
A new system for supervision and inspection of grain and oil in China has started operation

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, On September 26, the reporter learned from the China Grain Reserve Corporation that in order to strictly observe the safety bottom line of the central grain reserve, since this year, the China Grain Reserve Corporation has strengthened the top-level system design and established the normalization mode of three vertical supervision of people, finance and materials. At present, the new grain and oil supervision inspection of China Grain Reserve Corporation

On September 26, the reporter learned from the Central Grain Storage Corporation that in order to strictly abide by the bottom line of the safety of the central grain reserves, since the beginning of this year, the Central Grain Storage Corporation has strengthened the design of the top-level system and established a normal model of vertical supervision of people, finance, and material.At present, the new grain and oil supervision and inspection system of China Grain Storage has been officially put into operation, playing an active role in ensuring that the "World Granary" performs the duties and missions entrusted by the state and safeguarding national food security.

According to reports, as the main body responsible for the management of grain and oil under the central authority and the implementation of the national grain regulation and control policy, since the beginning of this year, China Grain Storage has carried out the overall design of the group management and control system in accordance with the principles of independence and impartiality, clear responsibilities and strong management and control. with the strictest standards, the strictest process, the strictest implementation, the strictest assessment Really set up the head office-branch-directly subordinate treasury three-level supervision, inspection and law enforcement team. A relevant person in charge of the General Office of the China Grain Storage Corporation told reporters that at the level of the head office, a supervision and inspection office was set up, which was responsible for the supervision and inspection of grain and oil under the central authority of the whole system, and the quality inspection center of the head office was set up by relying on the grain storage science research institute, which was entrusted by the head office to carry out quality inspection work. At the branch level, according to the principle of one company and one center, 26 branch grain and oil quality supervision centers are set up, which are completely separated from the directly affiliated depots, all of which are uniformly managed by the branch and are responsible for the supervision and inspection of grain and oil in the area under their jurisdiction. Among them, 20 branch grain and oil quality supervision centers with a reserve size of more than 4 billion jin are independent legal persons, and the other 6 branch grain and oil quality supervision centers are relatively independent non-corporate units. Set up an inspection room at the direct warehouse level, responsible for daily grain and oil quality inspection.

In order to ensure the impartiality and independence of the supervision system, it is clear that all expenses for supervision and inspection will be included in the company's budget. In order to do the supervision and inspection of grain and oil, the central government has issued the measures for Supervision, Inspection and Administration of the quantity and quality of Grain and Oil, and made clear the principle of "four not letting go" in the supervision and inspection of grain and oil. That is, "do not let go of those who have doubts, those who have hidden feelings, those who have signs of violations, and those who have not found out the problems." it is clearly stipulated that during the inspection, "there must be warehouses, grain must be checked, and the inspection must be thorough." In addition to the routine general survey of grain and oil in spring and autumn, occasional surprise inspections of grain and oil in stock have been added, such as no warning in advance, cross sampling, and remote inspection, to ensure that the operation process is strict and standardized, the inspection results are objective and true, and the quantity and quality of grain and oil under the authority of the central government is always reliable.

During the transfer period this year, in order to avoid changes in grain quality caused by high temperature and humidity in the south, the relevant branches of China Grain Storage all carried out special inspections on the grain out of the warehouse, and the unqualified and substandard grain firmly did not leave the warehouse, and closely followed up during the transfer process, ensuring that the grain quality of the national policy grain inter-provincial transfer warehouse was up to standard, and the relevant state departments were quite satisfied with the work of transferring inter-provincial grain storage this year.