
The four major reforms in agriculture are progressing steadily

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Chen Xiwen, deputy head of the Central Rural work leading Group and director of the office, pointed out in a recent report at China Agricultural University that the four major reforms, namely, the pilot price formation mechanism of agricultural products, the agricultural support and protection system, the registration of land rights and the reform of the household registration system, are stable.

Chen Xiwen, deputy head of the Central Rural work leading Group and director of the office, pointed out in a recent report at China Agricultural University that four major reforms, namely, the pilot price formation mechanism for agricultural products, the agricultural support and protection system, the registration of land rights, and the reform of the household registration system, are making steady progress, and there are many major policies to be introduced in the future.

He said: the overall situation in China's agriculture and rural areas is good, mainly in two aspects: first, grain output has achieved "ten consecutive increases", with an average annual increase of more than 3.5 million jin; second, the per capita income of farmers has continued to increase. The per capita cash income growth rate of farmers is higher than that of urban residents for four and a half years, and the income gap between urban and rural residents has been narrowing. At the same time, the supply and demand of China's major agricultural products and the rural economic structure are undergoing profound changes. Since 2010, all three major grains have been converted to net imports. The continuous increase in imports of agricultural products is due to both the increasing demand for domestic agricultural products and the fact that the price of international agricultural products is lower than that of domestic agricultural products. China's farmers, agricultural products manufacturers, countries and consumers are all faced with the dilemma of not being able to make profits, mainly for two reasons: one is that agricultural labor productivity is low, the per capita ownership of land is too little, and the contribution of scientific and technological progress to agricultural production is not high; second, the current international trade rules lead to drawbacks. China should not only strive to ensure the growth of major agricultural products, but also take measures to enhance its position in international agricultural trade and consider the impact on the future development of agriculture.

Among the reform tasks put forward by the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, more than 50 are directly related to agriculture, involving the reform of rural land management system, investment system and so on. Chen Xiwen said that at present, the pilot price formation mechanism for agricultural products, the agricultural support and protection system, land registration and the reform of the household registration system are making steady progress. The agricultural sector has not stopped the pace of reform, there are many major policies to be introduced in the future, such as land expropriation system reform, collective land into the market, farmers' housing property rights mortgage transfer and other policies are being studied. If there is no reform in agriculture, there will be no way out, but many reforms are related to the long-term stability of the country and must be cautious. They cannot be achieved overnight and should be carried out step by step.