
Three New understandings on the Integration of Urban and Rural areas dual dual structure

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, In our country, there is not only an urban-rural dual structure with agricultural registered population as one yuan and non-agricultural registered population as one yuan, but also an intra-urban dual structure with local registered population as one yuan and non-local registered population as one yuan. Urban-rural dual structure within the city

In our country, there is not only an urban-rural dual structure with agricultural registered population as one yuan and non-agricultural registered population as one yuan, but also an intra-urban dual structure with local registered population as one yuan and non-local registered population as one yuan. Urban-rural dual structure the dual structure within the city constitutes a dual dual structure. Urban-rural integration can be divided into urban-rural integration in a narrow sense and urban-rural integration in a broad sense. The urban-rural integration in a narrow sense is called urban-rural integration in a narrow sense. The urban-rural integration that breaks both the urban-rural dual structure and the urban-rural dual structure within the city is called the broad urban-rural integration. The narrow sense of urban-rural integration is one-sided urban-rural integration, and the broad sense of urban-rural integration is the comprehensive urban-rural integration. Urbanization and urban-rural integration are related to the relationship between urban and rural areas, which are different expressions of urban-rural relationship. There are two different relationships between urbanization and urban-rural integration.

The third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee proposed: "the dual structure of urban and rural areas is the main obstacle to the integration of urban and rural development." We must improve the system and mechanism, form a new type of urban-rural relationship between workers and farmers, promoting agriculture by industry, leading rural areas by cities, mutual benefit between workers and farmers, and the integration of urban and rural areas, so that the broad masses of farmers can equally participate in the modernization process and share the fruits of modernization. " Like the dual structure of urban and rural areas, urban-rural integration is an important concept with Chinese characteristics, which was put forward by the best policy researchers in China in the 1980s in the practice of reform and opening up. The relationship between urban-rural integration and urban-rural dual structure, just like the relationship between "spear" and "shield", urban-rural integration is aimed at the urban-rural dual structure, and the process of urban-rural integration is actually the process of breaking the urban-rural dual structure. Using the spear of urban-rural integration to break the "shield" of urban-rural dual structure, and finally form a new type of urban-rural relationship with equality, openness, integration and complementary functions, which is not only the fundamental way to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. it is also the fundamental requirement to realize the progress of social civilization. At present, we not only need to re-understand the urban-rural dual structure, but also need to re-understand the urban-rural integration.

1. Dual dual structure

The dual structure of urban and rural areas has distinct Chinese characteristics, which is an important institutional source of China's "three rural" problems. In the 1980s, rural policy researchers represented by Guo Shutian and Liu Chunbin made a groundbreaking and important research on China's dual social structure. On this basis, we have proposed that the fundamental way to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers is to get rid of the dual social structure. In October 2008, the third Plenary session of the 17th CPC Central Committee made it clear that efforts should be made to break the dual structure of urban and rural areas and speed up the formation of a new pattern of integration of urban and rural economic and social development. by 2020, the system and mechanism of the integration of urban and rural economic and social development will be basically established. In recent years, accelerating the integration of urban and rural areas and breaking the dual structure of urban and rural areas has become the mainstream policy choice. Many new measures have been introduced and a lot of new progress has been made in promoting urban-rural integration. In 2010, the author put forward the problem of dual dual structure in the investigation of urban-rural fringe in Beijing.

The dual social structure of urban and rural areas in China has two forms: static and dynamic. The static urban-rural dual structure is based on the two different household registration identities of farmers and citizens under the planned economic system, so as to establish an unequal system of rights between urban and rural areas, citizens and farmers, and implement the "separation of urban and rural areas and one country, two policies". Make farmers in the unequal position of "second-class citizens". The dynamic urban-rural dual structure is based on the two different identities of local residents and foreign population (mainly migrant workers, but not just migrant workers), so as to establish an unequal system of rights between urban local residents and migrant population. The implementation of "urban separation, one city, two policies", so that the migrant population in the unequal position of "second-class citizens". The dynamic urban-rural dual structure is a new form of the original static urban-rural dual structure in the city since the market-oriented reform.

Static urban-rural dual structure and dynamic urban-rural dual structure constitute the dual dual structure of contemporary China. In the developed coastal areas and large and medium-sized cities, the dual dual structure is intertwined, which constitutes a major institutional obstacle to urbanization and urban-rural integration.

The static urban-rural dual social structure in China was formed in the 1950s. It is the product of the planned economic system and the result of the institutional arrangement led by the government. Its basic characteristics are the separation of urban and rural areas, the unequal status of farmers and citizens, the unequal rights to enjoy and the unequal obligations. This urban-rural dual structure, which discriminates against farmers as the core, restricts farmers in rural areas and forbids farmers from moving to cities, forming a static dual social structure, which we call static urban-rural dual structure. the static urban-rural dual structure discriminates against peasant groups in terms of system, and they are deeply marked with the identity of agricultural household registration. For a long time, China has sought development in the established dual structure of urban and rural areas. Until the third Plenary session of the 17th CPC Central Committee in 2008, it was clear that the elimination of the dual structure between urban and rural areas became the basic public policy of the country. The static urban-rural dual structure has been going on for more than 50 years and is now being broken.

