
This kind of flower will open and hang a few tricks to save it in the summer.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Hang the golden bell upside down, the flower pattern is unique, the blossom is hung on the green leaves in a string, especially beautiful. However, flower friends who have raised an inverted golden bell all know that it is particularly easy to drop flowers and buds in summer, and if they are not careful, they will open and hang up. How can this.

Fuchsia upside down, unique flower type, flowers hanging in a string of green leaves, especially beautiful. However, the flower friends who have raised the inverted bell know that it is especially easy to drop flowers and buds in summer, and a little careless, it will hang up. What should he do?

Don't worry, today teach you a few skills, learned, not afraid to hang upside down in the summer problems.

The flowering period of inverted golden bell is from May to September, but it blooms most vigorously from May to June. After late July, it is in high temperature season. Although cooling measures such as shading ventilation, leaf spray and ground watering are taken, the flowers are still not easy to flourish. If the temperature exceeds 32℃, plant growth is inhibited, leaves gradually wilt, flowers wither and become dormant. A flower of Fuchsia sinensis takes about 3 weeks from formation to flowering, and about 1 week from flowering to withering.

In order to make the branches and leaves of Fuchsia sinensis robust, the flowering period prolonged, and not early fall, water and fertilizer management should be strengthened in early spring from March to April. Organic nutrient solution should be applied once a week, and the ratio of fertilizer to water should be 1:500. Before fertilization, the soil in the basin should be dried. After fertilization, spray water once with a fine watering can to avoid burning and rotting caused by fertilizer solution touching leaves.

In order to promote the growth of new shoots and the continuous formation of new flowers, fertilizer can still be applied in May and June, once every 10 days, but the fertilizer solution should be light, organic nutrient solution should be used, and the ratio of fertilizer to water should be 1:800. 7-8 Fertilization should be stopped because of the hot weather.

In order to make Fuchsia branches more and uniform, vigorous development, flowering exuberant, March can be picked twice, generally once a month. The last one in early April. In early May, flowers bud again, but at this time the temperature rises, if strong direct sunlight, flowers will also fall buds, so to hang the red curtain on the top cover of the golden bell flower pot.

Sunshade between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. During the high temperature period from mid-June to August, it is necessary to shade the sun from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. all day, cover it early and lift it late, and avoid direct sunlight.

Flowering season, watering attention to moderate humidity. Persistent over-drying or over-wetting can cause flower and bud drop, and even cause plant death. Pot soil often keep wet, if the pot soil dry white, that is, need watering, watering to water thoroughly, and at about 8 am watering is good.

Ventilation must be good, doors and windows need to be opened, watering the ground several times a day, and spraying several times with spray, can play a role in moistening the air, reducing the temperature, so that the environment can bloom luxuriantly, avoid falling flowers and buds.