
Fully stimulate the development vitality of farmers' cooperatives

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Recently, nine departments of the national inter-ministerial joint meeting on the development of farmers' cooperatives, such as the Ministry of Agriculture, the Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Finance, issued the "opinions on guiding and promoting the standardized Development of Farmers' Cooperatives". This paper puts forward the task of strengthening the standardized construction of farmers' cooperatives from 12 aspects.

Recently, nine departments of the national inter-ministerial joint meeting on the development of farmers' cooperatives, such as the Ministry of Agriculture, the Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Finance, issued the "opinions on guiding and promoting the standardized Development of Peasant Cooperatives." this paper puts forward the task of strengthening the standardized construction of peasant cooperatives from 12 aspects. This is another landmark document in the seven years since the promulgation and implementation of the Farmers' specialized Cooperatives Law. With the deepening of the process of agricultural industrialization and the development of rural market economy, it is inevitable for farmers to unite and take the road of cooperative development. In order to better implement the opinions and fully stimulate the development vitality of farmers' specialized cooperatives, it is suggested that farmers' cooperatives should make efforts from the following aspects:

Honest management and strong service atmosphere are the basis of the development of cooperatives. The main body of cooperatives are members, who deal directly with farmers, who are most concerned about the quality of agricultural materials and the level of service. In the three-dimensional compound modern agricultural management system, household management is the foundation, cooperation and association are the link, and social service is the support. From the perspective of the relatively successful farmers' cooperatives, one of the important reasons for their rapid growth is that they pay more attention to quality and efficiency in the process of serving members. We should always adhere to the concept of honest management and "benefit members", ensure that agricultural materials are of high quality and cheap, and make members feel at ease, at ease and at ease. At the same time, establish and improve the traceability system for the quality of agricultural products, guide members to establish a production record system, and ensure product quality and the "safety on the tip of the tongue" of the people.

Strengthening guidance and strengthening the team is the premise of the development of cooperatives. Cooperatives should take service as the central link, and promote the development of agricultural material management, agricultural machinery operation, crop planting and purchase and marketing through the central link of service. The No. 1 documents of the Central Committee in 2009 and 2013 both proposed to carry out the construction of demonstration societies and to build them into the benchmark of standardized operation and the focus of policy support. It is suggested that we should adhere to the principle of "taking measures in accordance with social conditions, one club, one policy" and vigorously grasp the "three batches", that is, those who basically meet the registration requirements stipulated by the law should persist in providing services to the co-operatives and "guide the registration of a batch" in a timely manner; for those already registered, efforts should be made to "support and upgrade a batch"; to speed up the "cultivation and development of a batch" of professional associations with no business foundation and places with obvious industrial characteristics and strong desire for cooperation among the masses. Efforts should be made to improve the quality of the leaders of farmers' cooperatives and bring the training of talents of farmers' cooperatives into the construction of practical talents and the support plan for modern agricultural talents. focus on training and improving the ability of the chairman of farmers' cooperatives in organization and management, entrepreneurial operation, market negotiation, product marketing and so on.

Giving benefits to the people and policy support are the key to the development of cooperatives. In the process of serving its members, cooperatives should reduce costs as much as possible, appropriately compress profit margins, benefit the people, and let farmers get real benefits, so that cooperatives can develop and grow. It is suggested to study and introduce preferential policies to support farmers' cooperatives so that the broad masses of farmers can really benefit. In terms of industrial policy support, farmers' cooperatives are regarded as an important aspect of the implementation of the national agricultural support and protection system and organizational resources that can be relied on, and farmers' cooperatives are given priority to undertake or absorb the participation of farmers' cooperatives. In terms of financial support, special development funds should be arranged for infrastructure construction, technology introduction, personnel training, loan discount and so on. We will implement and improve preferential tax policies for cooperatives and support cooperatives in developing the production, processing and circulation of agricultural products. In terms of construction land support, the land for production facilities and ancillary facilities of farmers' cooperatives shall be managed according to agricultural land, and if it is in line with urban planning, priority shall be given to land use indicators.

Standardizing management and establishing rules and regulations are the guarantee for the development of cooperatives. In the process of development, cooperatives must strictly follow the articles of association and always regard it as the fundamental system to determine the direction of the development of cooperatives. We will establish and improve various systems such as financial accounting and social affairs management, and improve member accounts and files, so as to enable cooperatives to run cooperatives in accordance with the rules and regulations and act in accordance with the rules and regulations. Strengthen the registration of cooperatives and, as the most basic condition for enjoying relevant support, change and cancel registration in accordance with the law, and regularly submit annual reports to the department for industry and commerce through the enterprise credit information publicity system. To guide cooperatives to establish and improve (members) congresses, councils, boards of supervisors and other organizations. Adhere to the bottom line of the legal system, clarify the relationship between property rights, adhere to the democratic decision-making method of "one person, one vote", and focus on strengthening the supervision and management of farmers' cooperatives.