
Forestry Bureau: a new round of returning farmland to forests is officially launched

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, On September 25, the task of returning farmland to forest and grassland of 5 million mu in 2014 was officially announced, which marked the start of a new round of work of returning farmland to forest. On September 28, the State Forestry Administration held a national teleconference on the implementation of returning farmland to forests to implement the approval of the State Council.

On September 25, the task of returning farmland to forest and grassland of 5 million mu in 2014 was officially announced, which marked the start of a new round of work of returning farmland to forest. On September 28, the State Forestry Administration held a national teleconference on the implementation of returning farmland to forests, implemented the "new round of overall plan for returning farmland to forests and grasslands" approved by the State Council, arranged and deployed a new round of work on returning farmland to forests and construction tasks in 2014, and promoted the all-round development of ecological forestry and people's livelihood forestry.

Zhao Shucong, director of the State Forestry Administration, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Zhang Yongli, deputy director of the State Forestry Administration, presided over the meeting. Feng Jiaping, chief engineer of the Bureau, and relevant leaders of the Western Department of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Agriculture Department of the Ministry of Finance attended the meeting.

Zhao Shucong said: after the catastrophic flood in 1998, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council showed great foresight, judged the hour and sized up the situation, and decisively made a major decision to implement the project of returning farmland to forests. After more than ten years of efforts, by 2013, the central government had invested 354.2 billion yuan and completed the task of returning farmland to forests of 447 million mu, directly benefiting 32 million farmers and 124 million farmers. the construction of the project has achieved remarkable ecological, economic and social benefits. Practice has proved that the implementation of the project of returning farmland to forests is a far-sighted and wise decision made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and a landmark project to promote the construction of ecological civilization and the transformation and development of forestry in our country. it is a successful model for promoting harmony between man and nature and realizing sustainable development. it has been wholeheartedly supported by grass-roots cadres and masses and widely praised by international and domestic experts and scholars.

Zhao Shucong pointed out: at present, soil erosion and the harm of wind and sand are still the most prominent ecological problems in our country, and large areas of sloping and desertified farmland continue to be cultivated throughout the country, resulting in the decline of soil fertility, the siltation of rivers, and the decline of the water conservation capacity of important water sources, seriously threatening the production and life of the people and the safety of their lives and property, and seriously restricting the process of ecological civilization construction and sustainable economic and social development. The implementation of a new round of returning farmland to forests is a major policy decision made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, a strategic measure for building an ecological civilization and a beautiful China, and an inevitable choice for solving the problems of soil and water loss and wind and sand hazards in our country. it is also an objective requirement for promoting farmers to shake off poverty and build a well-off society in an all-round way, and the broad masses of grass-roots cadres and masses are looking forward to it.

Zhao Shucong demanded that it is necessary to deeply study and understand the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches and the requirements of Premier Li Keqiang's important instructions, deeply understand the great significance of continuing to do a good job in returning farmland to forests to promote the development of ecological forestry, increase China's forest resources, and deal with global climate change, comprehensively implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and conscientiously organize and implement a new round of work of returning farmland to forests. We will earnestly do a good job in the task of returning farmland to forests, which has a bearing on the national economy and the people's livelihood. It is necessary to give priority to ecology, closely centering on the fundamental goal of enhancing ecological function and expanding forest area, give priority to selecting tree species with strong function of soil and water conservation, and give priority to returning farmland to forests in areas with important ecological location, fragile ecological conditions, and concentrated areas with special difficulties. It is necessary to respect scientific laws, proceed from reality, make steady progress in accordance with natural and economic laws, and prevent the will and formalism of officials. It is necessary to strengthen the implementation of policies, accurately grasp the overall requirements and policy measures for the new round of returning farmland to forests, do a good job in publicity and mobilization, policy training, and so on, so that grass-roots cadres and masses can be familiar with the policy contents and clarify the work requirements, so as to ensure that they do not deviate or deviate in the process of implementation. It is necessary to strengthen management and protection in the later stage, issue forest rights certificates in a timely manner, scientifically formulate forest management plans, implement the main body and responsibilities of management and protection, seriously investigate and deal with acts such as random requisition and arbitrary occupation of land for returning farmland to forests, and restore farmland without authorization, so as to consolidate the achievements of returning farmland to forests in accordance with the law. In order to fully implement the responsibilities, governments at all levels and relevant departments, especially forestry departments, should perform their respective duties, form joint forces, and jointly promote them, and at the same time properly implement the responsibilities and rights and interests of farmers returning farmland.

Zhao Shucong stressed that 2014 is the beginning of a new round of returning farmland to forests. On the basis of doing a good job in publicity and mobilization and policy training, all localities should conscientiously do a good job in peasant household declaration, homework design, seedling supply, and technical services, and decompose and implement tasks to specific hilltop plots and farmers returning farmland as soon as possible. to ensure that the task is fully completed this winter and next spring. It is necessary to strengthen the supervision of the implementation process of the project and the acceptance of the implementation results, and control the quality of seeds and seedlings, planting quality, inspection and acceptance, and assessment and monitoring, so as to ensure the quality of project construction, and make a good start and a good start for the new round of returning farmland to forests.