
Minister of Agriculture: fully implement the national food security war under the new situation

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Since the 18th CPC National Congress of Han Changfu, the national food security strategy under the new situation, the new central collective leadership with Comrade Xi Jinping as the general secretary has focused on Chinese Dream, who has realized the two centenary goals and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Fully implement the national food security strategy under the new situation

Han Changfu

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the new central collective leadership with Comrade Xi Jinping as general secretary has focused on Chinese Dream, who has achieved the goals of "two centenary years" and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This paper puts forward the national food security strategy under the new situation of "giving priority to us, having a foothold at home, ensuring production capacity, moderate import and scientific and technological support". It is stressed that the strategic bottom line of "ensuring basic self-sufficiency in grain and absolute safety of rations" should be adhered to. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that the protection of national food security should not be loosened at any time. The Chinese people's rice bowls should be firmly in their own hands at all times, and our rice bowls should be mainly filled with Chinese food. This fully reflects the central authorities' profound grasp of China's national conditions and the laws of modernization, and strengthens the administrative concept and work requirements of attaching importance to agriculture and grain. We should deeply understand the national food security strategy under the new situation, and go all out to promote the stable development of grain production with a high degree of self-consciousness and solid action.

I. accurately grasp the connotation and requirements of the national food security strategy under the new situation.

Throughout the ages, sufficient food has been the first good measure to govern the country. The ancients said that food is the most important thing for the people, "Hong Fan eight politics, food as the head of government." For a populous country like China, food security is particularly important and should not be taken lightly at any time. The party and government have always attached great importance to grain production, introduced a series of important policies and measures, and made achievements praised all over the world. at present, China has relatively steadily used less than 10% of the world's arable land and produced 1% of the world's grain. Feed the world's population of 1% and 5%. This is a major contribution to world food security and answers the question of who will feed the Chinese people with practical actions.

At present, China is in the critical stage of building a well-off society in an all-round way, and ensuring national food security is facing a new situation and tasks. At the Central Economic work Conference and the Central Rural work Conference held at the end of last year, General Secretary Xi Jinping put the protection of national food security at the top of economic work, stressing that as long as there were no major food problems, China's affairs would be stable. The No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee this year proposed that it is necessary to step up efforts to build a national food security strategy under the new situation. We should be based on the overall situation of economic and social development, deeply understand and accurately grasp the rich connotation of the national food security strategy under the new situation.

Grasp the strategic foothold, always adhere to self-oriented, based on the domestic. As the largest grain producer and consumer in the world, China is constrained by cultivated land, fresh water and other resources. It is an objective reality that there is a gap in food, and it is necessary to make effective use of international markets and foreign resources. However, more than a billion Chinese people cannot make a living by buying or begging for food. Our rice bowls should mainly be filled with our own food. This is because: on the one hand, the adjustment space of the international market is limited. At present, the global grain trade volume is only 500 billion jin to 600 billion jin, which is less than half of China's grain consumption, and the rice trade volume is about 70 billion jin, which is only equivalent to 1% of China's rice consumption, which is not enough for us to eat, nor can it be sold to us; on the other hand, large-scale imports are not sustainable. If China buys a large amount of grain from the international market for a long time, it may cause a substantial increase in food prices in the international market, which will not only pay a high substitute price, but also affect China's relations with some underdeveloped and developing countries.

Grasp the strategic focus and make clear the priority of ensuring national food security. There is only so much arable land in our country, and the demand is so great, so we must keep it under pressure, take it and give up, and concentrate our efforts on preserving the most basic and important ones first. The first is to "protect food rations". Rice and wheat are the basic varieties of rations in China. 60% of the people in the country take rice as the staple food, and 40% of the people mainly eat pasta. This requires the rational allocation of resources, giving priority to ensuring the production of rice and wheat, and generally stabilizing the rice area at more than 450 million mu and the wheat area at more than 340 million mu. The second is to "protect grain". Grain conservation is mainly rice, wheat and corn, and the output of these three major crops accounts for about 90% of China's total grain output. Rice and wheat should be protected as rations, while corn is an important feed grain and industrial grain. At present, the planting area of corn in China is 545 million mu, which should be basically stable.