China's dynamic urban-rural dual social structure was formed in the 1980s. It is the product of market-oriented reform and the result of the dual role of market forces and government behavior. Its basic characteristics are the internal partition of the city, the unequal status between the migrant population and the population of this city, the unequal rights enjoyed and the unequal obligations. This dual structure, which takes discrimination against foreign population as the core, excludes foreign population from the public services provided by the government, and forms a dynamic dual social structure caused by population mobility, which we call dynamic urban-rural dual structure. the object of institutional discrimination of the dynamic urban-rural dual structure is the migrant population. Many of the migrants entering the city are migrant workers, but there are also other non-agricultural residents who are stamped with the identity of migrant or floating population. Since the reform, all kinds of cities in China have sought development in the established dynamic urban-rural dual structure. Since the 16th CPC National Congress, the country has attached great importance to solving the problem of migrant workers, but the migrant population, including migrant workers, has not been able to really integrate into the city to become equal new citizens, they are the object of strict management of the city. The dynamic urban-rural dual structure has lasted for more than 30 years.

Since the reform, with the development of industrialization and urbanization, the population has been concentrated to the cities, the foreign population of all kinds of cities in the country has been growing, and the foreign population of some cities has greatly exceeded the local population. On the basis of the traditional urban-rural dual structure, the power of market-oriented reform has given birth to a new dynamic dual structure in the city. All kinds of cities in China, especially large and medium-sized cities and towns in economically developed areas, have formed a dual dual structure superimposed by the traditional static urban-rural dual structure and the dynamic urban-rural dual structure that has emerged since the reform. There is a dual dual structure in all cities and towns with foreign population, especially in large and medium-sized cities with a large concentration of foreign population.

If we say that the static urban-rural dual structure under the traditional planned economic system is mainly the result of administrative power, then with the acceleration of industrialization and urbanization since the reform, the dynamic dual structure formed by the migration of a large number of migrant population, including rural surplus labor, is the product of the joint action of market forces and government behavior. However, this dynamic dual structure is formed on the basis of the traditional static urban-rural dual structure, in other words, the dynamic dual structure in the city is the replication and remote regeneration of the static urban-rural dual structure. The common essence between the two is to treat a certain group unequally. Dual structure is the main social structural obstacle to the development of urbanization and urban-rural integration in China.

The dual dual structure proposed by us is different from the "new dual structure" mentioned by some scholars. Professor Sun Liping once put forward the concept of "new dual structure". He regarded the urban-rural dual structure formed before the reform as a kind of administrative-dominated dual structure. Since the 1990s, what he called a market-oriented dual structure began to appear. This is a new dual structure, which leads to the transformation of China's economic life from the stage of daily necessities to the stage of durable consumer goods. In the era of durable consumer goods, the consumption items of urban people have little to do with rural areas or farmers, and the durable consumption expenditure of urban people is very difficult to flow to rural areas, and a kind of consumption fracture has been formed between urban and rural areas. this urban-rural dual structure caused by market factors is a kind of market-led "new dual structure". Obviously, the concept of "new dual structure" enriches the connotation of traditional urban-rural dual structure, but "new dual structure" still belongs to the category of traditional urban-rural dual structure or what we call static dual structure. It does not involve the dynamic urban-rural dual structure in the city.

In the 1990s, some scholars put forward and discussed the issue of "ternary social structure". We find that different scholars have different understanding of the connotation of "ternary structure". The concept of "ternary structure" which is closest to our dynamic urban-rural dual structure is to regard migrant workers or floating population as a social unit. in this sense, the use of the concept of "ternary structure" mainly focuses on the problems of migrant workers and floating population. The denotation of the dynamic urban-rural dual structure we use is wider than that of the "ternary structure". In all kinds of cities, as the one yuan of the local registered population and the one yuan of all the migrant population, constitute a dynamic urban-rural dual structure with unequal identity and rights. The main body of the migrant population in the city is migrant workers, but not only migrant workers, but also other urban non-agricultural registered population; foreign population is not just floating population, those who have settled in a city for 10 or 20 years, although no longer "mobile", but still regarded as "floating population".

It is of great theoretical and practical significance to put forward and use the concept of dual structure. Theoretically, the urban migrant population problems such as migrant workers, ant tribe and floating population formed since the reform can be explained in the framework of dynamic urban-rural dual structure. In practice, getting rid of the urban-rural dual structure has become the current mainstream public policy, but in getting rid of the urban-rural dual structure, the more common phenomenon is to focus on breaking the traditional static urban-rural dual structure, while relatively ignoring the dynamic dual structure. For the migrant population, although various localities have introduced policies to improve the treatment of migrant workers and other migrant workers, the traditional thinking and policies of various city governments in dealing with migrant population still exist seriously. In dealing with the migrant population, all kinds of cities are mainly limited to strengthening the public security management of the migrant population, rather than treating them equally as new citizens who have emigrated to the city. That is to say, in the process of urban-rural integration, the problem of migrant population has not risen to get rid of the dynamic urban-rural dual structure. The concept of dynamic dual structure provides important theoretical support for all kinds of cities to promote the practice of urban integration.