
Culture changes the face of agriculture, rural areas and farmers

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, On the calligraphy case, the peasant calligrapher and painter splashed ink; under the shade, the peasant poet expressed his feelings; on the stage, you sang and I took the stage at the Dongyangzhuang Township Cultural Station in Bazhou City, Hebei Province. farmers come here all the year round to talk about poetry, painting, singing and entertainment during leisure time and after dinner.

On the calligraphy case, the peasant calligrapher and painter splashed ink; under the shade, the peasant poet expressed his feelings; on the stage, you sang and I took the stage. At the Dongyangzhuang Township Cultural Station in Bazhou City, Hebei Province, farmers come here all the year round to talk about poetry, painting, singing and entertainment, and the cultural station has become the busiest place in the area. This is just a microcosm of the close relationship between culture and rural areas and farmers.

At present, in Hebei, culture is closely related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers. In the process of promoting the construction of a new socialist countryside, Hebei is gradually making culture a booster for the upgrading of agricultural industry, a converter for changing the appearance of rural areas, and enriching the lives of farmers.

Cultural creativity promotes modern agriculture

"I didn't expect that the bacteria we usually eat should have such a long history and story!" After spending nearly two hours visiting the Chinese fungus Culture Expo Center, Wu Xiaoli, a tourist from Shijiazhuang to Pingquan County, Chengde City, said. In the Chinese Fungi Culture Expo Center, people can not only get a close feel of the 7, 000-year-old Chinese fungus culture through pictures, text and exhibits. you can also watch the production and processing of edible fungi, taste edible mushroom food, and participate in the electronic Mini Game with the theme of "stepping on mushrooms".

"only educated agriculture has lasting vitality." Sun Liliang, deputy head of Pingquan County, said that according to the idea of cultural and creative design and the integrated development of modern agriculture, Pingquan County invested 1.5 billion yuan to build a Chinese fungus cultural industrial park, including the Chinese Fungi Culture Expo Center, Edible Mushroom processing Park, and other projects, and held the first Chinese Mushroom Culture Festival, which became known as "the hometown of Chinese Edible Fungi." At present, Pingquan County produces more than 260 million bags of edible mushrooms annually, which are exported to 20 countries and regions, including the United States, Japan, and France, with an annual foreign exchange of more than 30 million US dollars, which has become a golden rice bowl for farmers to increase their income and become rich.

Cultural creativity and design services are integrated with agriculture, so that agriculture is no longer synonymous with "hard work", but a way of leisure. In Langfang City, which is adjacent to Beijing, there are a large number of agricultural leisure and sightseeing parks, such as Nine-day Ecological Leisure Valley, Guohua Ecological Agricultural Industrial Park, Gu'an Agricultural Expo Park, and so on, among which the Nine-day Ecological Leisure Valley takes full account of the climatic characteristics of the north and makes use of greenhouse greenhouses to transplant southern vegetation to northern cities to create a landscape of flowers competing for beauty and four seasons competing for green.

Cultural facilities make up the appearance of the countryside

Walking into Bailongqiu Village, a new town in Xinji City, the main roads of the hardened streets are clean and tidy, and the Robinia pseudoacacia holly on both sides of the road is lush, the most eye-catching is the cultural wall of the village street. These cultural walls are not only colorful, but also have many themes, such as advocating diligence and frugality, advocating virtue and good deeds, doing good work, filial piety and loving relatives, and so on. Li Mengqun, director of the Bailong Qiu Village Committee, told the reporter: "in the past, this wall was full of small advertisements with graffiti, but now it is painted into a cultural wall, which not only looks good, but also imperceptibly enhances the ideological consciousness of the villagers."

Cultural facilities are indispensable for the improvement of the appearance of the countryside. Changli County pays close attention to the demand of the masses for square dance. 281 cultural squares have been built in 17 townships and 3 subdistrict offices throughout the county, of which 272 are rural cultural squares, accounting for 97% of the total. "the construction of the rural cultural square not only gives farmers a place for leisure and entertainment, but also makes the quiet countryside lively all of a sudden." Bai Xiuchuan, director of Changli County Sports and Culture Bureau, said.

In addition, Sanhe City has invested 40 million yuan to build 40 new villagers' leisure and entertainment squares integrating function hall, library (village history exhibition hall) and information resources sharing room. at present, the city is planning to invest 50 million yuan to build a new batch of villagers' cultural and sports activity square. to provide more places for villagers to carry out cultural activities.

"the first is to meet the basic cultural needs of farmers, so that cultural activities can be organized with venues, equipment, funds, and special personnel; second, there are landmark buildings in rural areas and good places for leisure and entertainment." As for the positioning and role of cultural facilities in rural areas, Qi Yanli, head of the Social and Cultural Section of Zhengding County Culture and Culture Bureau, said.

Culture goes to the countryside to enrich the life of farmers

On August 27th, the Hebei Xinlianxin Art Troupe "Chinese Dream hurried to the examination-walking into the Beautiful Countryside" Culture Huimin Rural condolence performance entered Taicheng Village, Anping County, and more than 500 villagers came to watch the performance. A large number of literary and art programs, such as song and dance, Quyi, opera, sketches, and so on, enable villagers to enjoy high-level literary performances on their doorstep, causing bursts of applause and cheers at the scene from time to time. This year, such activities of sending culture to the countryside include the special campaign of "Cultural moistening Agriculture" jointly launched by the Hengshui Culture and Broadcasting New Bureau and the propaganda Department of the Municipal CPC Committee, and 100 grass-roots cultural performances carried out by the Cang County Culture and Culture New Bureau.

A person in charge of the Arts Department of the Hebei Provincial Culture Department told reporters that since July this year, Hebei provincial finance has allocated 9.26 million yuan of special funds to purchase cultural services from society, and sent 879 literary performances to grass-roots rural areas, communities, primary and secondary schools, and so on, including acrobatics, opera, song and dance, and other artistic categories that are widely loved by farmers.

Inviting farmers into the city to build a stage and provide a platform for farmers'"cultural dream" is also a form of Hebei culture going to the countryside. Just after the Spring Festival this year, the propaganda Department of the Hebei Provincial CPC Committee and the Provincial Federation of Literature and Art held the first exhibition of farmers' calligraphy and paintings in Shijiazhuang City. As one of the important contents of the cultural activities of "Chinese Dream taking the examination" in Hebei Province, this exhibition has attracted the active participation of more than 100 farmers, painters, painters and enthusiasts, and collected more than 1400 works, showing the spiritual outlook and cultural pursuit of new farmers in Hebei in an all-round way.