
Recommended | Savior of the lazy. These six kinds of flowers are good-looking and easy to raise. All toddlers can raise them.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Flower cultivation Daquan & nbsp; Subscription account Click to follow, Hua Hua teaches you to grow flowers! To raise flowers, the most important thing is to be happy. Today, Huahua recommends to flower friends several kinds of flowers that save worry and effort, and have low maintenance frequency. Raise these kinds of flowers, easy and fresh.

Flower culture

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Click on attention, flowers teach you to grow flowers!

Raising flowers, the most important thing is to be happy ~ Huahua today recommends several kinds of flowers that are worry-free and labor-saving and have low maintenance frequency. Raising these flowers is easy and the branches are full of flowers.


Flower cultivation

Petunia color rich, flower type diversity, whether on the balcony or on the courtyard, are good choices. Petunia is very vigorous, and it is really difficult to raise it to death.

Maintenance points:

Petunia likes sunny, warm and humid places, such as

South balcony, south window sill

2. Petunia is not tolerant of waterlogging, so avoid excessive watering at one time.

Water once every 5~7 days

3. If you want petunias to burst, pay attention

frequent topping


longevity flower

Flower cultivation

Longevity flowers are probably the easiest to grow. Novices who want to grow flowers might as well try longevity flowers.

Maintenance points:


longevity flower



South balcony, south sill

This sunny place is the best place for longevity flowers.

2. Longevity flower

Love warmth

The temperature should not be too high or too low, above 30 degrees or below 10 degrees may be dormant.

3. Longevity flower

resistant to drought

The soil requirements are not strict, generally

Slightly acidic sandy soil (ph5.5 - 6.5)

The most appropriate.


Flower cultivation

Hyacinth not only sounds high-end name, flowers are also very noble and elegant, in fact, hyacinth maintenance is very simple.

Maintenance points:

1. Hyacinth likes Yang, remember to put it in, for example

South balcony, south window sill

Wait for a place with plenty of light

2. Hyacinth is generally in growth and flowering

3~5 days

Water once, after flowering, probably

6~10 days

Water once.

Annual hyacinths almost do not need any fertilizer, very suitable for people who love flowers but are a little lazy to raise.

Scutellaria barbata

Flower cultivation

Barbata skullcap is commonly known as the sun flower, and even some people call it "immortal", which shows how tenacious its vitality is.

Maintenance points:

1. Barbata is

strong positive

Plants, garden flower friends better put it in


There are no garden flowers.

Friends, can be placed

South balcony, south window sill

Wait for a place with plenty of light.

2. Barbata Barbata has high requirements for water. When watering,



1 day 1


It can be very hot in summer

Twice a day

3. If you want to burst the basin, you can carry out appropriate

pruning and topping

Persian chrysanthemum

Flower cultivation

Persian chrysanthemum flower small delicate, usually planted, often a large open. For flower friends, seeing cosmos bloom is a very fulfilling thing.

Maintenance points:

1. Cosmos

Love yang and love humidity


1~2 days

Water once.

2. The growth of cosmos

The soil should not be too fertile

It is easy to lose weight and spend less time.

3. Cosmos is common in the north. Pay attention to it frequently during flowering.



Flower cultivation

Cortana is not only colorful, but also vigorous, a small plant will keep its own branches until it is full of flowerpots.

Maintenance points:

1. Cornu generally used


autumn sowing in the south and spring sowing in the north

2, the horn like



sufficient sunshine


not resistant to high temperatures

spring and autumn

may be placed at

South balcony, south window


Summer is not easy.


3. Cornu hibiscus

acid sand

It can be supplemented appropriately.

nitrogen and potassium fertilizer

The ratio of nitrogen to potassium is


Huahua recommended it to everyone today ~

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Flower culture


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