Grasp the strategic focus, strive to ensure production capacity and strengthen scientific and technological support. To enhance the comprehensive grain production capacity of our country, we must first hide grain on the ground. At present, the medium-and low-yield fields account for 2% of the arable land, and the effective irrigation area accounts for only a little more than half, and the situation of relying on nature for food has not fundamentally changed. In order to ensure production capacity, keeping the red line of cultivated land is an important prerequisite, delineating permanent basic farmland is an important guarantee, and building high-standard farmland for drought and waterlogging is an important way. Secondly, it is necessary to hide grain in technology. Under the background of the increasing constraints of cultivated land, water and other resources, the fundamental way to increase grain production lies in science and technology. Last year, the contribution rate of China's agricultural scientific and technological progress reached 55.2 percent, an increase of nearly 12 percentage points over 10 years ago, and the comprehensive mechanization level of crop cultivation and harvest reached 59.5 percent, an increase of 27 percentage points over 10 years ago. Agricultural science and technology has made a great contribution to China's grain production in recent years, but there is still a big gap compared with developed countries. The gap is potential, and in the future, we should adhere to the connotative development road of relying on scientific and technological progress and increasing per unit yield, and insert the wings of science and technology into agriculture and grain.

Grasp the strategic balance, import agricultural products appropriately, and make good use of two kinds of resources and two markets. China has insufficient land, insufficient water and great pressure on resources and environment, so it is necessary to import moderately in order to meet the market demand. On the one hand, it is necessary to do a good job in regulating the surplus and deficiency of varieties. In China, special varieties such as strong gluten wheat, weak gluten wheat and malting barley are still in short supply, and appropriate imports are needed to make up for the domestic shortage. At the same time, it is also necessary to import some varieties with foreign characteristics to meet the diversified consumer demand. On the other hand, it is necessary to make a good annual balance adjustment. During the warring States period, Li Gou, prime minister of the State of Wei, regarded the "Peace Law" as an important part of the reform, which in essence was to regulate the grain market and prices to prevent cheap grain from hurting farmers and rice from hurting the people. Agriculture is directly affected by the climate, the annual harvest is often found, and needs to be adjusted through import, export and inventory. In order to adapt to the process of economic globalization, it is also necessary to coordinate the international and domestic markets and import an appropriate amount of food rations to replenish domestic stocks and reduce the pressure on domestic resources and environment. However, it is necessary to grasp the scale and rhythm of imports and prevent the concentrated and mass imports of individual varieties from impacting domestic production and adversely affecting the increase of farmers' income.

Adhere to strategic support points, maintain food self-sufficiency and maintain a safe line of arable land. How much of our own food is safe in our rice bowls and what we rely on to ensure that we have enough food need to be scientifically evaluated and a bottom line drawn. In accordance with the requirements of the national food security strategy, the "two indicators" should be quantified. Judging from the resource conditions, demand structure, and domestic and foreign experience, one is to be "basically self-sufficient in grain" and keep the self-sufficiency rate of grain above 95%; the second is to achieve "absolute safety in rations", and the self-sufficiency rate of rice and wheat can basically reach 100%. This is not only a hard indicator for ensuring national food security, but also a hard constraint. Delineating the "two bottom lines" to achieve the goal of self-sufficiency and stabilizing the sown area is the basis. Judging from the current level of grain yield per unit area and the potential of scientific and technological progress in the future, under the premise of keeping the red line of 1.8 billion mu of cultivated land, we must keep the bottom line of 1.6 billion mu of grain sown area and 1.4 billion mu of grain sown area.

In short, we must not forget history and be blindly optimistic on the grain issue, and we cannot forget the taste of starving yesterday when we are full today. If we cannot increase grain production year after year, we will not see the difficulty and pressure of ensuring food security in the future. the task of ensuring food security is still very arduous.