
2014 National Wheat Autumn Sowing and Seed Mixing Working Conference Held in Shijiazhuang

Published: 2024-07-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/20, In order to implement the spirit of the National Autumn and Winter Seed Work Video Conference of the Ministry of Agriculture and the instructions of Minister Han Changfu on autumn and winter seed production, on September 26,2014 National Wheat Autumn Seed Mixing Conference was held in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. overall meeting


In order to implement the spirit of the National Autumn and Winter seed work Video Conference of the Ministry of Agriculture and Minister Han Changfu's instructions on grasping autumn and winter seed production, on September 26, 2014, the national wheat autumn sowing chemical seed dressing meeting was held in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. The meeting summarized the prevention and control of wheat diseases and insect pests in 2014, deployed the prevention and control of wheat diseases and insect pests in autumn and winter in 2014, and put forward the overall goal of seed dressing for wheat sowing in autumn this year: to strive to achieve an increase of 2-3 percentage points in the proportion of autumn sowing and seed dressing of winter wheat over the previous year, reaching 90-93% of the total seed treatment of winter wheat. The overall objectives of prevention and control of wheat at seedling stage in autumn and winter were determined: in the source areas of wheat stripe rust and in the southwest, northwest and Han River basins in winter areas, the control and disposal rate of autumn seedlings reached 100%; the control area of wheat powdery mildew, sheath blight and aphids in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and Huang-Huai-Hai wheat region reached more than 90% of the occurrence area.

The meeting asked plant protection departments at all levels to attach great importance to autumn sowing so as to lay a solid foundation for a bumper harvest of summer grain next year. First, it is necessary to strengthen leadership to ensure that the work of pest prevention and control is organized in place. We should formulate scientific and reasonable plans, strengthen the implementation of the responsibility system, and do a good job in seed dressing of wheat sowing in autumn and prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in autumn and winter. Second, we should make preparations as soon as possible to ensure the smooth development of disease and pest prevention and control work. Due to the tight time and heavy task of seed dressing in autumn sowing of wheat, the plant protection department should prepare necessary chemicals, seed mixing equipment and prevention and control machinery according to the occurrence characteristics of local diseases and pests and the needs of prevention and control work in autumn and winter. Third, it is necessary to strengthen monitoring to ensure timely and accurate information on pest prevention and control. Monitoring and early warning is the basis of wheat seed mixing in autumn and prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in autumn and winter. It is necessary to comprehensively analyze the occurrence of soil-borne, seed-borne diseases and insect pests and seedling diseases and insect pests in this area, determine the key objects of prevention and control of autumn sowing and seed mixing, and guide farmers to mix seeds scientifically. Fourth, it is necessary to strengthen supervision to ensure that technical guidance on pest control is in place. It is necessary to comprehensively inspect the implementation of autumn sowing and seed mixing work, give full play to the role of itinerant guidance experts, go deep into the first line of production inspection and guidance, and promote the orderly and effective development of autumn sowing seed mixing work.