower cultivation Daquan

Flower friends, if you see the leaves of the rich tree curling, don't take it seriously. this is the signal that the rich tree is asking for your help. regardless of it, you will die. Some flower friends do not know what the reason is. Huahua will help you analyze it!

1. Insufficient watering after applying concentrated fertilizer and fertilizing

Spring is coming, and it is the peak growing season for the rich tree. Some flower friends give it a lot of fertilizer in order to make it grow greenly and luxuriantly, but after the fertilizer is applied, the subsequent watering is not enough, which will lead to the curling of the new leaves.

How to solve it?

Pour a lot of water into the rich tree basin soil, pour water several times a day, so that too much fertilizer flows out of the drain hole with the water. Then put the rich tree in a well-ventilated place, and then remove the curled leaves.

How to fertilize the rich tree at ordinary times?

Usually fertilize the rich tree, first of all depends on the growth state, if the branches and leaves are very vigorous, irrigate the nutrient solution once a week, can pour the pericarp nutrient solution, should dilute 20 times before use; if the growth is not exuberant, irrigate the fertilizer liquid once a week.

2. Get diseases and insect pests

If the rich tree gets diseases and insect pests, the leaves will also curl. Open the curled leaves and look carefully for bugs.

How to solve it?

If you see any bugs, you should clean them up quickly. You can cut off the leaves of the long bugs, and then spray insecticides on all the leaves so that the bugs will die out!

3. Put it in a position where the light is uneven

If the rich tree is placed in a position where there is only sunlight on one side and little sunlight on the other, the leaves will be distorted because the plants have phototaxis.

How to solve it?

The rich tree is a shade-resistant flower, but it is best to put it under scattered light, such as a brightly lit living room, where the light should be uniform.

The leaves of Tiger Pilan are yellow and wrinkled. What should I do?

Flower cultivation Daquan

Tiger Pilan is a small expert at absorbing formaldehyde, and it is also very easy to raise. Some flower friends in the maintenance process, found that tiger skin orchid leaves appear yellow, crumpled situation, this is why?

1. Lack of water

If too little watering, tiger skin orchid lack of water, the leaves will appear yellow, wrinkled situation. When the basin soil is dry, water it thoroughly. Don't water half of it.

2. Too much watering leads to stagnant water

Watering too much will lead to stagnant water, hinder the breathing of the tiger skin orchid root system, and the leaves will turn yellow and wilt. If the air is moist, the transpiration of tiger skin orchid will be reduced, so it is necessary to reduce watering.

3. The temperature suddenly drops.

If after watering, encounter a sudden late spring cold, a sudden drop in temperature, the roots will be frozen in cold water, will also cause leaves wrinkles. If you have moved Tiger Pilan outdoors, you should pay attention to the temperature change in time.

4. Excessive fertilization

Some flower friends think that when spring comes, they should apply more fertilizer to make the tiger skin orchid grow, resulting in fertilizer damage and yellow wrinkles of the leaves. If you apply too much fertilizer, you can change the soil or pour water into the basin soil to wash the fertilizer away.

The leaves of Magnolia turn yellow, what should I do?

Flower cultivation Daquan

The leaves of the magnolia are fat and green, and their flowers are gorgeous, so it is not difficult to feed them. But many flower friends say that the leaves of Cymbidium turn yellow easily, and they don't know if they are sick. Today, Huahua will talk about some of the most common manifestations and reasons for the yellowing of magnolia.

Sometimes it is normal for leaves to turn yellow

Gentleman orchid in the normal metabolism, there will also be yellow leaves, such as just on the pot, and so on will slowly recover after a period of time, do not worry too much. It is normal for the leaf to turn yellow slowly from the root to the whole leaf in the picture below.

2. Lack of fat and yellowing

If you start from the tip of the leaf and slowly turn yellow toward the root, this is the yellowing caused by lack of fertilizer, opposite to the normal direction of yellow leaves. Flower friends can apply some fermented chicken dung or cake fertilizer to make the orchid green!

3. Yellowing caused by bacteria

If the leaves appear round, wheel-shaped, polygonal and other spots, the colors are brown, black, red, gray, white and so on, it is due to bacterial infection.

If it is confirmed that the disease is caused by yellowing, the sick orchid should be separated from other flowers in time, and carbendazim should be sprayed on the leaves every 7 days. After spraying 2-3 times, the disease will be controlled.

The cause of curling and yellowing of leaves

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A complete Collection of Flowers

Hua Hua

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